4.0.1 / October 27, 2014
(5.0/5) (4)


A Anima Educação é uma das maioresorganizaçõeseducacionais privadas de ensino superior do Brasil,tanto em termosde receita como em número de estudantesmatriculados. Desde 2003,ano de início de suas operações, a Animapossui um posicionamentodiferenciado quando comparados à outrasempresas do setor que setraduz na capacidade de conciliar escalacom oferta de ensino dealta qualidade.

Anima Educação is one of Brazil's largest privatepost-secondaryeducation instittutions, in terms of both revenue andnumber ofenrolled students. Since 2003, when it began operations,Anima hasadopted a different positioning from other companies inthe sector,exemplified by its ability to combine scale with highqualityeducation.
The Anima Education isoneof the largest private educational organizations of highereducationin Brazil, both in terms of revenues and number ofstudentsenrolled. Since 2003, year of starting operations, theAnima has adifferent position compared to others in the industrywhichtranslates into the ability to reconcile scale supply ofhighquality teaching.

Anima Education is one of Brazil's largest privatepost-secondaryeducation instittutions, Both in terms of revenue andnumber ofenrolled students. Since 2003 When It Began operations,AnimaADOPTED has a different positioning from other companies inthesector, exemplified by its Ability to combine scale withhighquality education.

App Information Anima Educação

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Estácio RI 1.401 APK
MZ Group
Bem-vindo ao aplicativo de Relações comInvestidores da Estácio Participações S.A. (BM&FBovespa:ESTC3). Nosso objetivo é facilitar o acesso às informaçõesfinanceiras da Companhia. Nele você encontra todos os resultados,cotação da ação, calendário de eventos e muito mais, de formarápida e em tempo real!A Estácio é uma das maiores organizações privadas no setor deensino superior no Brasil em números de alunos matriculados compresença nacional, em grandes cidades do país. Desde suaconstituição, há 40 anos, a Estácio tem orientado sua expansãoprincipalmente via crescimento orgânico. Seu crescimento eliderança de mercado são atribuídos à qualidade de seus cursos, àlocalização estratégica de suas unidades, aos preços competitivospraticados e à sua sólida situação financeira.Welcome to theapplication of Investor Relations of Estacio Participacoes SA (BM& FBovespa: ESTC3). Our goal is to facilitate access tofinancial information of the Company. There you will find all theresults, share price, calendar events and more, quickly and in realtime! The Estacio is one of the largest private sector of highereducation in Brazil in number of students enrolled with nationwidepresence in major cities of the country. Since its inception 40years ago, Estácio has expanded mainly through organic growth. Itsgrowth and market leadership are attributed to the quality of theircourses, the strategic location of its units, its competitiveprices and its solid financial position.
BHG RI 1.399 APK
MZ Group
A BHG S.A. - Brazil Hospitality Group,terceira maior rede hoteleira do país, tornou-se a primeiracompanhia brasileira a operar no segmento imobiliário especializadaem hotelaria com foco em turismo de negócios, com hotéis próprios eadministrados divididos nas categorias 2, 3, 4 e 5 estrelas. A BHGé uma companhia de capital aberto com ações negociadas no NovoMercado da BM&FBovespa com o ticker BHGR3, e possui um Programade ADR Nível I para negociação de ações em mercado de balcão (OTC)em Nova Iorque, nos Estados Unidos sob o ticker BZHGY. BHG S.A.BHG S.A. - Brazil Hospitality Group, the country‘s third largesthotel chain, is the first Brazilian company to operate in the realestate segment specializing in business tourism hotels, with ownedand managed hotels in the 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-star categories. BHG isa publicly-held company with shares traded on the Novo Mercadosegment of the BM&FBovespa under the ticker BHGR3, and a LevelI ADR program for trading its shares on the over-the-counter (OTC)market in New York, United States, under the ticker BZHGY.
MZ Group
O BC Office Fund é o maior fundo deinvestimento imobiliário listado em bolsa do Brasil e suas cotasvêm sendo negociadas em mercado organizado da BM&FBOVESPA desdeseu IPO, ocorrido em dezembro de 2010. O BC Fund foi constituídocom o objetivo de adotar uma gestão ativa de sua carteira, e com afinalidade primordial de investir em escritórios comerciais de lajecorporativa com renda no Brasil, estrategicamente localizados emgrandes centros comerciais, por meio da aquisição de imóveiscomerciais de escritórios ou direitos relativos a imóveis, prontosou em fase final de construção.BC Office Fund is Brazil‘s largest publicly-listed real estateinvestment fund (known locally as Fundo de Investimento Imobiliárioor just FII) and its shares have been traded on the BM&FBOVESPAsince its December 2010 IPO. The Fund was created for the primarypurpose of actively managing a portfolio of investments inhigh-quality commercial real estate properties located in Braziland in securities related to real estate, or, together, the TargetAssets. BC Fund‘s portfolio may include completed or nearlycompleted commercial real estate located in Brazil‘s leadingcommercial centers.The BC Office Fund is thelargest real estate investment trust listed on the stock exchangein Brazil and its shares have been traded on organized markets ofBM & FBOVESPA since its IPO, which occurred in December 2010.The BC Fund was