1.0 / February 27, 2014
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About Chapel Of Joy Ministries

We are glad you are here with us today. If you are like themanypeople at Chapel of Joy who want to be part of aspirituallygrowing, dynamic, prosperous and joyful church family,we wouldlike you to know that Chapel of Joy has a special placejust foryou and your family.

Chapel of Joy is an apostolic Church with joy vision tothenations, a ministry God began with Dr Benny King when ourRisenLord Jesus Christ appeared to him in a vision on March the 5th1980, saying to him “ come and rejoice with Me and minister My Joytothe nations of the world for behold I am coming quickly tojudgethe earth in righteousness’.

Rev. Dr Benny King and his wife Rev. Mrs Stella Kinghavetravelled across the globe as God’s Joy Apostles, impactingandtransforming thousands of lives and families, ministering tosomeleaders of nations and heads of several businesscorporations,touching lives through television/radio programs,print media andWorld Wide Web. As medical practitioner, family/businessconsultants and ministers of the gospel, Bishop Benny Kingand hiswife have helped many people to discover and experiencespecial joyin serving God with their children, Mira, Rhema, KennyandAmara.

We join the many people at Chapel of Joy today to welcome youtothe joy family where the joy of the Lord is your strength.


Our church exists for you. It is a place you will learn to:


We study the Bible at Chapel of Joy and accept it as God’s Wordtous for our learning, guidance and spiritual foundation. Webelieveat Chapel of Joy that the word of God is alive, active,powerfuland relevant for joyful life in the world today. The wordof God,inspired by the Spirit of God, spoken by joyful believerscarriestremendous potential for an all round growth anddevelopment. Wehope that you enjoy the thrilling adventure oflearning with us atChapel of Joy.

God will not only touch and reach you at Chapel of Joy,Hisblessings will also enrich you with joy. At Chapel of Joy,throughour special programs for adults, youths and children, everypersonat every stage or age of their lives, enjoy various wealthofspiritual and social opportunities for divine empowermentandpersonal enrichment.

Nothing compares with the joy at Chapel of Joy, where youexperiencethe joy that flows from God’s presence (Psalm 16:11) andenjoygenuine and lasting friendship. We believe that nothing inlife isas miserable as living life without joy.

At Chapel of Joy we make the building of genuine,lastingrelationships, partnerships, fellowship and friendships atoppriority. The widening circle of this beautiful joyful bondingisever increasing and we are glad to include you and your familyaspart of it.

( Mathew 28 :18-20)

At Chapel of Joy, we believe that every member is a ministerofjoy with the divine commission of serving God with gladnessandspreading the joyful news of the gospel of our Lord JesusChristaround the world .We look forward to serving you joyfullyandserving with you joyfully as we minister joy to our nation andthenations of the world.

Welcome to Chapel of Joy where the joy of the lord isyourstrength.


Ministering the joyful news of the gospel of our Lord andsaviorJesus Christ to the world.

Helping people to experience personal life transformations andjoythrough the ministration of the joyful news of Christ, the hopeofGod’s glory to our world.

OUR JOY COMMISSION (Mathew 28:18-20)

An apostolic commission with a joy vision for the nations.

App Information Chapel Of Joy

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** FREE for a limited time only, tell allyourfriends **Line Physics is a throw back to the awesome 80′s retro vibe.Thegame challenges to you think, it asks you be precise and itoffersa lot of enjoyment and fun in return. The aim of the gameissimple, aim, fire and get your ball to the target goal.LinePhysics progresses with new obstacles and challenges atacomfortable rate designed to obstruct you getting to thetargetgoal, these feature:* Spinning platforms* Stretching obstacles* Rebounding objects* Destroying platforms* Gravity pulling and manipulating pods* Portals for teleportation
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Wake Up Radio w/ Carl B. Moxie 1.0 APK
Carl B. Moxie was born in Jamaica West Indies…In the mid sixties, as a young teen, he migrated to the USA afterbeing invited to California by former light heavyweight boxingchampion Archie Moore, former middleweight boxing champion SugarRay Robinson and then heavyweight boxing champion Mohammad Ali.Moxie fought and raised monies to help build shelters for homelessand for kids from broken homes in California. His stay inCalifornia put him in company of several Hollywood movie stars,which include Sidney Poitier, the late Ivan Dixon, Tony Randall,Raquel Welch, Otis Young and others. He moved to New York City inthe late sixties. Carl founded Concerned Jamaican Citizens andFriends Organization (CJCF) with an objective to provide support,primarily financial, to health institutions in Jamaica WI, and alsoto provide services for the youths in our communities. Throughtheir (CJCF) aggressive promotions and fund-raising activities,during the first seven years, they were able to donate thousands ofdollars in cash, hospital equipment and kinds to hospitals in theisland and to other institutions here in the United States.His eagerness and commitment to help foster the growth of people,especially the youth, have kept him always aggressively exploringinnovative ways to do so. He has used strategies such as, but notlimited to, writing and recording with music positive lyrics, andfreely distributed these records within the community. His latest16-track CD compilation is titled; “Liberation”. He also wroteforum and opinion pieces for some of the major Black ownednewspapers in New York City, which includes The Daily Challenge,The New York Carib News, The Jamaican Gleaner, The City Sun and TheAmsterdam News and also Everybody’s Magazine. His drive to promotethe positive growth of the youths has influenced his decision tohost a Caribbean radio show, The Carl B Moxie Wake up Call RadioShow and is aired on 93.5 FM radio, each Saturday at 11:30 AM andSunday at 8:00 AM. The Wake-Up call is designed to evoke awarenessthrough inspirational music, features and messages.His on air humor and loving attitude towards his listeners is mostrefreshing. One enjoys the comradeship he shares with his lovelyand competent assistants Marcia “Gracie” Daley and Debbie “Debo”Harrigan. The show’s weekly features include News-brief, CommunityLink, Job Want Ads, From the Chapters of Carl B. Moxie, TheLearning Center, Moments in History, The Family in-Focus, HealthWatch, Children/Student’s Salute, Meditation, Wisdom online, VirtueReality and ‘Insight with Carmen,’ his wife.His mission statement is “In these times when there is weakening ofour social, moral and even spiritual fiber of our society,resulting in a host of personal and societal ills, a program suchas this can only help to promote the awareness and the upliftmentof our communities.”His screen credits include:Scenes from “Wagon Train” TV series in the 60s.Scenes from “The Outcast” TV series in the 60s.Scenes from unreleased documentary of “Life and Times of ArchieMoore.” Narrated by Actor, Tony Randall.Carib Beat (Rockland County TV).“Profile” with Ian Boyne (JBC, TV, Jamaica, WI)“Update” (JBC, TV, Jamaica, WI)“Walk and Talk” (JIS, TV, Jamaica, WI)“Helping Hands” (JBC, TV, Jamaica, WI)
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