1.0 / December 15, 2013
(5.0/5) (1)


Bayer qr code aplicación, Bayer CropScienceColombia, Bayer QR.

App Information BAYER QR

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 15, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Bayer CropScience AG
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
    News & Magazines
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Bayer CropScience AG Show More...

FOX - Bayer 2.3.0 APK
Deixe as doenças e as preocupações fora da sualavoura, com o aplicativo Fox você fica por dentro de como utilizarcorretamente o fungicida líder no mercado da soja no Brasil. Eletraz informações sobre as doses adequadas e momentos corretos deaplicação, além de fotos que ajudam a identificar as doençascombatidas pelo produto. Fox que já tratou mais 70 milhões dehectares, combate as principais doenças da soja (Ferrugem-asiática,Oídio, Crestamento-foliar, Septoriose, Antracnose, Mela eMancha-alvo), algodão (Ramulária e Ramulose), trigo(Ferrugem-da-folha, Giberela e Mancha-amarela) e feijão(Antracnose, Ferrugem e Mancha-angular). Por isso é o fungicida quemais cresce em uso no Brasil. Fox - De primeira, sem dúvida.“Leave diseases andworries out of your crop, with the Fox app gets you inside of howto properly utilize the leader in soybean fungicide market inBrazil. It includes information on appropriate doses and times ofcorrect application, and photos to help identify the diseasesaddressed by the product. Fox has treated more than 70 millionhectares, combating major diseases of soybean (target-Asian RustSpot, Powdery mildew, leaf-blight, septoria, Anthracnose, andMela), cotton (Ramularia and ramulosis), wheat (Rust-the -Sheet,scab and stain-yellow) and beans (Anthracnose, Rust andStain-angle). So is the fastest growing in use in Brazil fungicide.Fox - At first, no doubt. "
De Primeira, Sem Dúvida 2.0.2 APK
Acompanhe ao vivo pelo aplicativo "De PrimeiraSem Dúvida" áreas experimentais de manejo das principais culturasagrícolas no Brasil, feitos por renomados pesquisadores daagricultura brasileira sobre a evolução das doenças maisimportantes combatidas pelos fungicidas Fox e Sphere Max.Fique por dentro também da opinião dos pesquisadores, resultados deincremento à produtividade e aumento do controle de doenças.Follow live by theapplication "From First No Doubt" experimental areas of managementof major crops in Brazil, made by renowned researchers of Brazilianagriculture on the evolution of the most significant diseasesaddressed by Fox and Sphere Max fungicides.Get inside also the opinion of the researchers, an increase ofresults to productivity and increased disease control.
Bayer qr code aplicación, Bayer CropScienceColombia, Bayer QR.
New Zealand Crop Solutions 1.3.3 APK
The New Zealand Crop Solutions App contains awealth of information on over 30 Bayer products across Herbicides,Fungicides, Insecticides and Seed Treatments including user guides,labels, sales support collateral, 13 crop growth stage charts, anintuitive Spray Calculator and Solution Finder for pests, diseasesand weeds, plus much, much more…
Positif 2.0.3 APK
Cette nouvelle application mobile est àdestination des techniciens et/ou technico-commerciaux, et elleconstitue un nouvel outil d’accompagnement des agriculteurs. Elleest connectée à Positif® graphic et propose une présentation épuréeet intuitive des risques maladies à l’échelle parcellaire. Pourchaque agriculteur, les paramètres propres à leurs parcelles sontintégrés dans le système (localisation, date de semis, variété,…)permettant la génération d’un risque maladies au plus proche de laréalité terrain.Les céréales couvertes par cette application sont le blé tendred’hiver, le blé dur et l’orge ; les maladies suivies sont laseptoriose, le piétin verse, la rouille brune, l’oïdium, larhynchosporiose, l’helminthosporiose, et la rouille naine.This new mobileapplication for technicians and / or technical sales and supportfarmers is a new tool. It is connected to Positif® graphic andprovides a clean and intuitive presentation of risks diseases atfield scale. For each farmer, the parameters for their plots areintegrated into the system (location, planting date, variety, ...)for the generation of a disease risk closer to the ground reality.Cereals covered by this application are the soft winter wheat,durum wheat and barley; followed the diseases are Septoria,eyespot, leaf rust, powdery mildew, scald, leaf blight, rust anddwarf.
AlmaTudor 1.2 APK
Support for apple plant ptotection work. Mainparts: BCS apple PP product & pest information, user plot data,information reports about the treatments on user''s plot, weatherforecast, BCS distributor list for Hungary.
Inova Meteo 1.1 APK
Inova Meteo firmy Bayer CropScience toaktualna prognoza pogody zawsze przy Tobie. Dzięki bezpłatnejaplikacji otrzymasz dane pogodowe na dziś oraz 6 kolejnych dni dlawybranego miejsca w Polsce. Dodatkowo dostarczamy specjalistycznekomentarze rolnicze i sadownicze dla Twojego regionu. Dziękiaplikacji możesz również w prosty sposób skontaktować się znajbliższym przedstawicielem regionalnym lub z osobą zarządzającąinteresującym Cię produktem Bayer CropScience.Dostarczamy precyzyjne dane pogodowe:• rozmieszczenie punktów pomiaru co 10 km• aktualizacja co godzinę.Miejsce, dla którego generowana jest prognoza można wybrać na 3sposoby:• "Moja lokalizacja" – lokalizacja wg podanego kodupocztowego• "Tu i teraz" – geolokalizacja za pomocą GSM, GPS, WiFi• "Lokalizacja dowolna" – dowolne miejsce wskazane na mapiePolski.Inova Meteo BayerCropScience is the current weather forecast is always with you.With the free app you'll get your weather for today and the next 6days for a selected location in Poland. Further delivery specialistagricultural and horticultural comments for your region. With thisapplication you can also easily contact the nearest regionalrepresentative or the person who manages your product interestingBayer CropScience.  Comprises precise weather data:• location of measurement points at 10 km• updated hourly.The place for which the forecast is generated can be selected in3 ways:• "My Location" - the location specified by zip code• "Here and Now" - geolocation using GSM, GPS, WiFi• "Location Any '- any place indicated on the map Polish.
SzőlőTudor 1.1 APK
SzőlőTudor-szőlő növényvédelmialkalmazás