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安祥禅 1.0.16
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功能简介1、支持Android2.2~4.2的平板或者手机;2、无需任何第三方阅读器控件或者Word插件;3、完全本地化阅读,不会占用手机网络流量;4、支持书签定义、打开、删除;5、支持全文搜索;6、标题、副标题、内容字体可以自定义;7、支持章节定位;8、完全免费,请各位禅友佛友安心使用。安祥禅简介  吾 耕云导师天纵圣明,乘愿再来,早年悟道,经过数十年的涵养,成就非凡,非但深入禅的阃奥,且具有伟大的传心力量。凡有缘亲近之人,莫不亲领法喜禅悦,同声赞叹,庆幸、珍惜此一稀有难得之法缘。如今蒙 耕云导师启发而悟道者不在少数,成就证果者亦大有人在,均得力于 耕云导师「传佛心印」的威力和「法门的简易」。  吾 耕云导师悲愿宏深,一生辛勤说法及传心。为期普渡众生,特掀开中华祖师禅神秘的面纱,以现代的语言深入浅出地表达禅的内涵、精髓、宗旨、修行和保任的方法;同时为因应时代的变迁及社会环境的需要,将古代的中华祖师禅过滤并升华为「安祥禅」。因此安祥禅不只是为整个人类而设立,更能契合今后科技时代的需求,是非常殊胜的心灵救济法门。Introduction1, support Android2.2 ~ 4.2 tablet or mobile phone;2, without any third-party controls or Word Reader plug;3, fully localized to read, do not take phone networktraffic;4, support for bookmarks defined, open, delete;5, support for full-text search;6, title, subtitle, content, fonts can be customized;7, the support section positioning;8, completely free, please Chanyou Foyou ease to use.Serene Zen IntroductionI GENGYUN mentor Tianzong Holy Spirit, Chengyuanzailai,earlyenlightenment, after decades of conservation, andextraordinaryachievements, not only in-depth Zen cyberspaceAustrian, and hasgreat strength and heart. Where a person destinedto close,everyone pro-collar method hi Zen, simultaneouspraise,fortunately, a rare treasure this rare edge of the law.TodayMongolian GENGYUN few mentors who inspiredenlightenment,achievement certificates fruit Zheyi lot of peopleare helped byGENGYUN mentor "pass the Buddha's heart print" powerand "Dharmasimple."I GENGYUN mentor COMPASSION macro deep, life and heart andhardsaying. Period of salvation, especially Zen Patriarch openedChinamystery to modern language easy to express the meaning of Zen,theessence, purpose, method of practice and insuranceoffice;simultaneously in response to the changing times and theneeds ofthe social environment, the Ancient Chinese Patriarch ofZen filterand sublimation as "serene Zen." So serene Zen is notjust set upfor the whole human race, to better fit the needs offuturetechnological age, it is very auspicious spiritualreliefDharma.
金刚经.持诵版 1.0.9
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1、整体持诵过程包括开经偈、金刚经(江味农居士校对版)、补阙圆满真言、能断金刚经陀罗尼、回向文;2、可以自定义字体大小及颜色;3、可以自定义朗诵速度;4、持诵控制:开始、停止、暂停、继续;5、支持全屏显示;6、关于中罗列的持诵方法及能断金刚经陀罗尼的出处及介绍;中阴救度注意事项—元音老人“能断金刚咒”就是能断金刚经的陀罗尼。陀罗尼就是总持(总一切义,持一切法。就是真言、密咒)。“能断金刚咒陀罗尼”念一遍就等于念九千万卷《金刚经》。持诵金刚经得定要诀—耕云导师如何持诵呢?持诵前放下万缘,以最诚最恭敬最信实的心,不起分别,一气呵成,朗诵一卷乃至一二三卷,且最好持诵不分段的,诵毕合卷,返观自心,当下便入金刚定中。以此为基,善加保任,即保持此刻的安祥无杂念状态,信任此心即是「觉」,即是正受,莫令其它俗情去扰乱它,它是非常珍贵难得的。这样保持愈久,进步愈快。此一方便,试之障轻者,百试不爽,障重者若持之以恒,亦渐入佳境,功不唐捐,利根者即透初关境界矣。1, the overallprocess,including open by reciting verses, the Diamond Sutra (Jiangflavorfarmers lay proofread version), Buque success mantra, canbreakDharani Sutra, back to the text;2, you can customize the font size and color;3, you can customize reading speed;4, reciting control: Start, stop, pause, continue;5, support for full-screen display;6, on the list of methods and be able to recite the DharaniSutraoff provenance and presentation;Bardo save sentient precautions - vowel elderly      "King Kong can breakcurse"is to be able to break the Dharani Sutra. Dharani is alwaysheld(total of all righteousness, dharma. Is the mantra, mantra)."KingKong can break curse Dharani" read it tantamount to readninethousand rolls of "King Kong."Recite the Diamond Sutra was given tips - GENGYUN Instructor       How to reciteit?Before reciting down Wan edge, in the most respectful of themostfaithful and most sincere heart, can not afford,respectively,coherent, and even twelve recitation roll threevolumes, andpreferably not segmented reciting, chanting togethercompletevolumes, back view of self- heart, then into the diamondset in themoment. As a group, to make good any guarantee that nodistractionsto keep the state at the moment of serenity, trust thisheart is a"feel", which is being affected, Mo Ling Other popularsentiment todisturb it, it is a very precious rare. So the longermaintained,and progress faster. This convenient, try the lightbarrier, onehundred test accurate, if sustained severe obstacle,but alsogetting better, work is not Don donate, Ligon those thatcarry onthrough the early shut realm.
打坐计时器 1.0
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基于Android的打坐倒计时器。1、计时精度高达毫秒级;2、可以自定义倒计时个数、时间;3、支持自定义提醒方式:震动、点亮屏幕、提示声音4、开始倒计时立即进入飞行模式,防止电话、短信打扰5、停止计时关闭飞行模式6、计时开始后不会持续激活屏幕以节省电源佛教、禅定、秘法修行、瑜伽、打坐、冥想辅助软件。Android-basedmeditationcountdown.1 millisecond timing accuracy up;2, you can customize the countdown number of times;3, support for custom alert mode: vibration, light up thescreen,voice prompts4, start counting down immediately into flight mode, preventphone,SMS disturb5, stop the timer off Airplane mode6, the start time will not continue to activate the screen tosavepowerBuddhism, meditation, Arcane practice, yoga,meditation,meditation supporting software.