1.2 / May 6, 2013
(4.0/5) ()


Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter unproduit unique, Apprenez des Mots Allemands, qui a été développéspécialement dans le but de vous aider à vous souvenir des mots demanière efficace grâce à l’utilisation de la méthode des cartesmémoire.

Cette application contient plus de 5 000 mots. Chaque mot vousest présenté avec sa forme écrite et comprend un enregistrement dela prononciation du mot fait par une personne dont la languematernelle est l’allemand.

Trente dictionnaires à thèmes sont disponibles pour votreutilisation tout au long de votre apprentissage (Cuisine, Médecine,Animaux et autres). Vous pourrez aussi créer vos propresdictionnaires à thème, ajouter vos propres mots, ou lessélectionner depuis le dictionnaire général.

Cette méthode d’apprentissage pratique (basée sur le système decartes mémoire de Leitner) vous permettra de mémoriser des motsallemands aussi vite que possible. Ce programme vous offre le choixde quatre exercices différents : Traduction vers le Français,Traduction vers l’Allemand, Dictée et Devinez le Mot.

*** Ce programme a été spécifiquement créé pour les utilisateursde langue française.

*** Vocabulaire de plus de 5 000 mots.

*** 30 dictionnaires à thème : Les animaux, Les arts, Aurestaurant, Les bâtiments et autres édifices, Le langage du travailet des affaires, Les habits, Les couleurs, Les mots les pluscouramment utilisés, La cuisine, Les noms de pays, La famille, Laferme, Les sentiments et les émotions, La géographie, La grammaire,La maison, Les langues, La médecine, L’armée, La musique, Lesplantes, Les roches et les minéraux, L’école, La science, Lessports, L’heure, Les moyens de transport, Les Vacances, Les fruitset les Légumes, La météo.

*** Une sélection grandissante de dictionnaires à thème.L’application sera mise à jour au fur et à mesure que de nouveauxdictionnaires sont mis à votre disposition.

*** Chaque mot contient un enregistrement de la prononciation dumot fait par une personne dont la langue maternelle est l'allemand,ainsi qu’une transcription phonétique du mot allemand.

*** Option disponible pour créer et éditer vos dictionnairespersonnels.

*** Stockez et synchronisez les dictionnaires sur iCloud.Synchronisation facile entre iPhone et iPad.

*** Quatre exercices différents au choix: Traduction vers leFrançais, Traduction vers l'Allemand, Dictée et Devinez le mot.

We are pleased tointroduce a unique product, Learn German Words, which was speciallydeveloped in order to help you remember words effectively by usingthe method of memory cards.

This application contains more than 5000 words. Each word ispresented with its written form and includes a recording of thepronunciation of the word made by a person whose mother tongue isGerman.

Thirty themed dictionaries are available for your use throughoutyour learning (Food, medicine, and other animals). You can alsocreate your own dictionaries theme, add your own words, or selectfrom the general dictionary.

This practical learning method (based on the memory system mapsLeitner) will allow you to memorize German words as quickly aspossible. This program offers a choice of four different exercises:English to French, English to German, Dictation and guess theword.

*** This program was specifically designed for users inFrench.

Vocabulary *** more than 5000 words.

30 *** dictionaries theme: Animals, Arts, Restaurants, buildingsand other buildings, the language of work and business, theclothes, the colors, the most commonly used words, Kitchen, namescountry, Family, Farm, Feelings and emotions, Geography, Grammar,Home, Languages, Medicine, army, music, plants, rocks and minerals,School, The science, sports, time, Conveyances, The Holidays,Fruits and Vegetables, weather.

*** A growing selection of dictionaries theme. The applicationwill be updated as and when new dictionaries are at yourdisposal.

*** Each word contains a recording of the pronunciation of theword made by a person whose mother tongue is German, and a phonetictranscription of the German word.

*** Option available to create and edit your personaldictionary.

Store and sync *** dictionaries on iCloud. Easy synchronizationbetween iPhone and iPad.

