BOUTALEB Younes Apps

AngularJS Tutorial 0.0.1
******************************************************AngularKorsTutorialIonic*************************************************AngularJs is known as the most popular JavaScriptMVCframeworkThis application is designed for the very beginners inthejavascript framework worldThe First version of this application "AngularKors" allows youafast and intuitive naviguation through sidebar menu or usingtabsbellow the page to Get to what you want, each title leads youit'sconcerned topic well detailed, it's entielly offline anddoesn'tuse any internet service or webservice, once you install itin yourdevice you can start using it freely.I made sure to attache screenshots and external links formoreinfomations, also a page contact which contains my emailaddress tosend me for comments or suggestionsthis application is build completely using Ionicframework,apache Cordova, NodeJs, Jquery mobile syntaxeEnjoy ;)************************************************** ****AngularKorsTutorial Ionic******************************************* ******                                 AngularJSisKnown as the Most Popular JavaScript MVC framework                         Thisappis designed for the very beginners in the worldjavascriptframework           TheFirstVersion of this application "AngularKors" allows you a fastandintuitive naviguation through sidebar or menu using tabs bellowthepage to Get to what you want contents, each title leads youit'sConcerned topic well detailed, it's entielly offline and Doesnotuse Any internet webservice or service once you install it inyourdevice you can start using it freely.           Imadescreenshots and safe to attach external links for moreinformation,please contact page qui a également contains my emailaddress tosend me for comments or suggestions           thisappis build completely Call using Ionic framework, ApacheCordova,nodejs, jQuery Mobile syntaxEnjoy;)
météo weather géolocalisation 0.0.4
***************************************************météo weatheretgéolocation************************************************cette application permet de consulter l'état climatiqued'uneville donné; offre des informations météorologiques pour lemarocet le reste du monde, les informations seront affichés parpériodesde 3 heures chaque jour, pendant 5 jours consécutifs"forcast",ainsi que le degré de température correspondante àchaquemesure.Il sera affiché la position longitidunale , latitude,l'horlogelocale et la vitesse de l'utilisateur, s'il est endéplacement, etune icône d'état actuel du position de l'utilisateur courant est capté, et est miseàjour à chaque déplacement, la configuration de base estenregistrédans une unité de stockage de type localStorage.l'interface étant simple, intuitive et ergonomique permet unaccèsfacile aprés extraction de données du serveur.l'application en sa totalité est construite avec ionicframework,node Js, Angular JS, google Map API V3, APIopenweather.Si vous aimez l’application notez la et faites la connaitreàvotre entourage !à vous ;)************************************************** * weatherandweather geolocation************************************************this application allows you to view the status of a globalcitygiven; provides weather information for Morocco and the rest oftheworld, the information will be shown for periods of threehoursdaily for 5 consecutive days "forcast", and the degreeoftemperature corresponding to each measurement. It will be displayed the longitidunale position, latitude, thelocalclock and the speed of the user, if he is traveling, and acurrentstatus icon of the climate.the position of the current user is received, and isupdatedevery movement, the basic configuration is saved inlocalStoragetype of storage unit. the interface is simple, intuitive and ergonomic easy accessafterextraction of data from the server.the application in its entirety is built with Ionicframework,node Js, Angular JS, Google Map API V3 APIopenweather.If you like the application note and make the people aroundyouknow!to you ;)
trash dove adventure game new 2.0
