3.2.5 / November 7, 2016
(3.9/5) (834)


Kung Fu All-Star is an over-the-top arcadestyle action comedy game with RPG elements, and features famousKung Fu fighters from classic movies such as “Game of Death”(starring Bruce Lee, Carlos Ray “Chuck” Norris, and KareemAbdul-Jabaar) and “Once Upon a Time in China II” (starring Jet Liand Donnie Yen).

●Play from a rich cast of over 60 famous MMA fighters fromacross the world.

●Pull-off awesome martial art fighting styles such as “Boxing”,“Karate”, “Tae Kwon Do”, “Sumo”, “Drunken Fist”, “Muay Thai”, “JeetKune Do”, and much more with a simple tap of a button.

●Enjoy more than 150 story campaign stages with hilariousdialogues.

●Choose from a wide variety of game modes including PvP, PvETrials, leaderboard challenges and much more.

●Experience exceptional 3D graphics and steady 30 fps Kung Fuaction.

App Information Kung Fu All-Star: MMA Fight

Kung Fu All-Star: MMA Fight Version History

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  • 3.2.5 (58620) - Latest Version
  • 3.2.5 (58620) - Latest Version
  • Kung Fu All-Star: MMA Fight 3.2.5 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /5/5
    Requires Android: Android 2.3.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 10)
    File Size: 15.9 MB
    Tested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)
    File Sha1: ce033a802a54d1a55d0c173b0301887d2e11d437
    APK Signature: 0e12d8d3dcea78f929d596912627f5838f3a0b2c
  • Kung Fu All-Star: MMA Fight 3.2.5 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /1/27
    Requires Android: Android 2.3.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 10)
    File Size: 15.9 MB
    Tested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)
    File Sha1: ce033a802a54d1a55d0c173b0301887d2e11d437
    APK Signature: 0e12d8d3dcea78f929d596912627f5838f3a0b2c
  • Kung Fu All-Star: MMA Fight 3.2.5 OBB Main File

    File Size: 335.0 MB
    Data: main
    Fetch Date: 2017/1/27
    File Sha1: dfb3c6b45030aa887bbb15b97eaa58fbc85315bf

How to Install the OBB File (APK Expansion File)

  1. Firstly, Download APK file of the app Kung Fu All-Star: MMA Fight 3.2.5 for Android.
  2. Copy the APK file to your Android device's SD card and Install it. (Don't open it after installation)
  3. Download Obb files and copy the *.obb file named '' into the required location:
  4. The full/absolute path of the obb file should look like as the following (Case-sensitive):

    If there is no such location, you need to create the path or folder manually on your SD card.