*** Four different exercises to choose from: English to French,English to German, Dictation and guess the word.

App Information Apprenez des Mots Allemands

  • App Name
    Apprenez des Mots Allemands
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    May 6, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Jourist Verlags GmbH
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email d.zering@jourist.de
    Diagonalstraße 41 20537 Hamburg
  • Google Play Link

Jourist Verlags GmbH Show More...

Language Coach Select 3.2.2 APK
Language Coach Lite is a language learning appthat helps you to learn the 268 most common words and phrases in 33languages. Language Coach Lite is ideal for all those wishing tolearn some words and phrases for use on holiday, as well as thoselooking to brush up their language skills. The learning method isbased on the flashcard drill concept. Your aim is to reach thehighest proficiency level of "Very good".An advanced version of the learning content, with more than 2,200illustrated words and phrases for each language, is availabledirectly within the app. You can also purchase a set containing all33 languages. This option will save you money if you need more thanone target language. An advanced version of Language Coach, withall 33 languages and more than 2,200 illustrated words and phrases,is also available on Google Play.With Language Coach Lite you get:• 268 illustrated words and phrases with audio tracks from theBasics category of each language, free of charge.• Up to 32 learning languages: German, French, Spanish (Spain),Spanish (Latin America), Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese(Brazil), Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Polish,Czech, Slovak, Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian,Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Hindi,Vietnamese, Farsi, Catalan, Romanian and Ukrainian.• All words and phrases are spoken by native speakers.• The learning method is based on the flashcard drillconcept.• Eight different types of entertaining exercise for enhancing yourvocabulary training.• All content stored on the device; no Internet connection requiredfor use. You need to download the required languages onceonly.• Extremely easy to follow for all ages, from children topensioners.
Learn English with Crosswords 1.2.7 APK
"Learn English with Crossword Puzzles"offersyou a unique opportunity to learn English words.Enjoy solving crossword puzzles and learn in a fun andrelaxedway up to 3,000 English words. Add some variety to themonotonousprocess of learning vocabulary .All the English words in these crosswords of various sizesarepronounced by native speakers, so that the correctpronunciationcan be heard.In case you need help, the program helps you byrevealingindividual letters or words.The first 5 crosswords are offered free of charge. You canbuyadditional crossword sets directly inside the app.★ Up to 1,750 puzzles in 10 sets with more than 3,000Englishwords.★ choose clues from 23 languages:- Arabic- Czech- Danish- German- Greek- Spanish- Finnish- French- Croatian- Italian- Japanese- Korean- Dutch- Norwegian- Polish- Portuguese (Portugal)- Portuguese (Brazil)- Russian- Swedish- Chinese- Thai- Turkish- Vietnamese★ Each word is pronounced by a native speaker.★ All content stored on the device, no internetconnectionrequired for use. You only need to download purchasedcrosswordsets once.Learn English words quickly and easily and have a lot offun!
Audio City Guides 2.1 APK
"Audio City Guides. World Edition" is a uniquetourist product which will captivate you on your visits toBarcelona, Berlin, Vienna, Venice, London, New York, Paris, Prague,Rome and St. Petersburg. Enjoy the thrilling stories about the citysights voiced by professionals and immerse yourself in thedistinctive city atmosphere.Each audio guide, like a professional guide, will tell you aboutthe city's wonderful places of interest, will show you pictures ofthem and their location on an included off-line map of thecity.After downloading the desired cities, no Internet connection isrequired. This saves you from roaming fees while you areabroad.• The program provides access to 10 cities: Barcelona, Berlin,Vienna, Venice, London, New York, Paris, Prague, Rome and St.Petersburg in Russia. You download only the cities you want to.• New cities are in the pipeline. The app will be updated assoon as new audio guides are published.• All the sights are described in detail, recorded byprofessionals and accompanied by photographs.• Universal App (Tablet + Phone)• Internet connection is required only to download the cities.After that the app works offline.• High resolution offline maps, which require no roamingcosts.