established with the aim of adopting an activemanagement of its portfolio, and the primary purpose of investingin commercial office corporate slab of income in Brazil,strategically located in major shopping centers, through theacquisition of commercial real estate offices or rights toproperty, completed or in the final stages of construction.BC Office Fund is Brazil's largest publicly-listed real estateinvestment fund (known locally the real estate investment fund orjust FII) and its shares have been traded on the BM & FBOVESPAsince its December 2010 IPO. The Fund was created for the primarypurpose of Actively managing a portfolio of investments inhigh-quality commercial real estate properties located in Braziland in securities related to real estate, or, together, the TargetAssets. BC Fund's portfolio may include completed or completedNearly commercial real estate located in Brazil's leadingcommercial centers.
Marisa Lojas - IR 1.400 APK
MZ Group
Este Aplicativo destina-se ao acessoparainformações corporativas e de Relações com Investidores daMarisaLojas S.A. Caso seu interesse seja acessar nossa lojavirtual, porfavor visite: www.marisa.com.br.This app is intended to access the corporate andInvestorRelations information of Marisa Lojas S.A. If you want toaccessour virtual store, please visit: www.marisa.com.br.This Application isforaccess to corporate information and Investor Relations ofMarisaLojas SA If your interest is to access our online store,pleasevisit: www.marisa.com.br.This app is Intended to access the corporate informationandInvestor Relations of Marisa Lojas SA If you want to accessourvirtual store, please visit: www.marisa.com.br.
São Martinho RI 1.399 APK
MZ Group
The São Martinho Group is one of the largestproducers of sugar, ethanol and bioenergy in Brazil with a totalcrushing capacity of 16.3 million tons in the end of 2013/2014harvest.Following a restructuring of the company’s management in 2007,the São Martinho Group’s stock began to be traded on the NovoMercado Special Corporate Governance Segment of the São Paulo StockExchange (BM&FBovespa) under the ticker SMTO3.In addition to having consolidated a successful business modeland strong results year after year, São Martinho has already beencertified by EPA, Bonsucro and CARB.The SMTO RI App brings all the Company´s most relevantinformation in a iPad/iPhone optimized App, providing the investorwith up-to-dated information about the company and its results.
BTG Pactual - IR 1.402 APK
MZ Group
BTG Pactual Group is an investment bank andasset and wealth manager with a dominant franchise in Brazil, and asuccessful international investment and distribution platform. BTGPactual Group’s seven business units are: Investment Banking,Corporate Lending, Sales and Trading, Asset Management, WealthManagement, Banco Pan and Principal Investments.
Valid RI 1.401 APK
MZ Group
A VALID é uma empresa brasileira, compresençaglobal e produção na Argentina, Espanha e EUA. Criada em1957, hojeé a quarta maior produtora de cartões financeiros domundo e fazparte da vida de milhões de cidadãos pelo mundo,provendo soluçõesem meios de pagamento, telecomunicações, sistemasde identificaçãoe certificação digital. Por trás das transações depagamentos,ligações de celular ou identificação de pessoas, estãoprocessos etecnologias de ponta da VALID, garantindo eficácia,segurança,confiabilidade, mobilidade, conectividade e gerando valoraosnossos clientes. Com um valor de mercado de aproximadamenteUS$1bilhão e mais de 6 mil funcionários, a VALID é uma dasprincipaisfornecedoras de soluções nos mercados em que atua,oferecendo aosclientes as melhores e completas ofertas de serviçose produtos.Para mais informações sobre a VALID, acesse ositewww.valid.com.br/ri.VALID is a Brazilian company, with a global presence andproductionin Argentina, Spain and USA. Created in 1957, it is theworld'sfourth largest supplier of financial cards, being part ofthe livesof million citizens across the world, providing solutionsrelatedto means of payment, telecommunications, identificationsystems anddigital certification. VALID's state-of-the-arttechnologies andprocesses are behind payment transactions, cellphone calls andpeople identification systems, ensuring efficiency,security,reliability, mobility, connectivity and value creation toourclients. With a market capitalization of approximatelyUS$1billion, and more than 6,000 employees, VALID is one of themajorproviders of solutions in the markets in which itoperates,offering the best and complete range of services andproducts. Formore information on VALID, please visitwww.valid.com.br/ri.
Relações com Investidores PDG 1.399 APK
MZ Group
O aplicativo PDG RI (Bovespa PDGR3) é umcanaldireto entre a PDG e seus investidores, analistas e a todososdemais interessados. Com design moderno o aplicativoapresentainformações detalhadas sobre a Organização, taiscomo:- Resultados Trimestrais;- Comunicados (Notícias, Press Releases e Fatos Relevantes);- Cotações (ações da PDG e Índices Financeiros);- Calendário de Eventos;- Apresentações;- Fact Sheet;- Contatos da área de Relações com Investidores.The PDG IRapplication(Bovespa PDGR3) is a direct channel between the PDG anditsinvestors, analysts and all other stakeholders. With moderndesignthe application displays detailed information abouttheorganization, such as:- Quarterly Results;- Announcements (News, Press Releases and Facts);- Quotes (PDG shares and Financial Indices);- Calendar of Events;- Presentations;- Fact Sheet;- Area Contacts Investor Relations.