1.0 / December 25, 2016
(3.3/5) (3)


Este jogo é um jogo de desafio paravocê.Inspirado de anjo carinha. Você tem que comparam os diagramasemtrês fileiras de fotos. Fileiras de imagens que estão no meioseráexecutado para baixo.
Você pode menggesr imagem à esquerda e à direita, ajustar a imagemàesquerda e direita.

Quando três imagem similar nessa linha, em seguida, pressioneodesenho.
Passe todas as imagens, você vai passar para o próximo nível queémelhor novamente.


This game is achallengegame for you. Inspired from angel face. You have tocompare thediagrams in three rows of photos. Rows of images thatare in themiddle will run down.
You can menggesr image left and right to adjust the image totheleft and right.

When three similar image on that line, then pressthedrawing.
Pass all the pictures, you will move to the next level thatisbetter again.

Thank you

App Information Botoes da Bomba d Carinha Anjo

  • App Name
    Botoes da Bomba d Carinha Anjo
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 25, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Rootean Dig Media
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Petualangan Mermaid Love 2 1.0 APK
Petualangan Mermaid Love 2 sangatmenyenangkanuntuk anak-anak, remaja dan dewasa orang. Dan tentunyasangatmenyenangkan jika dimainkan bersama sanak keluarga. Dalampermainanini menganggkat tokoh marmaid in love dua dunia. Pilihputri duyungmuCara memainkannya pun sangat mudah, kamu hanya harusmelewatirintangan-rintangan yang ada, dan mengumpulkan poinsebanyakmungkin. Level akan naik jika kamu berhasil menuntaskanlevelpermainan awal.Hati-hati dengan rintangan yang ada, jika kamu menabrakrintanganmaka kamu harus mengulang permainan.Ayo kumpulkan poin seanyak-banyaknya, berlombalah dengantemanmu.Ayo marmaid in love fans.Adventures of MermaidLove2 great fun for children, adolescents and adult people. Andofcourse, great fun if played with their families. In thisgamemenganggkat marmaid figures in love two worlds. Choose yourmermaidHow to play it was very easy, you just have to pass theobstaclesthat exist, and collect as many points as possible. Levelwill go upif you successfully completed the initial level of thegame.Be careful with the obstacles, if you hit an obstacle thenyouhave to repeat the game.Come collect points seanyak much, Race with your friends.Comemarmaid in love fans.
Botoes da Bomba d Carinha Anjo 1.0 APK
Este jogo é um jogo de desafio paravocê.Inspirado de anjo carinha. Você tem que comparam os diagramasemtrês fileiras de fotos. Fileiras de imagens que estão no meioseráexecutado para baixo.Você pode menggesr imagem à esquerda e à direita, ajustar a imagemàesquerda e direita.Quando três imagem similar nessa linha, em seguida, pressioneodesenho.Passe todas as imagens, você vai passar para o próximo nível queémelhor novamente.ObrigadoThis game is achallengegame for you. Inspired from angel face. You have tocompare thediagrams in three rows of photos. Rows of images thatare in themiddle will run down.You can menggesr image left and right to adjust the image totheleft and right.When three similar image on that line, then pressthedrawing.Pass all the pictures, you will move to the next level thatisbetter again.Thank you
Musik & Lirik lagu Kartun 90an 1.0 APK
