Alohi SA Apps

FAX.PLUS - Send Fax from Phone
Alohi SA
Faxing app to receive & send fax from phone. Fax documentswithout a fax machine
SIGN.PLUS - eSign & Fill Docs 1.3.1
Alohi SA
SIGN.PLUS is a legally-binding electronic signature solution tosigndocuments on Android devices and send documents for signature.It’ssecure, reliable, cross-platform, and super easy to use. Usingthisfree eSignature app, you can fill and sign PDF documents,Worddocuments, and other types of supported documents. You canalsoutilize the paper scanning feature to convert your paperdocumentsto digital documents and sign them electronically. ★SIGN.PLUSrecognized as the best e-Signature solution to fill andsigndocuments! ★ Fill and sign documents: This free documentsigningapp allows you to create an electronic signature that can beusedto e-sign documents wherever you are and whenever you want. Youcandraw a signature, type your signature or use your initials.Senddocuments for signature: Other than the option to fill andsigndocuments yourself, you can also send documents for signature.Youcan send a request for signature even if the signees do not haveaSIGN.PLUS account. With this eSignature and form filling app,youcan add various fields to the documents, includingsignature,initials, date, text, and checkbox. Tamper-proof audittrails: Forevery document that goes into the process ofsigningelectronically, there are real-time logs to keep track ofanyactivity that has occurred with information such as name,IPaddress, email address, device. The audit trails available inthisfree document signing app are non-editable and each documentactionis thoroughly tracked and time-stamped, serving as legalproof ofreceipt, review, and signature. Legally-bindingelectronicsignature: SIGN.PLUS complies with electronic signatureregulationssuch as ESIGN, eIDAS, and ZertES to ensure it deliversthe samelegal standing as pen-and-paper signatures. ► Extensivesecuritymeasurements and compliance offerings Data encryption: Weencryptall documents at rest using 256-bit Advanced EncryptionStandard(AES), with each user’s unique encryption key., To protectdata intransit between our apps (currently mobile, API, web) andourservers, we use TLS 1.2+ encryption. Various complianceofferings:We are committed to certifying ourselves and oure-signing platformfor all relevant certifications and compliances,including SOC 2,HIPAA, ISO 27001, GDPR, CCPA, and more. ► Lookingfor an easy wayto e-sign PDF documents? We’ve got you covered Ifyou are lookingfor a secure document signing app to fill and signPDF documents,we are here to help. This free eSignature app offersthe easiestonline signature experience, unlike other form fillingand e-signapplications. You can sign PDF docs, contracts, leases,NDAs,agreements, and pretty much every type of legal documentwithoutgoing through a complicated process. Download SIGN.PLUS forfree onyour Android device, scan/import the document you wish tosign/besigned electronically and esign it yourself or send itforsignature. SIGN.PLUS features and advantages: •Legally-bindingelectronic signature solution • Fill and sign PDFdocuments • Senddocuments for signature • Create an electronicsignature (Type,draw, initials) • Extensive regulatory complianceofferings,including SOC 2, HIPAA*, ISO 27001, GDPR, CCPA, and more• Scandocuments with your mobile camera (automatic documentdetection,magnifier, border cropping, perspective correctness) •Dataencryption • Tamper-proof audit trails • Save documents asdraft •Get real-time notifications • Multiple date formats • Freeesignature app to sign documents on Android * SIGN.PLUS isHIPAAcompliant, provided the user has advanced securitycontrolsactivated and enters into a business associate agreement(BAA) withSIGN.PLUS. Advanced security controls are available ontheEnterprise plan tier. Any further questions or requests? Donothesitate to reach us on our website, app, or by