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Kung Fu All-Star: MMA Fight 3.2.5 APK
Kung Fu All-Star is an over-the-top arcadestyle action comedy game with RPG elements, and features famousKung Fu fighters from classic movies such as “Game of Death”(starring Bruce Lee, Carlos Ray “Chuck” Norris, and KareemAbdul-Jabaar) and “Once Upon a Time in China II” (starring Jet Liand Donnie Yen).●Play from a rich cast of over 60 famous MMA fighters fromacross the world.●Pull-off awesome martial art fighting styles such as “Boxing”,“Karate”, “Tae Kwon Do”, “Sumo”, “Drunken Fist”, “Muay Thai”, “JeetKune Do”, and much more with a simple tap of a button.●Enjoy more than 150 story campaign stages with hilariousdialogues.●Choose from a wide variety of game modes including PvP, PvETrials, leaderboard challenges and much more.●Experience exceptional 3D graphics and steady 30 fps Kung Fuaction.
Destiny War 1.0.1 APK
“Destiny War”【Sanguo warriors+hands on assault action+card raising for epicbattle thrills】“Destiny War”combines epic fights, card raising, and Sanguo(Three Kingdoms Chaos) warrior assaults of modern and ancient timescreated for players to enjoy a powerful action thrill ride.● StoryIn 2020, the sacred knight is cast on the mysterious dimensionalmagic and abandoned to the extra dimension when fighting againstevil spirits. After waking up, he surprisingly finds himselfstaying at The chaotic times of the end of Eastern Han (AD 184)when of Yellow Bandana Rebels rise, who are pillaging anddestroying the Central Lands. Local officials and warlords arecalling for brave men and women to lead the militia against theraging horde of rubbers and destroyers. The sacred knightrole-played by game players join the militia by accident. You’llstart from being a common soldier, fighting your way through manychallenges to be a grand general leading a great army.Participating famous historical battles and then raising yourstatus together with CaoCao to find the way home step by step inthe massive, dramatic Sango fights.● Being a powerful Sanguo Warrior and create your dreamteam.Collect cards through stages and events to gather famous warriorsunder your reign!.Fight with firends and defeat impossible odds!● Unique Team Kill Technique.Change and appoint different Generals during the fight to equipunique skills and make the best kill..Teammates can help grafting coherent.Super gorgeous large-scale moves for warrior skills● A rich variety of Cards.Diverse materials to level up warriors nature talents..Upgrade your skills and legendary equipment to ensure survival andconquest needs● Free for all stages.Participate all those legendary battles.Over 200 stages with various difficulties.● Gorgeous battle scenes, exciting BGM, and dynamic soundeffects.Presenting “Ace Warriors” with InterServ’s best technology,experience the game through visuals, sounds, controls, and otherelements for an incredibly enjoyable experience.※※※※※ iPad 2 and above recommend for better gamingexperience.
帝之崛起【史詩級策略角色養成遊戲 英雄霸業傲視天下】 1.1.0 APK
【3D策略角色養成 手遊鉅作】- 全新裝備x職業x陣法設計 千萬種變化打造您的最強策略組合!- 獨特聯盟挑戰!不怕神一般的對手,只怕豬一樣的隊友!- 首款搭載玉如意系統!獲取大量魂魄,兌換豐富銀兩、金幣、戰魂!!- 交易所系統,化身商賈豪俠富甲一方!- 邀請您的FB好友鐵血兄弟一同作伙當皇帝打天下!- 成就屬於您的霸業!秦始皇、楚霸王…等天下帝王名將任您差譴!- 每日簽到分享FB,好友共享神秘大禮!- 3D唯美場景!華麗技能、炫目特效、只為滿足您的感官!官方粉絲團:http://www.facebook.com/PurpleSoulsGame 蚩尤現世、禍亂天下、唯有您才能撥亂反正,一統江山!史詩級策略角色養成遊戲最新力作穿越歷史最動盪的時期,感受波瀾壯闊,氣勢恢宏的傳奇史詩!招募歷代帝王名將、絕世美女組成最強遠征軍!享受傲視天下,號令群雄,坐擁佳麗,一統江山的極致體驗!★邀請FB好友拿豪禮 海量銀兩和珍貴好禮等著您★邀請5人即可獲得10萬銀兩和抽卡券!邀請30人立即領取【四星趙雲】和高級經驗值等好禮!趕快呼朋引伴一起加入您的遊戲行列吧!★獲得歷代帝王 施展強力帝王技能★搜羅歷朝歷代帝王,擁有其他武將所沒有的帝王技能。當讓您征戰沙場無往不利!★聯盟挑戰玩法 考驗您與聯盟成員的默契★資源爭奪,您不僅需要擊殺更多的怪物獲取高額的回報,也需要與聯盟成員互相協助防止敵人攻破我方的防守!★獨特關卡帶您貫古穿今 絃麗華美的3D歷史場景★帶您橫跨中國歷史盛世,沉浸在精心設計的3D關卡場景中!★五大職業自由搭配 激活專屬技能陣法★角色一共分為五大職業,您可依據自己的喜好或擅長的遊戲攻略方式,選擇最適合自己的職業開始遊戲。除了角色本身華麗的技能外,搭配不同屬性的專屬陣法,可大幅提昇隊伍戰力!★多元裝備合成系統 角逐天下競技排行★功能強大的裝備系統合成各種神兵利器,讓您加強戰力無往不利。各式各樣的競技排行,是讓您展示實力,聞名天下的最佳途徑!★豐富多樣化的交易系統 不孤單的好友養成系統★遊戲中您可以經由交易系統,自由販售或購買其它玩家的裝備!運用您的商場智慧!化身腰纏萬貫的商賈傳奇!別說英雄總是孤獨的,好友養成系統陪您度過每場艱難的戰役 !