1000 Panzer 2.3 APK
Mit über 1000 brillanten Fotos unddetaillierten Beschreibungen dokumentiert diese App die spannendeGeschichte der militärischen Fahrzeugtechnik.Von den ersten motorisierten und gepanzerten Fahrzeugen bis zu denheutigen mit modernster Elektronik und umfangreicherSpezialausrüstung ausgestatteten, leistungsstarkenHightech-Kampfpanzern werden alle bedeutenden und auch teils schonin Vergessenheit geratenen Typen und Modelle vorgestellt. Soentfaltet sich die gesamte Bandbreite des militärischenFahrzeugbaus von den Anfängen bis heute.Detaillierte Angaben zu allen abgebildeten Fahrzeugen, wieVerwendungszweck, Baujahr, Gewicht, Motorleistung, Bewaffnung undPanzerung, machen diese App zu einem interessanten Nachschlagewerkmit höchstem Nutzwert für jeden Technikbegeisterten undMilitärfahrzeug-Fan.★ Über 1000 detailgetreue Fotos der Panzer und andererMilitärfahrzeuge.★ Detaillierte Angaben zu Modell, Baujahr, Leistung, Hubraum undBauart.★ Selektion nach Epoche und Fahrzeugkategorie.★ Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden der Fahrzeuge.With over 1,000 brilliantphotos and detailed descriptions documented this app the excitinghistory of military vehicle technology.From the first motorized and armored vehicles up to the presentwith the latest electronics and extensive special equipmentequipped, powerful high-tech battle tanks all major and past evensome already forgotten types and models are presented. Thus thefull range of military vehicle manufacturing unfolds from thebeginning to today.Detailed information on all pictured vehicles such asapplication, registration, weight, power, weapons and armor makethis app an interesting reference with the highest utility valuefor each technology enthusiasts and military vehicleenthusiast.★ Over 1000 detailed photos of tanks and other militaryvehicles.★ Detailed information on the model, year, performance, capacityand type.★ Selection by age and vehicle category.★ search function to quickly locate the vehicles.
Учу английские слова 3.1.1 APK
Мы рады представить Вам уникальный продукт"Учу английские слова" специально разработанный для эффективногозапоминания слов по методике интервальных повторений с карточками.Мы учли многие пожелания пользователей наших предыдущих приложенийи сделали программу ещё более универсальной и очень удобной.Все слова озвучены профессиональным диктором - носителеманглийского языка и имеют транскрипцию.Более 700 самых часто употребляемых английских слов представленов приложении. Версия PRO содержит более 5000 слов. Все слова имеюттранскрипцию и озвучены носителем английского языка. Дополнительноприложение дает Вам возможность самостоятельно создавать своитематические словари, добавляя туда собственные слова или выбираяих из общего словаря.Удобная система обучения (основанная на системе интервальныхповторений Лейтнера с карточками) позволит Вам максимальнопродуктивно запоминать английские слова. В программе доступно 4варианта упражнений на выбор: "Перевод на русский язык", "Переводна английский язык", "Диктант" и "Угадай слово".• Более 700 самых часто употребляемых английских слов совершеннобесплатно. Версия PRO содержит более 5000 слов.• Программа создана специально для русскоязычныхпользователей.• Все слова озвучены носителем английского языка. Транскрипциядля каждого английского слова.• Возможность создания и редактирования собственныхсловарей.• 4 варианта упражнений на выбор: "Перевод на русский язык","Перевод на английский язык", "Диктант" и "Угадай слово".• Возможность сохранения и синхронизации пользовательскихсловарей и результатов обучения между устройствами. Синхронизациябудет работать и с PRO-версией.