5 / July 14, 2015
(2.8/5) (24)


App di aggiornamento rapido e sinteticoperoperatori del diritto, con il rinvio agli ultimi numeripubblicatidi ogni Serie della Gazzetta Ufficiale e delle Serie L eC dellaGazzetta Ufficiale dell'Unione Europea, la segnalazionedegliultimi DDL presentati in Parlamento e del loro iter, e lepiùrecenti pronunce rese dalla Corte di Giustizia UE, dallaCorteCostituzionale, dalla Corte di Cassazione, dalleCortiamministrative e dalle principali Corti di merito.

Richiede collegamento ad Internet.

Novita' ultima versione: - come richiestoci, sono statiinseritidue nuovi moduli dedicati a Consiglio di Stato e TAR edalle Cortidi Milano e Roma - e' stata introdotta la possibilita'diconsultare e stampare documenti (si comincia con ilcodicedeontologico forense) - e' stato reinserito il modulo perinviarcile Vostre segnalazioni e richieste - ora si ha lapossibilita' dilasciare un messaggio direttamente sul sito facebookdi assistenzatecnica per l'app

App hotfix andsyntheticfor legal practitioners, with the reference to the lastpublishednumbers of each Series of the Official Journal and of theL and Cseries of the Official Journal of the European Union,signaling thelast DDL presented in Parliament and their procedure ,and the mostrecent decisions made by the European Court of Justice,theConstitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the administrativecourtsand the main Courts of merit.

It Requires Internet connection.

Novita 'latest release: - as subpoenas, were incorporated twonewmodules dedicated to the Council of State andRegionalAdministrative Court and the Courts of Milan and Rome -and' wasintroduced the possibility 'to consult and print documents(itstarts with the code of conduct forensic ) - and 'it wasreinsertedin the form to send us your reports and requests - nowyou have thechance' to leave a message directly on facebook sitetechnicalassistance for the app

