20.6 / Jun 4, 2020
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App Information AppTrade

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    Jun 4, 2020
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 6.0
  • Version
  • Developer
    Roberto García Cáceres
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    roberto.garcia.caceres@gmail.com 28935, Madrid
  • Google Play Link

Roberto García Cáceres Show More...

Metro+ (Madrid subway, buses) 20.6 APK
Metro+ offers the best information about Metro de Madrid, EMT busesand transits
Where am I? 20.6 APK
It tells you exactly where you are with postal address and locationon a map.
The Weather 15.5 APK
WARNING: App renewed. New weather dataprovider (Previmeteo). BETA* version but 100% functional.El Tiempo (The Weather): Useful and user-friendly widget with thefollowing features:English version. You can find the Spanish version (“El Tiempo”) inMarket.6 different formats showing weather info and available in differentsizes (see screenshots).Multilingual widget. The widget can be in Spanish, English (UK),English (USA) or French.If “en” language selected (English – USA) the temperature willautomatically be shown in Fahrenheit unit.It shows information regarding the location’s current weatherconditions and also with 4 days forecast, altitude, wind (directionand speed), humidity, date/time, sunrise, sunset,…It allows you to zone in to your current location and displays theabove-mentioned information. Also it refreshes the location withthe frequency (in hours) that you have configured. You can set thewished frequency, even “0”, that means that you prefer manualupdate. You can manually update your widgets one by one or all atthe same time.The targeted location can be shown on a map.The Weather icons will be displayed in either night or daytime modedepending on the location’s time zone.You can even create your own skins (your own icons). The softwareincludes a default skin and 3 simple examples can also bedownloaded.The properties widget (language, update frequency, etc…) can beedited whenever you wish with only one touch on the widget.Please, note that you may avoid the automatic update of yourwidget(s) if you clear the device RAM memory from the Android TaskAdmin in order to free memory. It wouldn´t be any error, but alogic issue.*Initially no weather data may be retrieved if the location had apopulation less than 15.000 people. Also the server that providesthe weahter info may not response to a huge number of requests fromdevices in order to update the weather.
¿Lo sabes? Pro 14.12.1 APK
Miles de preguntas desglosadas en diversascategorías tales como 'Deportes', 'Ciencia', etc...Gran parte de las preguntas tienen como fuente el sitio web dejuegos preguntas-respuestas: 'Doonish' (http://www.doonish.es).'¿Lo sabes?' es un juego muy sencillo de utilizar y a la vezpotente que permite al usuario poner a prueba sus conocimientos,aprender y pasar un tiempo agradable en esos momentos de avión,trenes, etc... Además, al contrario que otros juegos de este tipo,no requiere conectividad a Internet para acceder a las preguntas,evitando problemas en caso de encontrarse en zonas sin cobertura dedatos.La idea del juego es sencilla, permitir al usuario seleccionarqué quiere que se le pregunte, pudiendo elegir entre categoríascomo deportes, cine, arte, etc... (o todas a la vez) y entre 3tipos de dificultad distintos (o todas a la vez). Las preguntasirán apareciendo aleatoriamente siempre dentro del rango deconfiguración seleccionado por parte del usuario. Cada preguntapuede ser contestada en un plazo de como máximo 30 segundos; si noes contestada en ese plazo, se interpretará como respuestaincorrecta, pasando a la siguiente pregunta. Toda pregunta que nose responde o se responde incorrectamente, tendrá al menos larespuesta indicada por el dispositivo para la información delusuario.Cada pregunta contestada correctamente tiene un valor de 5puntos si es catalogada como 'sencilla', 10 puntos si es 'normal' y15 si es 'compleja'.La pregunta se puede dejar en pausa a través del menú y esposible reanudarla (siempre dentro de la partida) permitiendonuevamente 30 segundos. Igualmente, si el juego se mantiene enejecución pero de fondo, se establece automátcamente la pausa,reanudándose cuando el juego vuelve al primer plano.Si el juego se cierra, la partida acabará, registrando lospuntos realizados. Lógicamente las preguntas que ya hayan salido,no volverán a aparecer. Una vez se vuelva a ejectuar el juego,nuevas preguntas irán apareciendo de la configuración que hayaseleccionado el usuario.Si se consigue llegar a responder todas las preguntas de laselección elegida por el usuario, aparecerá un mensaje informandode ello e indicando el porcentaje de aciertos, que siempre sereferirá a la última partida realizada. Siempre se indicará lapuntuación récord que se haya dado en el juego desde que empezó autilizarse.Para que todas las preguntas que hayan aparecido y por tantoquedan 'hibernando', vuelvan a poder aparecer, simplemente se ha deseleccionar la opción de menú 'Reiniciar todo el ciclo depreguntas' en la ventana de configuración.Cada x tiempo aparecerán actualizaciones de preguntas nuevas,para que haya un non-stop en preguntas-respuestas y este juego notenga fin :-)... y por ello, y porque el juego se alimentaprincipalmente de la fuente arriba indicada, nuevamente agradecer a'Doonish' su aportación para el desarrollo de este juego.Thousands of questionsbroken down into various categories such as 'Sports', 'Science',etc ...Many of the questions are the website source question-answer games'Doonish' (http://www.doonish.es).'You do?' is a very easy to use yet powerful that allows usersto test their knowledge, learn and have a nice time at the time ofaircraft, trains, etc ... In addition, unlike other games of thistype does not require Internet connectivity