0.9.3 / Jan 22, 2016
(0/5) ()


Aquaposo for Poultry

App Information Aquaposo for Poultry

  • App Name
    Aquaposo for Poultry
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    Jan 22, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3
  • Version
  • Developer
    Intervet International b.v.
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    2 Giralda Farms Madison, NJ 07940 United States
  • Google Play Link

Intervet International b.v. Show More...

MyPetOnApp Ver APK
MyPetOnApp è il libretto sanitario digitaledei Tuoi amici animali PET per iPhone.MyPetOnApp è una applicazione gratuita finalizzata a supportare ilproprietario di animali da compagnia nella corretta gestionesanitaria e veterinaria del proprio PET. Infatti, MyPetOnApppermette di creare sul proprio iPhone una cartella sanitaria perogni animale che riepiloga:- dati anagrafici dell’animale come nome, microchip, data dinascita, specie, razza, mantello e foto.-dati sanitari e trattamenti sanitari previsti ed effettuati:vaccinazioni, trattamenti antiparassitari, visite, interventiterapeutici medici e chirurgici.MyPetOnApp fornisce un sistema di REMINDER (alert) per ricordare erispettare le scadenze pianificate di vari tipi di interventisanitari come le vaccinazione, visite ed altro, al fine digarantire al meglio la salute del proprio PET.MyPetOnApp permette di memorizzare tutti i dati e recapiti del odei Medici Veterinari curanti di ciascun PET. Mediante un menù discelta rapida è possibile richiamare i recapiti del Veterinario peruna chiamata telefonica e per l’invio di un SMS o di unaMail.In una sezione dedicata MyPetOnApp ti propone selezionati link aspecifici siti internet e App dedicati a proprietari di animali dacompagnia.MyPetOnApp integra i dati del “Libretto Sanitario di Vaccinazione”dei PET e Ti consente di avere tutti i dati dei Tuoi PET sempre conTe sul tuo iPhone.MyPetOnApp è un’applicazione offerta gratuitamente ai proprietaridi animali da compagnia da MSD Animal Health Italia.MSD Animal Health è una società internazionale, fondata sullaricerca, che sviluppa, produce e commercializza una vasta gamma dimedicinali e servizi veterinari. Offriamo, infatti, uno tra i piùinnovativi portafogli dell’industria farmaceutica veterinaria, checomprende prodotti per la prevenzione, il trattamento e ilcontrollo delle malattie dei principali animali da compagnia e dareddito.MSD Animal Health è leader nel settore dei vaccini per animali dacompagnia, degli antiparassitari e dei prodotti ormonali. Permaggiori informazioni sull’azienda ,visita il nostro sito internet:www.msd-animal-health.it .Per maggiori informazioni circa i prodotti vaccinali e i programmidi prevenzione vaccinale a cui sottoporre i propri animali, cani,gatti e conigli, richiedi un consulto al Tuo Veterinario difiducia.N.B.: MyPetOnApp non si connette alla rete e pertanto i datiregistrati sono accessibili e visibili esclusivamente da te e solosul tuo iPhone.MyPetOnApp is the digitalhealth record for your pets PET iPhone.MyPetOnApp is a free application aimed at supporting the owner ofpet health and veterinary medicine in the proper management oftheir PET. In fact, MyPetOnApp allows you to create a folder onyour iPhone care for each animal that summarizes:- Personal data such as name of the animal, microchip, date ofbirth, species, breed, coat and photos.-Health data and health treatments provided and maintained:vaccinations, parasite treatments, visits, medical and surgicaltherapeutic interventions.MyPetOnApp provides a system REMINDER (alert) to remember and meetdeadlines planned for various types of health interventions such asvaccination, visits and so on, in order to ensure the best healthof your pet.MyPetOnApp allows you to store all data and contact details ofveterinarians or GP of each PET. Using a shortcut menu, you cancall the contact your veterinarian for a phone call and sending atext message or mail.In a section MyPetOnApp offers you selected links to specificwebsites and App dedicated to owners of pets.MyPetOnApp integrates data from "Hygienic passport of Vaccination"of PET and you can have all the data of your PET always with you onyour iPhone.MyPetOnApp application is offered free of charge to owners of petsfrom MSD Animal Health Italy.MSD Animal Health is a global, research-based, which develops,manufactures and markets a wide range of medicines and veterinaryservices. We, in fact, one of the most innovative portfoliosveterinary pharmaceutical industry, which includes products for theprevention, treatment and control of diseases of the leading petanimals and livestock.MSD Animal Health is a leader in the field of vaccines for pets,pesticides and hormone products. For more information about thecompany, visit our website: www.msd-animal-health.it.For more information about the products and vaccine preventable byvaccination programs to be applied to their pets, dogs, cats andrabbits, ask for a referral to your trusted veterinarian.NB: MyPetOnApp not connect to the network and therefore therecorded data is accessible and visible only to you and only onyour iPhone.