Banyak kenangan-kenangan di masa lalu,terlebihlagi kenangan-kenangan masa kecil.Apakah kalian masih ingat film-film kartun favorit yangselalukalian tonton ketika masi kecil hingga beranjak dewasa?Mungkin sebagian ingat dan mungkin juga sudah lupa. denganseiringberjalannya waktu film-film kartun pun semakin berkembangjenisnya.saat ini kartun malaysia menjadi kartun yang sangatdiminati anaksekarang, sebut saja si kembar dan boboiboi. Tetapikartun dahulautak kalah seru dengan kartun jaman sekarang.Dengan aplikasi ini kamu akan mengingat kembali film-filmkartunyang dahulu pernah tayang di Indonesia dan bahkan masih adayangtayang hingga saat ini, seperti dragonbal ataupundoraemon.Sungguh sangat berkesan bukan! mungkin kamu masih ingatdenganlagu-lagu dari setiap film kartun 90 an tersebut.ingat kembali lagu-lagunya dan nyanyikan bersama temanmu.ayo download dan jangan lupa bagikan keteman dekat atautemanmasa kecilmu.Many memories of thepast,especially the memories of childhood.Do you remember your favorite cartoon films you've always watchwhenmasi small to growing up?Maybe some remember and may also have forgotten. with overtimecartoon movies are increasingly developing its kind. thecurrentcartoons cartoon malaysia became very interested in childrennow,say the twins and boboiboi. But no less exciting dahulaucartoonswith cartoons today.With this application you will recall cartoons that once airedinIndonesia and there was even aired to date, as dragonbalorDoraemon.It was memorable not! you may still remember the songs from eachofthe 90's cartoon.recall the songs and sing along with your friends.Let's download and do not forget to share keteman closeorfriends about your childhood.
Petualangan Telolet Om Telolet 1.0 APK
Petualangan Telolet Om Telolet adalahpermainanyang terinspirasi dari para bus mania yang ada diIndonesia. Merekaselalu menyerukan Om Telolet Om! Ketika ada busyang melintas.Dalam permainan ini anda diajak ikut dalam keseruan itu,andaharus mengumpulkan banyak poin dan harus melewati banyakrintanganyang ada dalam permainan ini. Jika anda berhasil melewatilevelawal, maka anda akan dapat lanjut ke level berikutnya.Sambilbermain serukan "Om Telolet Om!!!" agar permainan lebih seru.Ajakteman anda juga, jangan lupa rate dan share ya teman. Teloletomtelolet!TerimakasihNOte: Jika ada kritikatau saran silahkan hubungi kami!Permainanii hanya terinspirasi dari bus mania.Om TeloletTeloletadventure is a game inspired from the bus mania inIndonesia. Theyalways called Telolet Om Om! When there is a passingbus.In this game you are invited to join in on the fun, you havetocollect a lot of points and have to overcome many obstaclesthatexist in this game. If you got past the initial level, thenyouwill be able to go to the next level. While playing calls for"OmOm Telolet !!!" so the game more exciting. Invite your friends,donot forget to rate and share ya friend. Telolet om telolet!Thank youNote: If there is kritikatau advice please contact us! Gametwois only inspired by bus mania.
Go Adexe Nau Racing Adventura 1.0 APK
En este juego es la historia de Adexe Nauuncorredor que se tienen que cruzar una pista de carrerasmuypeligroso. Se debe pasar los obstáculos que bloquean el camino.Su tarea en este juego es recoger una gran cantidad de puntosypasar por todos los obstáculos en cada nivel. Si tieneéxito,entonces usted será capaz de continuar al siguiente nivel. SiAdexey bicicleta Nau motorn golpear un obstáculo, entoncesseconsiderará que ha fallado y tuvo que repetirlo. Este juego esmuydivertido. Ven mainkaan ahora y no se olvide de compartir ylavelocidad.Gracias !!Nota:Este juego es un juego inspirado fans de la televisión, nada quevercon Adexe y Nau. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros sihaycríticas sobre este juego, tales como el uso de imágenes osonidos.GraciasThis game is the storyofa corridor Nau Adexe have to cross a very dangerous racetrack.They must pass the obstacles blocking the way.Your task in this game is to collect a lot of points andgothrough all the obstacles in each level. If successful, thenyouwill be able to continue to the next level. If Adexe andbicycleNau MOTORN hit an obstacle, then it is deemed to have failedandhad to repeat it. This game is very fun. Come mainkaan now anddonot forget to share and speed.Thank you !!Note:This game is a game inspired fans of television, nothing to dowithAdexe and Nau. Please contact us if reviews for this game, suchasthe use of images or sounds. Thank you