to access thequestions, avoiding problems if found in areas without datacoverage.The idea of ​​the game is simple, allowing the user to selectwhat you want to be asked, with a choice of categories such assports, movies, art, etc. ... (Or all at once) and from 3 differentdifficulty types (or all at once). The questions will appearrandomly within the range always selected configuration by theuser. Each question can be answered within a maximum of 30 seconds,if not answered within that period, shall be construed as incorrectanswer, going to the next question. Any questions that are notanswered or answered incorrectly, the answer will have at leastindicated by the device to the user information.Each question answered correctly is worth 5 points if it isclassified as 'simple', 10 points if it is 'normal' and 15 if it is'complex'.The question is can pause through the menu and you can resume(always within the game) allowing 30 seconds again. Similarly, ifthe game stays running but background is established automátcamentepause and resumed when the game returns to the foreground.If the game is closed, the game ends, recording the points made.Obviously the questions that have already left, no longer appear.Once again ejectuar the game, new questions will appear on theconfiguration selected by the user.If it makes it to answer all questions on the selection chosenby the user, a message informs you of this and indicating thepercentage of correct answers, which always refers to the last gamemade. Always indicate the record score ever given in the game sinceit was first used.For all questions that arose and therefore are 'hibernating', toappear again, just have to select the menu option 'Restart thecycle of questions' in the configuration window.Every x time updates of new questions appear, that he was anon-stop in questions, answers, and this game has no end :-) ...and so, and because the game is fed mainly from the sourceindicated above, again thank 'Doonish' his contribution to thedevelopment of this game.
Apúntalo! (Pen-It) 14.12.1 APK
Spanish - Local version.You can also find an english version in Market named "Pen-It".Useful widget in 2 formats that will help you to rememberallthose little and important things you try to keep in mind...butyou usually forget.The "Little" format has smaller screen space and providesbriefand useful info at the same time, showing the name of theevent,its description and date/time deadline (description anddeadline isoptional).In case that you have entered deadline, the "Apúntalo!" widgetwillindicate you how many days/hours remain (in blue color) or iftheevent has already expired (red color). Device vibration willalsoindicate you that the deadline is up.The "Big" format has a bigger screen space that allows you toaddup to 10 reminders as you would do with a checklist or to dolist onpaper or on a typical post-it. Very useful tool so that youdon´tforget all the things you need for vacation, daily tasks,job,etc...These reminders can be edited, erased and crossed-out(evenre-opened); the same way you would do with yourtypicalpost-it.Of course this bigger format includes all the elements andfunctionsalready described for the "Little" format.You can create so many widgets of "Apúntalo!" as you wishandupdate them manually or let the device to update themautomaticallyevery 30 minutes.Now notifications will appear on your device when thetasksexpire shortly or these are just expired.Best digital Pen-It tool. Simple & useful. Very goodfeedbackfrom users during freeware period. On top of that, noerror wasdetected for 2 months.Please, note that you may avoid the automatic update ofyourwidget(s) if you clear the device RAM memory from the AndroidTaskAdmin in order to free memory. It wouldn´t be any error, butalogic issue.
Where am I? - ESP 20.6.1 APK
It tells you exactly where you are with postal address and locationon a map.
The Weather (ESP) 15.5 APK
WARNING: App renewed. New weather dataprovider (Previmeteo). BETA* version but 100% functional.El Tiempo (The Weather): Useful and user-friendly widget with thefollowing features:Spanish version. You can find the English version (“El Tiempo”) inMarket.6 different formats showing weather info and available in differentsizes (see screenshots).Multilingual widget. The widget can be in Spanish, English (UK),English (USA) or French.If “en” language selected (English – USA) the temperature willautomatically be shown in Fahrenheit unit.It shows information regarding the location’s current weatherconditions and also with 4 days forecast, altitude, wind (directionand speed), humidity, date/time, sunrise, sunset,…It allows you to zone in to your current location and displays theabove-mentioned information. Also it refreshes the location withthe frequency (in hours) that you have configured. You can set thewished frequency, even “0”, that means that you prefer manualupdate. You can manually update your widgets one by one or all atthe same time.The targeted location can be shown on a map.The Weather icons will be displayed in either night or daytime modedepending on the location’s time zone.You can even create your own skins (your own icons). The softwareincludes a default skin and 3 simple examples can also bedownloaded.The properties widget (language, update frequency, etc…) can beedited whenever you wish with only one touch on the widget.Please, note that you may avoid the automatic update of yourwidget(s) if you clear the device RAM memory from the Android TaskAdmin in order to free memory. It wouldn´t be any error, but alogic issue.*Initially no weather data may be retrieved if the location has apopulation less than 15.000 people. Also the server that providesthe weahter info may not response to a huge number of requests fromdevices in order to update the weather.
AppTrade 20.6 APK
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