---------------------------------Trashdoveadventures:----------------------------------The acrobatic movements of the funny dove, a game for you tohavefun all day, using the right and left arrows to move the superdovefliying To collect coins from eggs with Music & SoundEffects ,a fairly smooth, The game is free, no purchase required.It's Likethe game Danyah basboossa game and Game Soy Luna.Suitable for all your android phone. So let us download andplaythis gameIf you like the game please do not hesitate to give me 5stars**************************END OFEnglishDescription*************************************************************************************************DEBUTDESCRIPTIONfrançaise****************************************************************--------------------------trashdoveaventures:------------------------------les mouvements acrobatiques de la colombe, un jeu pour vousamusertoute la journée, en utilisant les fléches droite et gauchepourfaire bouger la super colombe Pour recueillir des pièces demonnaiea partir des oeufs avec des musiques et effets sonores.,unmouement assez lisse, le jeu est gratuit, aucun achat n' est comme le jeu Danyah basboossa jeu et Jeu SoyLuna.Adapté à tout votre téléphone android. Alorslaissez-noustélécharger et jouer ce jeusi le jeu vous a plus n'hésitez pas à me donner 5 étoiles--------------------------------- Trash doveadventures:------------- ---------------------The acrobatic movements of the funny dove, a game for you tohavefun all day, using the right and left arrows to move the superdovefliying To collect coins from eggs with Music & SoundEffects,was fairly smooth, the game is free, No purchase required.It'sLike the game Danyah basboossa game and Game Soy Luna.Suitable for all your android phone. So let us download andplaythis gameIf you like the game please do not hesitate to give me 5starsEND OF ************************** EnglishDescription************************************************************************************************* French DESCRIPTIONSTART****************************************************************-------------------------- Trash doveadventures-------------------- ----------the acrobatic movements of the dove, a game to have fun allday,using the right arrows and left to move the super dove Tocollectcoins from eggs with music and sound effects. A featuresincrediblyrealistic enough smooth, the game is free, no purchase is like gambling Danyah basboossa game and Game SoyLuna.Suitable for all your android phone. So let us download andplaythis gameif the game has more feel free to give me 5 stars
وصلة كروية 1.0
وصلة كورة القدملعبة مسلية من العاب تسليه المبنية على فكرة كلمات متقاطعة وتشملميدانكرة القدم الرياضة رقم واحد عربيااللعبة مصصمة بشكل حدسي وجمالي تحتوي بدورها على معلومات غزيرةومشوقةتخص جنسية اللاعبين و مشاهير كرة القدم وكذا معلومات عامة فيكرةالقدم بالإضافة إلى معلومات عن كأس العالم و دوري أبطال أوروباوالمزيد لاكتشافه الأسئلة متنوعة و مناسبة لجميع الأعمار يمنتخطيالسؤال في حال تعذرت الإجابة يمكن حل الكلمات باستعمالالنقاطالمكتسبةيمكن البحث عن اللعبة ب:وصلة رياضيةوصلة كرويةوصلة الثقافيةwasla korawsla korawasla kalimatwsla kalimat wasla kooorawsla alghazwasla kora al9adamkalimat mota9ati3awasla kooorawasla arabiawasla marocوصلة كورة القدملعبة مسلية من العاب تسليه المبنية على فكرة كلمات متقاطعة وتشملميدانكرة القدم الرياضة رقم واحد عربيااللعبة مصصمة بشكل حدسي وجمالي تحتوي بدورها على معلومات غزيرةومشوقةتخص جنسية اللاعبين و مشاهير كرة القدم وكذا معلومات عامة فيكرةالقدم بالإضافة إلى معلومات عن كأس العالم و دوري أبطال أوروباوالمزيد لاكتشافه الأسئلة متنوعة و مناسبة لجميع الأعمار يمنتخطيالسؤال في حال تعذرت الإجابة يمكن حل الكلمات باستعمالالنقاطالمكتسبةيمكن البحث عن اللعبة ب:وصلة رياضيةوصلة كرويةوصلة الثقافيةwasla koraWSLA korawasla kalimatWSLA kalimat wasla koooraWSLA alghazwasla kora al9adamkalimat mota9ati3awasla kooorawasla arabiawasla Morocco
حلويات فايزة المغربية 1.1.1
حلويات فايزة المغربيةيقدم لك تطبيق حلويات فايزة مجموعة مختارة من أشهى و أروعالحلوياتالمغربية العصرية الجديدة وكذا الوصفات التقليدة الجاري بهاالعمل,الوصفات المقدمة سهلة التحضيريحتوي التطبيق على العديد من الكيك سريعة ومنزلية تعتبر من أشهركيكاتالعالم العربي وعلى أشهى الحلويات بالفواكه العربية والغربيةالتي سوفتنال إعجاب جميع الأدواقمميزات تطبيق حلويات فايزة:مساحة التطبيق صغيرةوصفات بالصوركتابة واضحةحلويات سريعةجديدةحلوياتحلويات مغربية بدون أنترنتحلويات باتشيحلويات سهلة واقتصاديةla cuisine marocaineHalawyat 3id al fitr7alawiat ramadanhalawiat arabiawasafat maghribia al kik kikahalawiat fayzaحلوياتفايزةالمغربيةيقدم لك تطبيق حلويات فايزة مجموعة مختارة من أشهى و أروعالحلوياتالمغربية العصرية الجديدة وكذا الوصفات التقليدة الجاري بهاالعمل,الوصفات المقدمة سهلة التحضيريحتوي التطبيق على العديد من الكيك سريعة ومنزلية تعتبر من أشهركيكاتالعالم العربي وعلى أشهى الحلويات بالفواكه العربية والغربيةالتي سوفتنال إعجاب جميع الأدواقمميزات تطبيق حلويات فايزة:مساحة التطبيق صغيرةوصفات بالصوركتابة واضحةحلويات سريعةجديدةحلوياتحلويات مغربية بدون أنترنتحلويات باتشيحلويات سهلة واقتصاديةMoroccan cuisineHalawyat 3id al fitr7alawiat Ramadanhalawiat arabiawasafat maghribia al kik kikahalawiat fayza
Ultra voice changer غير صوتك 1.1
