Lloyd's Register Group Services Limited Apps

Oil and Gas Acronym Buster 1.0.1
As an industry, we love our acronyms. With anexpanding pool of new recruits and researchers to fill skillsshortages, and movement of energy resources shifting to emergingcountries, a common vocabulary and translations are critical toboth industry advancement and safety. Lloyd’s Register’s Oil andGas Acronym Buster can help bridge that gap by providing areference source for oil and gas terminology.Features Highlight:- Search 2000+ acronyms related to Oil and Gas at the tap of abutton.- Suggest new acronyms to include.- Synchronise and receive the newest acronyms andinformation.- View news and information related to LR Energy.
Insight Magazine 1.7
Insight is a Lloyd's Register magazine fordecision-makers working in the marine, energy and transportationsectors.
Class Direct
The Class Direct app helps you manageyourfleet allowing you to:- Browse the classification data Lloyd's Register holds foryourLR vessels- Effectively monitor the surveys for your vessels, providingyouwith a graphical display highlighting the survey status ofyourfleet.- Create a favourite list of vessels, for ease of management- Request a survey with Lloyd's Register* Please note - You must have a valid Class Direct accounttologin to this app. To register for an account pleasegoto:www.cdlive.lr.org and click on Apply For An Account *
LSA Pocket Checklist 3.1.0
The Life Saving Appliances Pocket Checklist identifies the mostcommon causes of ship detention and is widely acknowledged as auseful tool in helping owners and operators to comply withconvention requirements and thereby reduce the risk of their shipsbeing detained. This app enables you to to view necessarylegislative and regulatory requirements, save multiple checklists,check off completed activities, add essential notes/ images andsend the completed checklists via email.
ILO MLC Pocket Checklist 3.1.0
To help reduce the risk of port state control detentions, this appserves as an interactive checklist that enables ship operators toview the requirements on the ILO MLC and check activities off asthey are completed.
PED Category Selection 2.0.2
Determine which Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) hazardcategories and conformity assessment modules apply to your pressureequipment using this PED Category Selection tool from Lloyd’sRegister. Pressure equipment for use in the European Union abovespecified pressure and volume (or nominal diameter) thresholds mustbe manufactured in accordance with the PED in order to apply the CEmarking and meet EU single market requirements. Each piece ofpressure equipment above these thresholds must be assigned a hazardcategory based on what kind of equipment it is, what fluid(s) itwill contain, and its pressure and capacity. This determines whichconformity assessment modules are available. Through an easy,step-by-step interface, the Lloyd’s Register PED Category Selectorhelps clear the confusion about which PED categories apply to yourequipment. Details of all the categories and modules are alsoavailable. Features: 1. Simple inputs such as design pressure,volume, nominal size 2. Displays PED category and modules based ontype of equipment, fluid and phase 3. Description of themanufacturer’s and Notified Body’s separate responsibilities ineach module 4. Displays where your pressure equipment sits on theappropriate PED Table 5. Enables you to contact Lloyd’s Registerand locate your nearest PED expert 6. Links to the PED text andofficial WGP guidelines
PSC Pocket Checklists 1.0.0
In partnership with the UK P&I Club, we have compiledthesechecklists following analysis of deficiencies raised by portstatecontrol (PSC) officers on ships classed by Lloyd’s Register.OurPort State Control app exists to make life easier for shipownersand crew, helping to ensure that each inspection goessmoothly andthat all your requirements and obligations are metevery time.Lloyd’s Register is a global professional servicesorganisationspecialising in engineering and technology solutionsfor themaritime industry and broader ocean economy. We are theworld’sfirst marine classification society, created more than 260yearsago to improve the safety of ships operating in more than70countries.