Heroes of the Dungeon 6.0.0 APK
Recruit heroes to your roster and challengerival guilds. Master your skills in the dungeon or face defeat invarious combat modes. Solo campaigns, boss battles, PvP, and GvGcompetitions await you on your adventure.Prologue:Become Lance the Beserker, as he sets out on a journey in the wartorn world Nirvash. It all began during a great battle, betweenrighteous warriors and the dark magic deriving from a dragon. Aftermuch bloodshed, conspiracy keeps four kingdoms separated. It is nowup to Lance and your ability to recruit a team of heroes. Defeatthe lingering darkness to bring justice and resolution to thekingdoms of Tytania, Nirvash, Dark Wood, and Behrend.★ 20+ heroes with unique skills★ 150+ solo campaign stages★ Challenging boss battles★ 5 multiplayer modes (PvP)★ Stunning visuals and fluid combat★ Dynamic dungeon generator★ Upgrade gear and heroes★ Unlock skins and accessoriesIn this 3D dungeon crawler ARPG, you will lead a multitude ofheroes on a great adventure. The Dynamic dungeon generator offersenjoyable replayability and diversity. Download today andexperience an immersive hack n’ slash, beautiful Unity 5 enginegraphics, and a friendly community of gamers.Facebook: https://facebook.com/IDHeroesTwitter: https://twitter.com/Heroes_DungeonReddit: https://reddit.com/r/HeroesoftheDungeon1.This game is suitable for ages 12 and up.2.This game includes sexual themes, violence.3.This game is free-to-play and offers in-game purchases.
光之三國霸王傳【全新猛將 全新關卡 國產無雙動作手遊】 1.0.4 APK
★全球百萬玩家都在玩!你還在等什麼!★2015年度遊戲類金獎手遊!★榮獲用戶5★★★★★大好評!挑戰動作極致快感!★超猛武將免費領!超越三國無雙極限!三國題材無雙遊戲力作!激爽連擊無雙戰鬥+卡片養成雙核心要素,還有物法屬性、靈氣系統、戰意解放…等超豐富系統,讓你感受更具策略感的激爽連擊快感!這一切,都從加入義勇軍開始…亂世出英雄!加入霸王傳,一同無雙稱霸三國世界!榮獲金獎肯定 國產超動作手遊!★無雙霸王登場 一騎當先 萬夫莫敵★※武將可進行切換,派出具有戰略優勢的武將來攻略戰役。※不同的武將有不同技能,專屬的華麗招式,突顯武將的獨特性。※絕招施放,快斬敵軍,享受無雙快感!★物理法術 屬性任你搭★※武將分屬物理、法術兩大類,應對不同關卡,策略組隊來達到事半功倍之效。※玩家可依技能需求,收集不同武將組成專屬於你的夢幻隊伍。★戰意解放 爆氣大絕 橫掃千軍★※無雙能量全滿,將可施放多人必殺技,展現一擊必殺的爽快感。※戰意解放系統讓你時限內強化能力,橫掃千軍無人能敵!※大範圍攻擊、殺戮Combo無限段!★靈氣護體 超神武將★※卡牌升級再進化,靈氣加持打通關。※隊長技能配合靈氣系統,策略搭配無往不利!※靈氣每日免費替換一次,培養專屬武將能力。★百種武將 千種裝備 一同戰三國★※體驗三國著名戰役,解救人質、保家衛國,在敵軍戰火中與三國猛將協同作戰,一統天下!※200多個關卡、多種難度、風格迴異的場景、阻擋多樣不同兵種的侵擾。
功夫全明星-釋放你的真武魂 4.1.1 APK
●新活動-滿周年紀念特殊活動【5星武師玩就送】,【限時商店大拍賣】,【黃金大洗牌】,【功夫創作大賽】與玩家一同歡樂慶周年!!昱泉自製全新力作!3D『真』功夫動作手遊 釋放你的真武魂!【死亡遊戲】、【黃飛鴻2 男兒當自強】正版電影授權,真人動態捕捉技術,還原最真實的打擊感,橫掃千軍、打遍天下無敵手!好萊塢式電影運鏡,巧妙融合傳統武術與港漫戰鬥風格!讓玩家化身經典武師,經歷一場穿越時空的世紀大亂鬥!●正宗「黃飛鴻」電影授權 經典重現「死亡遊戲」●體驗截拳道高手「Billy」的經典雙截棍,踢出「黃飛鴻」的佛山無影腳!經典電影角色重現,詠春拳、迷蹤拳、截拳道、雙截棍、醉拳、佛山無影腳、空手道......等經典武學齊聚一堂,讓你一睹古今中外的功夫明星,陪伴你一同闖蕩充滿冒險的武學新世界!●武館開張 高手募集 公會齊心共闖武林●共組武館開張授徒,組成遊戲中的夢幻團隊!共闖武館副本打寶共享戰利品,提升武館等級全員共享武館技能!●意想不到的百變造型 特色武師任你差遣●動物裝、水手服、經典功夫造型、唐裝、軍裝、上海華麗風,多樣武師特色!各式拳法各具風格,涵蓋歐美日豐富造型,與武林高手共創新紀元!●惡搞台詞引經據典 讓你邊玩邊笑●『I服了You~』、「打到你骨折!!」、『假鬼假怪~』、「砂鍋大的拳頭看過沒!」、『閃開!!讓專業的來!』貼近鄉民用語,笑到岔氣的角色專屬配音,包準你邊玩邊笑!●武林高手輪番上陣 巔峰對決勢所難免●「拼功夫 爭第一」:三對三、全員大亂鬥、巔峰競技,與武林群豪一較高下!多種競技玩法任你挑,全方位的極致動作,擺脫束縛,盡享競技戰鬥快感!※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。● new event - theanniversary commemorating special events[5 stars martial play send], [limit] auction store large, goldmajor reshuffle [], [] Kung Fu Contest and players with joy tocelebrate anniversary !!Interserv homemade new masterpiece! 