Tebak Suara Kartun Malaysia 1.0 APK
Apakah kamu suka menonton filmkartunMalaysia?Jika suka tentu kamu pasti tau film sikembar ipin dan jugasuperhero yang memiliki kuase tige boboy.Kalau kamu sering menonton film-film tersebut tentunya kamujugahafalkan dengan suara dari setiap tokoh kartun tersebut?Dalam permainan ini kamu diuji untuk mengenali suara-suaradaritokoh-tokoh kartun malaysia tersebut.Cara memainkannya sangatlah mudah, kamu hanya harusmenekangambar mikrofon yang berada di tengah layar, danmulailahmendengarkan suaranya.Lalu.. Tebak!! suara sipakah itu..!Suara dari tokoh siapakah itu? Dalam permainan ini, yang harusandatebak adalah suara dari karakter dari sikembar ipinupindanboboyboi.Jadi jika kamu sering menonton film-film tersebutmakatantangan-tantangan yang ada akan sangat mudah untukdiselesaikan.Kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya, kamu juga dapatmenggunakanpilihan bantuan yang ada di sisi kiri dan kanan layar,tetapi harusmenukarkannya dengan koin yang sudah kamukumpulkan.Mainkan dengan teanmu, berlombalah untuk mendapatkanskortertinggi dann tuntaskan semua tantangannya.Selamat bermain!!NOTE:Permainan ini adalah permainan hiburan semata, yang dibuatolehpenggemar serial kartun sikembar dan boboy, Hak cipta mutlakpaadaprodusen serial kartun tersebut.Jika anda memiliki saran, atau kritikanpenggunakan/penghapusangambar atau suara. Silahkan hubungi kami.TerimakasihDo you like towatchcartoons Malaysia?If you like of course you must know the twins ipin movie andsuperhero who has kuase tige Boboy.If you often watch these films must also memorize the sounds ofeachcartoon characters?In this game you are tested to identify the voices ofcartooncharacters such malaysia.How to play it very easy, you just have to press the mic inthemiddle of the screen, and start listening to his voice.Then .. Guess what !! sipakah voice it ..!The voice of the character who is it? In this game, you havetoguess which is the voice of the character of twins ipinupinandboboyboi.So if you often watch these films, the challenges there will beveryeasy to accomplish.Collect coins as much as possible, you can also use thehelpoption in the left and right of the screen, but it must beredeemedwith the coins you've collected.Play with teanmu, Race to get the highest score dann finishallchallenge.Have a nice play!!NOTE:This game is a game of entertainment, made by fans of thecartoonseries and Boboy twins, Copyright absolute paadamanufacturer ofthe cartoon series.If you have suggestions, or criticism of the use / removal ofanimage or sound. Please contact us. Thank you
Jogo de Aventura Carinha Anjo 1.0 APK
Este jogo é um jogo muito divertido. Ao tomarafigura de carinha de anjo. Carinha foi uma aventura para recolherummonte de presentes. Estes prémios devem ser recolhidos, tantoquantopossível. Recolhê-lo deve estar cheio de luta e paixão, comomuitosobstáculos bloquear que deve ser superado.Venha ajudar Carinha para encontrar presentes e anjos. Recolhaomáximo de pontos possível. Convide um amigo para jogar juntos,raçaa ganhar os pontos mais altos. Deixe o espírito de fãscarinha!!Obrigado a Todos !!This jogo é um jogomuitofun. Ao take Anjo carinha figure. Carinha foi uma adventuretomount recolher um present. Estes Prémios Devem be recolhidosbothquanto possível. Recolhê-lo deve be cheio Luta and paixão,asmuitos obstacles that block deve be overcome.Venha ajudar carinha to be present and Anjos. Recolha ormaximumpossível pontos. Um I invited friend plays together, raça toganharyou pontos mais high. Deixe or espírito of carinha fãs !!Obrigado a todos !!