10.10 / June 29, 2015
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Light Chrome || Легкий Хром.

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App Information Легкий Хром || Light Chrome

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    Легкий Хром || Light Chrome
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    June 29, 2015
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  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
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    500 - 1,000
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    Visit website Email TheDesignio@gmail.com
    Russian Federation | Bryansk | 241037 | Griboedova Street 24
  • Google Play Link

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Epictetus. Aphorisms 1.0 APK
Epictetus. AphorismsThe Best Quotes of Great Epictetus.---------------------------------------------------Epictetus was a Greek sage and Stoic philosopher. He was bornaslave at Hierapolis, Phrygia (present day Pamukkale, Turkey),andlived in Rome until his banishment, when he went to Nicopolisinnorthwestern Greece for the rest of his life. His teachingswerewritten down and published by his pupil Arrian inhisDiscourses.Philosophy, Epictetus taught, is a way of life and not justatheoretical discipline. To Epictetus, all external eventsaredetermined by fate, and are thus beyond our control; weshouldaccept whatever happens calmly and dispassionately.However,individuals are responsible for their own actions, whichthey canexamine and control through rigorous self-discipline.Suffering occurs from trying to control what is uncontrollable,orfrom neglecting what is within our power. As part of theuniversalcity that is the universe, it is our duty to care for allourfellow men. Those who follow these precepts will achievehappinessand peace of mind.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epictetus
Историческая библиотека Том 10 10.11 APK
Историческая библиотека. Том 10Следующую характеристику Диодору даёт патриарх Фотий:Прочитано сорок книг Диодора Сицилийского, содержащих своего родавсемирную историю. Он более подробен, чем Кефалион и ГесихийИллюстрий в описании тех же эпох. Его стиль ясный, бесхитростный ипревосходно подходит для истории. Он не подпадает под чрезмерноевлияние аттицизма или старинного способа выражаться, но с другойстороны он вовсе не опускается до уровня обыденного языка. Онскорее имеет склонность к стилю промежуточному между этими двумя,избегая фигур речи и тому подобное притворство, и только пользуетсяязыком басни, по обычаю поэтов, там, где он рассказывает легенды обогах и героях.Он начинает свою историю с мифической эпохи греков и варваров идоходит до начала войны между римлянами и кельтами, в то времякогда Гай Юлий Цезарь (называемый римлянами "божественный" в связис его великими подвигами) подчинил большинство из этих самыхвоинственных кельтских народов. Он потратил тридцать лет наисторию, как он сам говорит, посетив несколько разных стран радиполучения сведений, и подвергая себя многим опасностям. Он был изсицилийского Агириона; от долгого общения с римлянами он сталзнатоком этого народа и его языка, и он старательно собрал рассказыо всех их главных успехах и неудачах.Вся история состоит из сорока книг. В первых шести описаны события,предшествующие Троянской войне и другие легенды, в следующиходиннадцати - события в Мире от взятия Трои до смерти АлександраВеликого, в остальных двадцати трёх - события до времени, когдаразразилась война между кельтами и римлянами под руководством ЮлияЦезаря. Он подчинил большинство, и самых воинственных из этихнародов, и расширил Римскую империи до Британских островов, и вэтом месте история заканчивается.Слова самого Диодора:... мы... потратили для составления этого сочинения тридцать лет ис многими трудностями и опасностями посетили большую часть районовАзии и Европы, с тем чтобы собственными глазами увидеть необходимыеи наиболее важные места, потому что из-за незнания местностеймногие ошибались - не только заурядные писатели, но и некоторые изтех, которые добились первенства благодаря своей славе.Побудительным мотивом для осуществления этого замысла для нас былостремление к занятию литературным трудом, благодаря которому то,что для всех кажется трудным, получает завершение, а кроме того, вРиме был достаточный запас материалов, имеющих отношение кпредложенному сочинению. Ведь превосходство этого города, благодарямогуществу распространившееся до крайних границ обитаемого мира,доставило нам, проживающим в Риме в течение длительного времени,наиболее приготовленные и многочисленные средства. Мы, происходя изАгириона в Сицилии, вследствие контактов с римлянами, которые жилина острове, получили хорошее знание языка римлян, поэтому обо всехсобытиях, имевших отношение к их господству, мы располагали точнымисведениями, почерпнутыми из документов, которые у них сохранялись втечение длительного времени. Изложение нашей истории мы начали смифов, получивших распространение среди эллинов и варваров,исследуя засвидетельствованные у тех и других с древних времёнфакты настолько, насколько это оказалось для нас возможным.Источник текста и перевод simposium.ruHistorical Library.Volume 10Diodorus gives the following characteristics PatriarchPhotios:Read forty books Diodorus containing a kind of world history. It ismore detailed than Kefalion and Gesihy illustration: in thedescription of the same ages. His style is clear, simple-minded andperfect for the story. He is not subject to undue influence orattitsizma ancient way of expressing, but on the other hand, hedoes not drop to the level of ordinary language. Rather, it tendsto the style intermediate between the two to avoid figures ofspeech, and the like make-believe, and only uses the language offable, after the manner of poets, where he tells the legends ofgods and heroes.He begins his story with the mythical era of the Greeks and thebarbarians, and comes to the beginning of the war between theRomans and the Celts, at a time when Gaius Julius Caesar (theRomans called "divine" because of his great deeds) submit to themajority of the most militant of the Celtic nations. He spentthirty years of history, as he says himself, visiting severaldifferent countries in order to obtain information, and exposingthemselves to many dangers. He was one of the Sicilian Agiriona;from long association with the Romans, he became an expert of thepeople and their language, and