3D "true" Kung Fu action handtravel release your true Wuhun!Game of Death [], [] genuine film Once Upon a Time 2 China IIauthorization,Live motion capture technology, to restore the most realisticcombat flu, Total Annihilation, the hot topic invinciblehand!Hollywood film camera, clever fusion of traditional martial artsand the Hong Kong Man fighting style!Let avatar classic martial arts experience through time and spaceof a century Fuzion!● Authentic "Once Upon a Time" authorization to reproduce theclassic movie "Game of Death" ●Experience Jeet Kune Do master "Billy" classic nunchaku, kicked outof "Once Upon a Time" Foshan Shadow Kick!Reproduce the classic movie roles, Wing Chun, Behind boxing, JeetKune Do, nunchaku, Drunken Master, Foshan Shadow Kick, etc ......classic karate martial gatheredAllows you to see the ancient and modern martial arts star toaccompany you with adventurous career in martial arts world!● opening martial arts master martial arts to raise a total of Cguild concerted ●Group opened a total of martial arts and apprentices, thecomposition of the game Dream Team!Chuang Po shared copy of the play martial arts loot, martial artsto enhance the level of full sharing of martial arts skills!● unexpected Variety shape characteristics you send any martial●Animals wear, sailor suit, classic kung fu style, costume,uniforms, Shanghai gorgeous wind, diverse martial Features!All kinds of different styles of boxing, covering Europe andAmerica rich styling,And create a new era of martial arts master!● spoof allusive lines let you play while laughing ●"I served You ~" "fracture hit you!", "Fake fake ghost strange~""Casserole large fist ago no! ',' Out of the way to let theprofessional !!!"Close to the villagers term laugh role stitch exclusive dub,Baozhun play while you laugh!● martial arts master turns into a potential match-ups inevitable●"Kung Fu fight the first fight":Three on three, full Fuzion, pinnacle sports, martial arts andQunhao under a high!Competitive play more you pick, the ultimate all-round action,break free, and enjoy the thrill of competitive battle!※ This game is free to use, and the other offers to buy virtualgame currency, items such as paid services within the game.
神甲英雄傳【日本SD鋼彈題材 3D奇幻冒險 機器人神甲】 1.0.6 APK
機器神甲戰鬥新體驗,宇宙中最好玩的機甲遊戲,馬上登入遊戲 !!!華麗絕技特效畫面,搭配動感聲音效果,打造出視覺與聽覺的饗宴。FB粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/M2LMH官方網站:https://www.is520.com/games-info-LegendofMechHeroes.html★#神甲英雄傳# 【神甲戰鬥飛天遁地,人甲合一的神甲戰鬥新體驗】★#神甲英雄傳# 【獨特炫麗的機器神甲專屬技能】★#神甲英雄傳# 【蒐集豐富多樣化的零件素材 打造宇宙最強機甲隊伍】★#神甲英雄傳# 【免費挑戰各大關卡 體驗單人對戰或多人合戰敵軍的爽感】★#神甲英雄傳# 【華麗的戰鬥畫面與動感的配樂音效】*****************************************背景介紹:主角參加了依爾達政府提供的進修機會而前往留學,在當地學習機甲技術。當依爾達對全大陸展開侵略行動後,主角的家鄉也遭到侵略,大受打擊的主角決心返回恩賜平原,運用在此學習到的機甲技術向依爾達復仇。遊戲特色:【神甲戰鬥飛天遁地,人甲合一的神甲戰鬥新體驗】● 回合制戰鬥模式,隊形配置變化無窮。● 人甲合一,玩家變身為駕駛員操控機甲進行戰鬥體驗。● 屬性戰鬥策略- 剪刀、石頭和布三種屬性神甲相剋,適時配置隊伍中的機甲,將隊伍優勢最大化!● 地形特色玩法- 陸地、空中和海上三種地形適合不同機甲,熟悉關卡地形才能發揮最強的戰鬥攻略。【獨特炫麗的機器神甲專屬技能】● 駕駛員與指定機甲結合,將可施展特殊戰術。● 機器神甲配有專屬技能,使用技能可突顯機甲獨特個性。● 機器神甲各有所長,創建無敵艦隊缺一不可。【蒐集豐富多樣的零件素材 打造宇宙最強機甲隊伍】● 素材材料多元化,透過蒐集不同素材,玩家可經由合成或強化獲得各類品階機器神甲。● 玩家可藉由完成任務或抽卡召喚來獲得超強機甲。【免費挑戰各大關卡 體驗單人對戰或多人合戰敵軍的爽感】● 故事情節豐富,精彩的關卡任務令人欲罷不能。● 參與鬥技場進行決鬥,宣揚實力外還有機會獲得特殊機甲。● 多人合戰,共同獲得友情點數,可兌換各類社群獎勵。【華麗的戰鬥畫面與動感的配樂音效】● 幻想色調與輕快的畫面風格,營造刺激緊張的遊戲體驗。加上動感的配樂音效,打造出視覺與聽覺的饗宴。● 令人驚嘆的技能特寫畫面,細緻刻畫出機甲全身上下所有細節。● 使用最核心的技術,強化視覺特效、畫面和音效來達到最佳的操作流暢感。遊戲系統建議:為了確保玩家能有最佳的遊戲體驗,請使用Android 4.0以上系統。目前本遊戲暫不支援部份Android 5.0以上系統,技術團隊已在盡力克服中,近期即將開放,敬請期待。