• Упражнение для аудиовизуального запоминания слов: одновременносо слуховым восприятием, Вы видите написание на русском ианглийском языке. Сначала слово произносится на русском языке,затем проигрывается его перевод на английский и после короткойпаузы английское произносится ещё раз для повторения. Одновременноевосприятие аудиоматериала и визуальное восприятие текста являетсянаиболее эффективным методом заучивания слов.We are pleased tointroduce a unique product, "I teach the English words" speciallydesigned for efficient memorization of words according to themethod of interval repetitions with cards. We took into account thewishes of many users of our previous applications and made theprogram even more versatile and very comfortable.All words sounded a professional speaker - native Englishspeaker and have transcription.More than 700 of the most common English words presented in theappendix. PRO version includes more than 5000 words. All words havesounded transcription and native English speaker. Additionally, theapp gives you the opportunity to create their own specializeddictionaries, adding there own words or by selecting them from thecommon vocabulary.Easy system of training (based on the system of intervalrepetitions Leitner with cards) allow you to maximize theproductive memorize English words. The program is available 4different exercises to choose from: "Russian translation","Translation into English", "Dictation" and "Guess the word."• More than 700 of the most common English words for free. PROversion includes more than 5000 words.• The program is designed specifically for English-speakingusers.• All of the words sounded a native English speaker.Transcription for each English word.• Ability to create and edit your own dictionaries.• 4 exercises to choose from: "Russian translation","Translation into English", "Dictation" and "Guess the word."• Ability to save and synchronize user dictionaries and learningoutcomes between devices. Sync will work with the PRO-version.• Exercise for audiovisual memorizing words: simultaneously withthe auditory perception, you see the writing in Russian andEnglish. First, the word is pronounced in Russian, then played ittranslated into English and after a short pause to pronounceEnglish again to repeat. Simultaneous perception of audio contentand the visual perception of the text is the most effective methodof learning words.
1000 Lokomotiven aus der Welt 2.0 APK
Die Software dokumentiert in über 1000farbigen Abbildungen die Klassiker auf den nationalen undinternationalen Schienen.Die Faszination, die von Lokomotiven auf Jung und Alt ausgeht,ist ungebrochen. Die stählernen Kolosse stehen gleichermaßen fürnostalgische Gefühle und den Fortschritt in der Verkehrstechnik.Die Software dokumentiert in über 1000 farbigen Abbildungen dieKlassiker auf den nationalen und internationalen Schienen. DerEisenbahn-Fan erhält zu jeder Lokomotive umfangreicheHintergrundinformationen nebst detaillierten Angaben zu Baujahr und-art, Leistung, Länge über Puffer, Dienstmasse sowie der weltweitproduzierten Stückzahl. Informative Texte mit über 1000 brillantenFotografien und die komfortablen Zugriffs- und Suchmöglichkeitenmachen die Software zu einem überwältigendem Überblickswerk überdie weltweit eingesetzten Lokomotiven.
Attack and Interceptor Jets 2.0 APK
300 of the most important and influentialmilitary aircraft that fought between 1939 and 1945 in one app.Attack and Interceptor Jets contains 300 of the most importantand influential military jet aircraft that have flown since WorldWar II, including such famous aircraft as the Messerschmitt Me 262,English Electric Lightning, Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, and NorthAmerican F-86 Sabre. Attack and Interceptor Jets also includesaircraft that are currently in service around the world, such asthe General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon, Saab Gripen, SukhoiSu-27 ‘Flanker’, and McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.Each of the 300 aircraft featured in Attack and Interceptor Jetsis illustrated with the aid of a superb colour artwork. Inaddition, the artwork is accompanied by a detailed specificationstable giving dimensions, powerplant, armament, performance, andweights, plus accompanying text that summarises the design,development, and service history of each type.★ 300 military jet aircraft featured, each one illustrated by afull-colour artwork★ Full dimensions, weights, armament and powerplant detailsprovided for each aircraft, all measurements in imperial andmetric★ Each aircraft’s development history and career in full★ Quick search functions for country and manufacturer★ Favourites section★ All data stored offline on your device's SD card. Internetconnection only required for the first database download (ca. 30MB)or for database updating.AuthorMichael Sharpe is a freelance aviation writer who has written fornumerous publications, including The Military Yearbook. He is alsothe author of Great Air Disasters.
Twentieth-Century Artillery 4.3.2 APK
300 of the most important examples of artillery