AnPush Apps

Магическая деревяшка 1.0
Магическая деревяшка поможет тебе получитьответ на любой загаданный вопрос.Для достижения наилучшего результата надо сосредоточиться навопросе идержа его в голове нажать на кнопку "Получить ответ".И самое главное помни твоя судьба в твоих руках.Помни это только игра.The magic of wood willhelp you get the answer to any question will make come true.For best results, it is necessary to focus on the subject andholding it in his head to press the button "Get the answer."And the most important thing to remember is your destiny is in yourhands.Remember this is just a game.
Flying in the mountains VR 1.0
Flight simulation in the mountains. Use Googlecardboard or similar device.Immerse themselves in virtual reality helps smartphone with morethan 400 ppi.Should immediately stop viewing stereoscopic images, and consulta doctor if you have marked at least one of the following symptoms:impaired vision, headache, dizziness, involuntary muscle twitchingeyelids, inability to concentrate, nausea, unconsciousness,convulsions, cramps, disorientation