he carefully collected the storiesof all of their major successes and failures.The whole story is made up of forty books. In the first sixdescribe events preceding the Trojan War and other legends, thefollowing eleven - world events from the capture of Troy to thedeath of Alexander the Great, in the rest of the twenty-three -event to the time when war broke out between the Celts and theRomans under the leadership of Julius Caesar. He subdued themajority and most militant of these people, and extended the RomanEmpire to the British Isles, and at this point the storyends.The words of Diodorus:... ... We spent to produce this work for thirty years, and withmany difficulties and dangers of the most visited parts of Asia andEurope in order to see for the necessary and most important place,because due to ignorance, many wrong places - not only mediocrewriters, and some of those that have achieved superiority becauseof their fame. The motivation for the implementation of this planfor us was the desire to engage in literary work, thanks to whichwhat seems to be difficult for all, gets the completion of, and inaddition, in Rome, was an adequate supply of materials relevant tothe proposed works. After all, the superiority of the city, throughthe power has spread to the extreme boundaries of the inhabitedworld, it brings us living in Rome for a long time, the mostprepared and numerous tools. We, coming from Agiriona in Sicily,through contact with the Romans, who lived on the island, got agood knowledge of the language of the Romans, so all the eventsthat occurred related to their domination, we have accurateinformation gleaned from documents that have persisted for long.The presentation of our history, we began with myths disseminatedamong the Greeks and barbarians, certified examining those andother facts from ancient times as much as it was possible forus.Source text and translation simposium.ru
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TOLDOT Mobile || TORAH OnlineTorah Lessons. Quick access to the site TOLDOT.ru--------------------------------------------------------------------------TOLDOT.ru || Mobile ViewTOLDOT.ru - Judaism and Jews.Quick access to the site TOLDOT.ruAll materials belong to the organization "ToldotYeshurun."[http://toldot.ru]The application is the implementation of a simple andconvenientaccess to the site, users of mobile devices.Toldos YeshurunP.O.B. 50566Jerusalem 91505Israel
Великие православные старцы 10.1 APK
Великие православные старцыЖизнеописанияВоспоминания современниковПоученияПодвиги и чудесаМолитвыGreat OrthodoxeldersBiographiesMemoirs of contemporariesTeachingsFeats and miraclesPrayers
Gandhi Quotes 1.0 APK
Gandhi QuotesThe Best Gandhi Quotes and Fundamentals - The Best Gandhi Words forWorld--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Best Gandhi Quotes and Fundamentals - The Best Gandhi Words forWorld#Gandhi Quotes || FundamentalsThe #Best Gandhi #Quotes || #Fundamentals - The Best #Gandhi Wordsfor World#Mohandas K. Gandhi || Gandhi || FundamentalsMohandas Karamchand Gandhi (pronounced [ˈmoːɦənd̪aːs ˈkərəmtʃənd̪ˈɡaːnd̪ʱi] ( listen); 2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was thepreeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India.Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India toindependence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedomacross the world. The honorific Mahatma (Sanskrit: "high-souled","venerable"[2])—applied to him first in 1914 in South Africa,[3]—isnow used worldwide. He is also called Bapu (Gujarati: endearmentfor "father",[4] "papa"[4][5]) in India.Born and raised in a Hindu, merchant caste, family in coastalGujarat, western India, and trained in law at the Inner Temple,London, Gandhi first employed nonviolent civil disobedience as anexpatriate lawyer in South Africa, in the resident Indiancommunity's struggle for civil rights. After his return to India in1915, he set about organising peasants, farmers, and urbanlabourers to protest against excessive land-tax and discrimination.Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921, Gandhiled nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, expanding women'srights, building religious and ethnic amity, ending untouchability,but above all for achieving Swaraj or self-rule.Gandhi famously led Indians in challenging the British-imposed salttax with the 400 km (250 mi) Dandi Salt March in 1930, and later incalling for the British to Quit India in 1942. He was imprisonedfor many years, upon many occasions, in both South Africa andIndia. Gandhi attempted to practise nonviolence and truth in allsituations, and advocated that others do the same. He livedmodestly in a self-sufficient residential community and wore thetraditional Indian dhoti and shawl, woven with yarn hand spun on acharkha. He ate simple vegetarian food, and also undertook longfasts as means of both self-purification and social protest.Gandhi's vision of a free India based on religious pluralism,however, was challenged in the early 1940s by a new Muslimnationalism which was demanding a separate Muslim homeland carvedout of India.[6] Eventually, in August 1947, Britain grantedindependence, but the British Indian Empire[6] was partitioned intotwo dominions, a Hindu-majority India and Muslim Pakistan.[7] Asmany displaced Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs made their way to theirnew lands, religious violence broke out, especially in the Punjaband Bengal. Eschewing the official celebration of independence inDelhi, Gandhi visited the affected areas, attempting to providesolace. In the months following, he undertook several fasts untodeath to promote religious harmony. The last of these, undertakenon 12 January 1948 at age 78,[8] also had the indirect goal ofpressuring India to pay out some cash assets owed to Pakistan.[8]Some Indians thought Gandhi was too accommodating.[8][9] Among themwas Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist, who assassinated Gandhi on30 January 1948 by firing three bullets into his chest atpoint-blank range.[9]Gandhi is commonly, though not officially,[10] considered theFather of the Nation[11] in India. His birthday, 2 October, iscommemorated there as Gandhi Jayanti, a national holiday, andworld-wide as the International Day of Nonviolence.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi
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