A new experience fightingmachine God, the universe's most fun mech game, immediately log inthe game !!!Gorgeous special effects stunt screen, with dynamic sound effects,to create a visual and auditory feast.FB Fans: https: //www.facebook.com/M2LMHOfficial website: https://www.is520.com/games-info-LegendofMechHeroes.html★ # # [God A Heroes fly or battle armor of God, a God who A-onebattle a new experience]★ # # [God A Heroes Behind the machine unique armor of Godexclusive skills]★ # # [God A Heroes collect footage to create a rich and varieduniverse of the strongest parts of the armor team]★ # armor of God Heroes # [free challenge the major hurdles toexperience single or multiplayer war-war enemy of cool sense]★ # armor of God Heroes # [gorgeous graphics and dynamic battlemusic sound]*****************************************Background:Protagonist attended learning opportunities provided by theGovernment in accordance with Jorda and went to study at a locallearning armor technology.When the whole continent depend Garda launched aggression,aggression has also been the home of the protagonist, theprotagonist is a big blow to the determination of return giftsplains, used in this study to armor technology to depend Jordarevenge.Game Features:[God A fly or fight, armor unity of a God who battle a newexperience]● turn-based combat mode, formation endless configurationchanges.● A one man, the players turned to the driver control mech combatexperience.● Properties battle strategy - scissors, stone and cloth armorgrams three attributes of God, timely configuration mech team tomaximize the advantages of the team!● topographic characteristics of play - land, air and sea threekinds of terrain for different armor, the level terrain familiar toplay the strongest fighting Raiders.[Behind the machine unique armor of God exclusive skills]● driver and specify mech combination will display specialtactics.● Machine armor of God with exclusive skills, and the skill tohighlight mech unique personality.● Machine armor of God strengths, create Armadaindispensable.[Collect a variety of parts to build the material universe mechstrongest team]● material material diversification, through collecting differentmaterials, players can get all kinds of goods order via machinesynthesis or strengthen the armor of God.● Players can be summoned to complete the task or draw cards to getsuper armor.[Free Challenge major hurdle to experience single or multiplayerwar-war enemy of cool sense]● rich storyline, wonderful checkpoint task is unable tostop.● participate Doo technical field duel, but also have theopportunity to promote the strength to get special armor.● people-wars, shared friendship points can redeem reward all kindsof community.[Music sounds gorgeous graphics and dynamic combat]● fantasy colors and lively visual style, creating a stimulatingintense gaming experience. Coupled with dynamic music sound, tocreate a visual and auditory feast.● stunning close-up pictures of skills, detailed portrait of theupper and lower body armor all the details.● use the core technology, strengthening visual effects, graphicsand sound effects to achieve optimum operating fluidity.The game system is recommended:In order to ensure that players have the best gaming experience,use Android 4.0 or more systems.This game is not yet part of the current support Android 5.0 andabove systems,Technical team has been trying to overcome in the near future toopen soon, so stay tuned.
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