/ January 12, 2016
(1.0/5) (1)


Classic Block Puzzle is played on a gridcalledthe Matrix. Shapes called Tetriminos fall from the top ofthe Matrixand come to rest at the bottom. Only one Tetrimino fallsat a time.At first the Tetriminos fall rather slowly; as the gameprogressesthey will fall faster and faster.

There are seven shapes of Tetriminos, each made up of foursmallsquares called Minos. Check out the diagram below fortheappearance of each Tetrimino.

Using the arrow keys, you can adjust where and how theTetriminosfall. By pressing the LEFT and RIGHT Arrow keys, you canslide thefalling Tetrimino from side to side. You can’t slide aTetriminopast the edge of the Matrix. By pressing the UP Arrowkey, you canrotate the Tetrimino 90 degrees clockwise. You canmove theTetriminos even after they land at the bottom of theMatrix briefly.The Tetrimino will Lock Down as soon as you stoptrying to move it.At that point, the next Tetrimino will begin tofall.

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To learn how to play the game and for FAQs visit:

App Information Classic Block Puzzle

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Play Sudoku APK
Sudoku is a logic-based,combinatorialnumber-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a9×9 grid withdigits so that each column, each row, and each of thenine 3×3sub-grids that compose the grid contains all of the digitsfrom 1to 9.For bug reports please visit:https://github.com/inbasic/sudoku/issuesFor FAQs and rules please visit:http://add0n.com/sudoku.html
Podcast Player Prime APK
Podcast Player Prime provides a nice andeasy-to-use platform for listening to your favorite podcast, plusplenty of settings to suit the player to your needs.Some Key Features:a. Includes a built-in music player to play and manage yourfavorite podcasts.b. Includes a built-in downloader, to download the desired audiotracks in any podcast.c. Has a nice color-palette which can be used for adjusting theTHEME color.d. You can manage all cached items within the App.e. Several other settings in order to adjust various aspects andfunctionalities according to your need.Note 1: to start working with Podcast Player Prime, please read theinstructions on the front page, once you install the App.Alternatively, you can find the instructions at the App's Homepage(http://mybrowseraddon.com/podcast-player.html)Note 2: In order to report Bugs, please visit the App's Homepage(http://mybrowseraddon.com/podcast-player.html) and fill the Bugreport form.
Classic Block Puzzle APK
Classic Block Puzzle is played on a gridcalledthe Matrix. Shapes called Tetriminos fall from the top ofthe Matrixand come to rest at the bottom. Only one Tetrimino fallsat a time.At first the Tetriminos fall rather slowly; as the gameprogressesthey will fall faster and faster.There are seven shapes of Tetriminos, each made up of foursmallsquares called Minos. Check out the diagram below fortheappearance of each Tetrimino.Using the arrow keys, you can adjust where and how theTetriminosfall. By pressing the LEFT and RIGHT Arrow keys, you canslide thefalling Tetrimino from side to side. You can’t slide aTetriminopast the edge of the Matrix. By pressing the UP Arrowkey, you canrotate the Tetrimino 90 degrees clockwise. You canmove theTetriminos even after they land at the bottom of theMatrix briefly.The Tetrimino will Lock Down as soon as you stoptrying to move it.At that point, the next Tetrimino will begin tofall.To report bugs visit:https://github.com/schomery/tetris-gameTo learn how to play the game and for FAQs visit:http://add0n.com/tetris.html