二十一世紀不動產股份有限公司 Apps

21世紀不動產行動看屋 1.10
21世紀不動產,最新Android版本。業界最多的首創功能,最完整的行動看屋方案,提供雲端整合,讓您輕鬆搜尋房屋資訊。一、功能完全免費21世紀不動產行動看屋,從裡到外完全免費,不會額外收費。高達數十萬筆資料,涵蓋全台,讓您掌握重要的房屋資訊。二、友善的看屋介面1. GPS定位:地圖周圍1~30公里,所有房屋一次網羅。2. 看屋模式:提供三種看屋模式【地圖 / 圖片 / 列表】,讓您輕鬆揀選房屋。3.搜尋房屋:鉅細靡遺才能命中紅心!幾經開發人員的相互扭打之後,21世紀決定提供最完整的搜尋機制,從地區、價格、種類、格局、屋齡、車位、捷運、高鐵....率先業界,讓使用者精確篩選房屋。三、完整的房屋內容1. 房屋圖片:爆量到21張,讓您一次看個明白。2. 房屋內容:無論產權、坪數、聯絡方式,完全清清楚楚。3. 附近行情:所有成交資訊,完全透明化。4. 房屋環境:提供Google街景,從內到外輕鬆掌握。四、透明的實價登錄行情1. 結合政府實價登錄資料,用地圖輕鬆掌握各區域的成交金額2. 每筆成交物件,都有詳細的成交資訊五、業界首創功能1. 雲端服務:在雲端上同步整合iPhone、iPad、21世紀看屋網,一個帳號通行無阻。2. 捷運搜尋:新增了捷運與高鐵週邊的房屋搜尋。3. 擴增實境:搭配成交行情,讓您拿起手機,就能知道周遭的房屋價值。4. 會員功能:無論買屋、租屋、加盟店、經紀人,皆可收藏與連動,會員功能更加完備。21世紀不動產,擁有最完整的行動看屋方案,一圓您的購屋夢想。還等什麼?請立即下載!(買屋、賣屋、房屋仲介與房屋買賣首選品牌!找屋;找房;房地產;買屋;租屋;成交行情;房市;房貸/貸款試算;實價登錄;雲端;仲介這些功能通通有!)Century 21 RealEstate,the latest version of Android.The industry's most pioneering features, the most completemobileKanwu program to provide cloud integration, so you caneasilysearch for housing information.A fully functional freeCentury 21 Real Estate Kanwu action, from the inside to theoutsideis completely free, no extra charge.Hundreds of thousands of items, covering the whole station,allowingyou to grasp the important housing information.Two, friendly interface Kanwu1. GPS positioning: 1 to 30 kilometers around the map, allthehouses once a snare.2 Kanwu modes: Kanwu offers three modes [Map / Picture / list],soyou can easily identify houses.3 Search for homes: a tremendous amount to hit the hearts!Aftera scuffle with each other after the developer of the 21stcentury,decided to offer the most complete search mechanism, fromthe area,price, type, pattern, Year of construction, parking,transit,high-speed rail .... lead the industry to allow users toaccuratelyfilter housing.Third, the full contents of houses1 Property Photo: Explosion amount to 21, allowing you to lookintothat again.2 House Contents: Whether property, floor number, contactdetails,completely clear.3 near Quotes: All transaction information iscompletelytransparent.4 House Setting: offer Google Street View, from the inside totheoutside easily grasp. Fourth, transparent Nett login Quotes1 combined with government Nett login information with mapseasilygrasp the regional turnover2 per transaction object has a detailed transaction informationFifth, the industry's first feature1 cloud services: integration in the cloud to sync iPhone, iPad,21century Kanwu network, an account unimpeded.2 MRT Search: Added MRT and high-speed rail around thehousesearch.3 Augmented Reality: with transaction prices, allowing you topickup the phone, you can know the value of thesurroundinghouses.4 Member functions: whether to buy a home, renting, stores,brokers,collection and can be linked, a member function morecomplete.Century 21 Real Estate, has the most comprehensive programofaction Kanwu, a circle of your housing dream.So what? Download now!(Buy a house, sell house, real estate brokers and sale ofhousingpreferred brand! Find housing; find room; estate; buyhouses;Renting; transaction prices; housing; Mortgage / Loan trial;Nettlogin; cloud; agency has all of these features !)