Banpro Grupo Promerica Apps

Billetera Banpro 1.4.2
Banpro – Mobile Wallet is a product offered,by the Promerica Group, enabling its clients, customers and thegeneral public to deposit money to the their cell phone and use itas cash, to perform various transactions from your mobiledevice.Your Banpro – Mobile Wallet can be activated from your cell phonethrough the application, following the set up screen on yourdisplay.Transactions and services availablea. Inquiries- Available Balances- Lastest 10 transactionsb. Transfers- To another Banpro – Mobile Wallet- To a Banpro account in córdobas- From a Banpro account in córdobas to your mobile devicec. Airtime Top-Ups (CLARO and MOVISTAR)- To your cell phone- To another cell phoned. Deposits and cash withdrawals- At Agentes Bapro and Agentes Billeteras- AT Banpro Branches across the countrye. Withdraw cash from Banpro´s ATMsf. Buy at affiliated business locationsg. Change your PINThe transaction processes are designed for the easy use of theservice and under the highest security standards. For everytransaction the user or customer will receive a reference code thatcertifies the completion of each transaction.Mobile Wallet Banpro is money in your phone!
Banpro Mobile Banking 1.0.8
Welcome to Banpro MobileThe dynamic and efficient Banpro Mobile, a service channelofBanpro Grupo Promerica, where we offer a wide range ofoptions,services and financial transactions, which allow you tooperate andmanage; accounts, credit cards and loans from anywhere,usingcutting edge technology and the highest standards ofsecurity,confidence and tranquility.Transactions and services available1. Inquiries• Balances (accounts, loans and cards provided)• Movements (last 25, from your accounts and cards)2. Transfers• Own accounts• Accounts with third parties3. Airtime Top-Ups (CLARO and MOVISTAR)• To your cell phone• to another cell phone4. Payments• Credit cards (own and others)• Loans5. Block your Credit Cards
Encuentra a BANPRO 1.1
Encuentra a Banpro es una aplicación deBanproGrupo Promerica, que le permite ubicar y tener informaciónsobrehorarios de atención y direcciones de las Sucursales, ATM´syAgentes Banpro más cercanos a su ubicación.Encuentra a Banpro:• Es fácil e intuitiva de usar.• Se integra con otras aplicaciones de geolocalizaciónparaenseñarle que camino o ruta tomar para llegar al punto Banprode suinterés• Toma como punto de partida su ubicación y muestra todaslasSucursales, ATMs y Agentes Banpro cercanos.• Permite hacer búsquedas por tipos de puntos.• Muestra las promociones que Banpro tiene vigentes y redirige alosreglamentos de las mismas.• Muestra en línea el tipo de cambio del día.Banpro ahora está en su celular!Find Banpro isanapplication Banpro Promerica Group, which allows you to locateandget information about opening hours and addresses of branches,ATMsand Agents Banpro closest to your location.Find Banpro:• Easy and intuitive to use.• Integrates with other applications geolocation to show thatpathor route to take to get to the point of interest Banpro• It takes as its starting point location and displays allBranches,ATMs and Agents Banpro nearby.• Allows you to search by types of points.• Displays current promotions and Banpro is redirected to thesameregulations.• Displays online exchange rate of the day.Banpro is now on your mobile!
Banca Móvil Banpro 1.2.2
Membership: [+] Get your membership without visiting abranch,accepting terms & conditions of the service andvalidationmaking use of the sending of a unique security code byOTP, whichwill arrive through an SMS to the number registered inyour bankprofile. Balance inquiry: [+] Check the net balance of allyourbank accounts, credit cards, personal loans &fixed-termcertificates. [+] Quickly access your active product'slist. Bankaccounts: [+] Your account net balance [+] Check thedetail, thefloating & recent movements. [+] Check the recentpurchases ofyour debit card associated with your bank account.Credit cards:[+] Net balance of your card [+] Floating & recenttransactions(last 30 days). [+] Court date & payment. [+]Minimum paymentamount and cash. [+] Balance available for cashwithdrawal in ourchannels. [+] Your accumulated points information.[+] Pay yourcard using the balance of your bank accounts Moneytranfers: [+]Send money between your accounts. [+] Send money todebit, creditcards & third-party Banpro loans. [+] Send ACHtransfers toother banks. Beneficiaries: [+] Register destinationBanpro or ACHaccounts that you want to keep within the quick listto sendmoney.This action requires validation through the use of thesecondactive authentication factor by the user [+] Update orremovebeneficiaries from your app's quick list. Manage My Cards:[+] Viewimages & information of my debit & credit cards.Fixed TermDeposits: [+] Check the balance of term deposit. [+]Pendingcoupons. [+] Detailed product information. ServicesPayments:[+]You will have the option to make payments forwater,electricity, normal & activated recharges. [+] Paymentscan beoriginated from your bank account or credit card. [+] Savepaymentsas favorites. Locations: [+] Search & view subsidiariesforspecialized services and closest ATMs from your currentlocation.Other functions: [+] Login function with Touch ID or FaceID.(Available according to your Smartphone model) *. [+]Flexibilityto alternatively configure a second factorauthentication forcertain operations: a) the sending of a uniquesecurity code byOTP, which will arrive via SMS to the numberregistered in yourbank profile. b) Activating your mobile token.These options aremutually exclusive. [+] Approve transactions fromWeb Bankingthrough making use of the sending of a unique securitycode by OTP,which will arrive through an SMS to the numberregistered in yourbank profile. [+] Change of password. (YourMobile Bankingcredentials will be the same as for the new WebBanking) *. [+]Transfer made record. [+] Payments made record. [+]Change yourMobile Token PIN within your app. [+] View frequentlyaskedquestions, terms & conditions, privacy policies. [+] Callorwrite customer service from the app. Minimum requirementsforoptimal performance: [+] Stable internet connection [+]RequiresAndroid 6 or higher. [+] Updated "Webview" Apps of yourAndroidSystem & Google Chrome. If your device has problems dueto theAndroid or iOS version, you can use our in your mobile browserwithoutchanging the experience.
Billetera Móvil
It is our digital solution that allows you to carry outbankingtransactions