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果果喵 - 甜蜜大更新 1.1.7
★★ 全新改版,甜蜜登場1. 新圖鑑系統,快來集滿所有果果喵吧!2. 全新更可愛的遊戲介面,給你更甜蜜的感受。3. 探索模式調整,每次都能進行三消打寶物,取消失敗會倒退的設定。4. 果喵園變大囉!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FB官方粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/fruitmao客服信箱:services@csfun.com.tw◎ 本遊戲為免費遊戲,內部分道具可供購買,請安心遊玩。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------故事背景喵曆398年,在個風和日麗的早上,位處於一片汪洋大海中的彭歌列島發生了一件不尋常的大事…!由歷任的喵族長老守護的一顆巨型水果樹開始晃動了!不同於其他水果樹,除了外型比一般水果樹壯碩許多,也從未結過果實,更別說收成了。據說從彭歌列島出現以後,這顆巨型水果樹一直存在,彷彿是整座島的生命源頭,即使過了很多年依然屹立不搖;所有的貓全都聚集在樹邊想要一探究竟,只見樹枝越搖越厲害,葉子頻頻抖落,這時第53代長老從貓群緩緩走出,示意大家冷靜…突然安靜了來下,樹不再搖動了,瞬間一道光芒從天而降照亮整棵樹,數秒後光芒消失,樹上開始掉下來各式各樣的巨大水果,大家雖然疑惑但正高興有水果可以吃的時候,才聽到貓群中有貓說:「這…這不是水果啊!是..貓!」定睛一看,從樹上掉落的巨大水果們一碰觸到地面立刻裂開,蹦出各式各樣的水果貓! 大家無不睜大眼睛觀察新誕生的水果貓們!而接下來,還會發生些什麼事呢…..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------果果喵FruitCats遊戲特色:★ 結合養成及寶石消除三消,最具營養素遊戲!★ 角色由台灣知名繪師設計繪畫,全新的視覺體驗!★ 全新關卡玩法,挑戰最長的探索距離!★ 培養各種水果喵喵,自行搭配各種方塊,養育專屬喵喵!★ 豐富的社群活動,參加即可獲得令人稱羨的遊戲道具!果果喵的粉絲專區 - 想收到最新消息,參加活動取得遊戲稀有商品嗎?立刻加入粉絲團吧!https://www.facebook.com/fruitmao/★ ★ new revision, sweetdebutA new field guide systems, the full set of all fruit come rightmeow!2 more lovely new game interface, giving you more sweetfeeling.3 exploration mode adjustment can be carried out every threeelimination fight treasures, cancel failed regress settings.4 If meow park bigger Hello! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------FB official fan group: https://www.facebook.com/fruitmaoCustomer Service: services@csfun.com.tw◎ This game is a free game, the part of the props available forpurchase, please feel at ease to play.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------Background StoryMeow calendar 398 years, in a sunny morning, located in a vastocean of Peng Song archipelago happened one unusual event...!Meow clan elders served by the guardian of a giant fruit treesbegan to shake it! Unlike other fruit trees, in addition to manyburly appearance than the average fruit trees, had never bearfruit, let alone become close. Peng said that after the song fromthe islands appear, Fengyun giant fruit tree has always existed, asif the whole island is a source of life, even after many yearsremained unshakable; All cats are all gathered in the side of thetree you want to find out, I saw The more powerful the more shakethe branches, leaves and shake off frequently, when the firstgeneration of elders from 53 cats slowly out, motioning for calm...To suddenly quiet, the tree is no longer shaking, and instantly alight from heaven illuminate the entire tree, a few seconds afterthe light disappeared, the tree began to fall off a huge variety offruit, although we are happy to have doubts, but you can eat fruitwhen we come to hear the cats have cat said: "This ... this is notthe fruit ah yes .. cat!!" closer look great fruits are fallingfrom the trees touched touched the ground immediately split, pop awide variety of fruits cat! We are all wide-eyed observation of thebirth of a new fruit cats! And then, what will happen thing.....---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Fruit meow FruitCats game features:★ combine to develop and eliminate three gems disappear, the mostnutrient game!★ roles from Taiwan famous painting painted design division, a newvisual experience!★ new levels of play, the challenge to explore the longestdistance!★ cultivate various fruits meow, with a variety of their own box,parenting exclusive meow!★ wealth of community activities, to participate in the game youcan get enviable props!Fan Zone meow fruit - like to receive the latest news, get thegame to participate in activities scarce commodity it? Become a fanof it at once!https://www.facebook.com/fruitmao/
機甲英雄機鬥卡5圖鑑 1.0
● 完整收錄機鬥卡5-武裝解放100張卡片● 用來檢視所有的卡片,方便管理自己收集與未收集的卡片● complete recorders 5-armed liberation fight card 100 card● used to view all the cards, to facilitate the management tocollect himself and uncollected cards
Flash Memory 記憶刮刮樂 1.0.6
★★讓你越玩越聰明的遊戲創新玩法,顛覆你對記憶遊戲的無聊想像!結合刮刮卡的拆磚模式,體驗指尖快感與拆封驚喜的雙重樂趣~不只挑戰你的記憶力,還能訓練手眼協調。增加主題式相簿設計,收藏所有喜愛的圖片。還有好友排行榜功能,挑戰誰才是「記憶之神」!立即下載體驗,還有機會免費獲得超人氣LINE的周邊商品喔~詳情請上官方FACEBOOK粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/game543客服信箱:services@csfun.com.tw◎ 本遊戲為免費遊戲,另有完整版可供購買,請安心遊玩。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flash Memory遊戲特色:★ 結合刮刮卡的拆磚模式,創新的記憶遊戲!★ 3種遊戲模式,每種模式有4種難度等級。★ 多款台灣繪師原創繪畫,可愛的視覺享受!★ 訓練記憶力,還能訓練手眼協調反應!★ 比速度、比記憶,拿高分,爭排名的社群功能。想收到最新消息,參加活動拿贈品嗎?立刻加入粉絲團吧!https://www.facebook.com/game543------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
機甲英雄機鬥卡6圖鑑 1.0
● 用來檢視所有的卡片,方便管理自己收集與未收集的卡片● used to view allthecards, to facilitate the management to collect himselfanduncollected cards