Ultra Voice changer allows you to changeyourvoice in your phone device easily, It smartly change yourvoiceaccording to pitch and speed levels.the present application can be used to prank some of yourfriendsfor fun, It provide a large range of voice effects "Over15effet" that can be applied after recording your reel voice,theeffects could be previewed before appliying themEnjoy below given Effects:-Echo-Reverse-Flanger-Wah-wah-Tremolo-Alien-Helium-Chipmunk-Forest-Water-Rain-Train-White noise-FootstepsFirst:- Record your voice by maintaining your finger on therecorderSecond:- Choose the suitable effect from the dropdown menuFinally:- Press Play button and save the audioBestsYOUNES BOUTALEBUltra Voice changerallowsyou to change your voice in your phone device Easily, Itsmartlychange your voice selon pitch and speed levels.the present Application can be used to prank Reviews some ofyourfriends for fun, It Provide a Wide Range of voice effects "Over 15effect " that Can Be Applied after-recording your realvoice, theeffects Could Be Previewed em before appliyingEnjoy Given below Effects:-Echo-reverse-FlangerWah-wah-Tremolo-Alien-Helium-Chipmunk-Forest-Water-rain-Train-White noise-FootstepsFirst:          - Record your voice byMaintainingyour finger on the recorderSecond:     - Choose the suitable effect fromthedropdown menufinally:      - Press Play button and save theaudioBestsYOUNES BOUTALEB
mental Math Practice 1.1.1
Math Practice One of mental math games inwhichyou take several mental tests to get mentally skilledTry to finish all levels to reach your full potential mentalmatharithmetics skills.Application's manuelyou will have a limited time to select the correct answerIf You choose a correct answer, 1 point will be given toyouotherwise you miss the roundThere are 5 levels of skills aptitude, to skip to the next levelyouhave to fulfill 10 rounds succefullyeach test is scored.math arithmetics operations that would be waiting for youare:*Soustraction*Addition*Multiplication*Division*Logarithm*Exponentiation*Factorial*Summation (Sigma)*Square rootAdvanced levels(Expert,Master) require refined mathematicsknowledgeskills to take the challenges.---------------description français-------------------------Math Pratique Un des jeux de math mental dans lequel vousprenezplusieurs tests mentaux pour obtenir mentalement habileEssayez de terminer tous les niveaux pour atteindre toutesvoscapacités de mathématiques mentales potentiellesManuel de l'applicationVous aurez un temps limité pour sélectionner la bonne réponseSi vous choisissez une réponse correcte, 1 point vous seradonnésinon vous manquez le tourIl ya 5 niveaux d'aptitudes compétences, pour passer auniveausuivant, vous devez remplir 10 tours avec succèsChaque test est noté.Les opérations d'arithmétique mathématique qui vousattendentsont:* Soustraction*Une addition*Multiplication*Division*Logarithme* Expénonétisation* Facteur* Sommation (Sigma)*Racine carréeLes niveaux avancés (Expert, Master) requièrent desconnaissancesapprofondies en mathématiques pour relever lesdéfis.----BestsYOUNES BOUTALEBOne of MathPracticemental math games in qui you take mental Several tests togetmentally skilledTry to finish all levels to reach your full potential mentalmatharithmetics skills .Application's manualyou will-have a limited time to select the proper answerIf You choose a proper answer, 1 point will be Given toyouOtherwise you miss the roundThere are 5 levels of fitness skills, to skip to the nextlevelyou-have to Fulfill 10 rounds succefullyEach test is Scored.math operations arithmetics That Would Be waiting for youare:*Substraction*Addition*Multiplication*Division* Logarithm* Exponentiation* Factorial* Summation (Sigma)* Square rootAdvanced levels (Expert, Master) require refined skillsmathematicsknowledge to take the challenges.                                               ----------------------------------------French descriptionMath Practice A mental math game in which you take severalmentaltests for mentally competentTry to complete all levels to reach all your potential mentalmathabilitiesApplication ManualYou have a limited time to select the right answerIf you choose a correct answer, 1 point will be given if youmissthe turnThere are 5 levels of skills skills to the next level, youmustcomplete 10 laps successfullyEach test is noted.The arithmetic mathematical operations that are waitingforyou:* Substraction*Addition*Multiplication*Division*Logarithm* Expénonétisation* Postman* Sum (Sigma)*Square rootAdvanced levels (Expert, Master) require profound knowledgeinmathematics to meet the challenges.----BestsYOUNES BOUTALEB