App Information Aggiornamenti di diritto

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Ricette Dolci 9 APK
Applix Srl
Dolci, dolci e ancora dolci per unacucinadavvero gustosa. Tantissime ricette, fotografie e video ditorte,biscotti e basi di pasticceria.L'ex-pasticcere sarà sempre a tua disposizione per risolvereognituo dubbio.Inoltre, se lo vorrai, potrai diventare protagonista...potraiinfatti inviarci la foto del tuo dolce o la tua ricettasegreta. Lemigliori verranno inserite in questa dolcissima app, incontinuoaggiornamento.In questa versione abbiamo aggiunto tantissimevideoricette:- torta sacher- cheesecake- pastiera- torta Linz- ciambella bolognesee tante altre dolcezze spiegate dal nostro Ex-pasticcere.Sweet, sweet and sweetfora kitchen still really tasty. Lots of recipes, photographs andvideoof cakes, biscuits and pastry bases.The former pastry chef will always be at your disposal tosolveany doubt.Also, if you want, you can become the protagonist ... Infact,you can send us a photo of your cake or your secret recipe.Thebest will be included in this sweet app, constantly updated.In this version we have added a lot of video recipes:- Torte- Cheesecake- Pastiera- Cake Linz- Donut Bolognaand many other sweets explained by our Ex-baker.
BMW Classic 1.0 APK
Applix Srl
Finalmente disponibile per smartphone etablet!"BMW Classic" è l'applicazione indispensabile per ognicollezionistae appassionato delle moto d'epoca BMW.Video, immagini, testi, consigli e tutto il mondodelcollezionista delle mitiche mono e bicilindriche dellaBayerischeMotoren Werke. Tratta dal celebre libro "BMW - Passioned'AltriTempi " di Claudio Somazzi e Massimo Bonsignori, uno deimassimiesperti europei delle moto classiche della BMW, "BMWClassic"racconta nei minimi dettagli tutta la storia delprestigiosomarchio di Monaco, dai primi anni del Novecento fino aigiorninostri, con immagini inedite e approfondimenti sui personaggichehanno fatto la storia di questo marchio. Nell'applicazionesonoraccolti e presentati con immagini, informazioni, storia econsiglidegli esperti tuttti i modelli prodotti nei primi 90 annidi storiadal 1923 al 1993, dalla mitica R32 fino alle vendutissimeSerie R eK.Un indispensabile guida per chi possiede una moto BMW o per chièintenzionato ad acquistarne una. "BMW Classic", unafantasticaesperienza dentro la storia e il mondo del piùprestigioso marchiodel motociclismo mondiale.Now availableforsmartphones and tablets! "BMW Classic" is the applicationnecessaryto every collector and enthusiast of vintage motorcyclesBMW.Video, images, texts, recommendations and worldwide Collectorofthe legendary mono and twins of Bayerische Motoren Werke.Takenfrom the famous book "BMW - Passion d'Altri Tempi" byClaudioSomazzi Bonsignori and Massimo, one of the leading Europeanexpertsof classic motorcycles of BMW, "BMW Classic" tells in greatdetailthe entire history of the prestigious brand of Monaco, fromthefirst twentieth century to the present day, with new imagesandinsights about the characters that have made the history ofthisbrand. Application are collected and presented withpictures,information, history and advice from experts tuttti modelsproducedin the first 90 years of history from 1923 to 1993, thelegendaryR32 to the best-selling series R and K. An indispensable guide for those who own a BMWmotorcycleor for those who are willing to buy one. "BMW Classic", afantasticexperience in history and the world's most prestigiousbrand ofworld motorcycling.
i移居 1.0 APK
Applix Srl
国际中文版月刊《移居上海》自2001年11月起创刊发行,迅速在大上海地区的台商圈中走红,除了成为本地台商家庭的生活信息大全,透过境外发行通路,也成为台港澳及北美华人社群中许多准备来陆投资的华商的最佳参考书。近年《移居上海》杂志战略目标是发展全国各大城市,于同年8月刊开始向全国各大城市发行,发行总量达到10万册,杂志以独特深入报道,为全国各地移居上海的高端读者提供优质生活信息服务。2012年7月,《移居上海》杂志正式登入iOS书报架。如今,针对移动互联网手机客户端“i移居”全新亮相。您可以利用碎片时间,随时关注,城市动态、时尚生活、吃喝玩乐等信息。“i移居”在保留原汁原味《移居上海》资讯的同时,更注重实效性。在立足上海的同时,放眼世界,今后,还会推出其他国际城市,华人生活资讯。InternationalChineseversion of the Monthly moved to Shanghai "founded issuedsinceNovember 2001, quickly became popular in the the Taiwanesebusinessdistrict of Shanghai, in addition to being the life of thelocalTaiwanese families information Daquan, issued through theoutsidepath, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao and the Chinese communityinNorth America, many Chinese entrepreneurs ready to landinvestmentin the best reference book. In recent years, moved toShanghai"magazine strategic objectives is the development of thecountry'smajor cities, in the same year 8 Monthly issued to themajor citiesacross the country, issued a total of 100,000,magazines uniquein-depth coverage, high-end readers around thecountry moved toShanghai quality of life information services.In July 2012, moved to Shanghai magazine official loginiOSbooks, newspapers frame. Today, mobile client for themobileInternet "i moved to a new appearance. You can use fragmentsoftime, always concerned about the dynamics of the city,lifestyle,eat, drink and other information. "I moved" whileretaining theoriginal "moved to Shanghai" information at the sametime, morepragmatic. While based in Shanghai, the world, thefuture, willalso introduce other international cities, the Chineselifestyleinformation.
Atmosfear 4.0 APK
Applix Srl
This intriguing novel that seemsfantasticallyreal takes advantage of a new 3D technology and gamingexperience.From within the hyper-realistic bubble you can movearound andexplore the surrounding area and interact with objectstouching thescreen!There are 6 levels to play with a lot of objects to be foundandsome hard quizes to solve. Will you be able to reach theroof?KEY FEATURES:6 Levels and 18 areas.New gaming experiences.Lot of objects to find and use.Exciting storyline of a hacker.Dramatic music and sound effects.Hyper-realistic graphics.Noir genre menu.Quick loading time.Video and cartoon animations.Autosave System.
Sardegna Turismo 1.0 APK
Applix Srl
The best Sardinian tourist guides to planyourjourneys and discover the attractiveness of the Island ineveryperiod of the year. The Regional Bureau of Tourism, HandicraftandCommerce provides on Tablets and Smartphones the besttouristguides and publications that have been made over the past 10years.Beyond the Yearbook 2012, with the complete list of allIsland'saccommodations, from campsites to 5 star hotels, severalguideshave been published in the Kiosk, revealing the Island fromseveralpoints of view: mountain bike and cultural heritageguides,craftsmanship museums and historical workshops, ‘music andwords’guides, golf guide, travel guides with natural,gastronomic,artistic and historical tours - and many others. Insearch of aland repository of ancient history, mystery and highlydistinctiveidentity. A unique combination of natural beauty,environment,climate, language, customs, traditions, flavors andfragrances makeSardinia an area to explore and love. An Island inthe middle ofthe Mediterranean that weaves ties deep, almostinseparable, notonly with its inhabitants, but also with those whovisit.
ilmontauto.it 3.0 APK
Applix Srl
Quando le situazioni sono di peso, NOIlesolleviamo! Utilizza le schede tecniche di prodotto eilconfiguratore per trovare la soluzione più adatta alletueesigenze. Una ricca gallery fotografica e video per scoprirecomefunzionano i nostri montacarichi.
Restart, Italia! 1.0 APK
Applix Srl
Ecco a voi l'App che vi comunica gliobiettivie lo scopo della Task Force di imprenditori italiani,creata dalMinistro Passera per dare nuova linfa vitale e sostegnoallestartup italiane.
Ledy Leo 4.0 APK
Applix Srl
Ledy Leo è un ingrosso di biancheria intimachegestisce la distribuzione in tutta la regione Calabria. Daquestaapp si potranno consultare alcuni prodotti nel catalogo enavigarenella pagine web e-commerce per fare eventuali ordini dalvostrosmartphonLedy Leo is awholesalelingerie that manages the distribution throughout theregionCalabria. From this app you will see some products in thecatalogand navigate web pages and e-commerce to make any ordersfrom yoursmartphon