Anton Petrusha Apps

More or less on a board 1.1
Trains your brain quickly count, analize andcompare numbersLast time we less and less count or calculate simple maths inthe mind. We get used to convenience of technologies, so that wecannot count without a calculator.There are so many calculatorsaround: on your desk, in your computer, phone and tablet, even inyour TV.So if you cannot exclude favorite gadgets from your life, I proposean other solution: use applications, that help us not to forgetyour simple skills and train them.One of my solutions is creating logical and mathemathical game,that you can observe now. It helps you in training and improve yourcount skills, so you can easier count in the mind rather than pressbuttons on your gadget.
Пасека 3.0.14
Handbook of bees. beekeeper Advisor. Assistant to the beekeeper.Online shop.
Bees-sappers 1.5
bee sappers mines minefields check bomb logic miner minesweeper