Tick Finder 2.0.2 APK
Protecting your best friend against ticks isimportant. When walking in greenery, ticks can latch onto and biteyour dog, potentially transmitting deadly disease organisms to yourdog.The Tick Finder App provides a simple interactive map whichdisplays tick infested areas reported by others users, and lets youcontribute to warn others about tick infestations that you uncoverin your area.Presented by Scalibor Protector Band – an advanced, easy to usecollar that protects your dog against ticks for up to 6 months -the Tick Finder App also provides tick information, tips to protectyour dog plus a free reminder service.
IDAL 2G 1.0.1-1 APK
MSD Animal Health markets a device (IDAL- IntraDermal Applicationof Liquids) that is used to administer vaccines intradermally andneedle free to pigs. The IDAL device has Bluetooth capabilities.The IDAL 2G (second generation) obtains information stored on theIDAL on the operations and operational results of the IDAL devicetransmit to the App by Bluetooth for viewing by the App user.
Scalibor®Map APK
Scalibor®Map è un'applicazione GRATUITAdestinata ai proprietari di cani, che evidenzia i comuni in cui èstata accertata con sicurezza la presenza di Leishmaniosi canina.Con la SCALIBOR Map app è inoltre possibile visualizzare i pet-shoppiù vicini, le aree di sosta attrezzate per chi viaggia con ilcane, le spiaggie dog-friendly e gli ambulatori veterinari. Éinoltre è possibile impostare un avviso per sapere quando è ora dirinnovare l'applicazione del collare SCALIBOR.Scalibor ® Map is a FREEapplication intended for owners of dogs, which highlights themunicipalities where it has been ascertained with certainty thepresence of Canine Leishmaniasis. With Scalibor Map app you canalso view the pet-shop closer, the rest areas for those travelingwith the dog, the dog-friendly beaches and veterinary clinics. Itis also possible to set an alert to know when it is time to renewthe application of the collar Scalibor.
Pet Diabetes Tracker 2.5.0 APK
The app enables the vet and pet owner to better track dog and catdiabetes.
Pets on Tour 1.1.0 APK
Wenn der Hund auf Reisen geht, muss man sich vorher über diejeweiligen Einreisebestimmungen des Urlaubsziels informieren – undnatürlich auch, wenn Mieze oder Fredi, das Frettchen reisen. Mitder Pets-On-Tour App finden Sie einfach und übersichtlich allewichtigen Informationen zur Reise mit Ihrem Vierbeiner. Nebengesetzlichen Vorschriften gibt es weitere wertvolle Tipps zuwichtigen Themen wie Reisekrankheiten und Gesundheitsvorsorge. Mitdem Reiseplaner erhalten Sie in wenigen Schritten alle maßgeblichenInformationen für Ihr Urlaubsziel. Neben den allgemeinen rechtlichbindenden Vorschriften gemäß EU-Verordnung gibt es Hinweise zuweiteren nennenswerten Themen. Da die Reise in den Urlaub für IhrTier großen Stress bedeuten kann, sind wertvolle Tipps zur Flug-,Auto und Zugreise aufgeführt. Einige EU-Länder schreiben neben denübergeordneten Vorschriften weitere lokale Sonderregelungen vor.Diese Sonderregelungen und Vorschriften für ausgewählteUrlaubsländer außerhalb der EU finden Sie in denLänderbestimmungen. Andere Länder - andere Krankheiten. So sorgtzum Beispiel das wärmere Klima in Urlaubsregionen dafür, dassandere Insekten und Zecken als in Deutschland heimisch sind. Unddiese übertragen wiederum gefährliche Krankheiten, die es zu Hausenoch nicht gibt. Aber auch Krankheiten, die hierzulande fastausgerottet sind, können in Urlaubsländern noch vorkommen. WelcheKrankheiten wo vorkommen und wie Sie Ihr Tier bestmöglich schützen(Impfungen, Mücken-/Zeckenschutz, Medikamente) können, finden Siein der Pets-On-Tour App. Mit der Checkliste können Sie prüfen, oballe Bestimmungen erfüllt sind und dann die wichtigstenVorschriften auf einen Blick abhaken. Einen schönen Urlaub - wirwünschen Ihnen und Ihrem vierbeinigen Begleiter gute Erholung!
Hub + by Merck Animal HealthHUB + is a content sharing and distribution tool. ItallowsMerck’s business partners to access relevant materials on thego,in both online and offline modes. HUB + offers a wide rangeoftools for creating, presenting, sharing and collaboratingoncontent."
Aquaposo 1.0.0 APK
Calculator app for Fenbendazole drinkingwatermedication.