Bebeit Apps

PetapetaPhotoMemo 1.7.7
Take a camera, as it is Paste! Photos stick them as a widget on thehome screen.
PetapetaHandwrittenMemo 1.2.1
Simply do not leave a note in the handwritten memo? PetapetaHandwritten Memo!!
PetapetaTextMemo 1.1.7
Simply do not leave a note in the Text memo? Petapeta Text Memo!!
Gem Box-Notice the time taken 1.1.4
An application that will notify you to collect an Gem after 48hours.
NinjaFolder 1.2.9
You just stash, it summarizes the application in the folderinvisible . * We do not guarantee the operation on custom ROM,rooted terminal or remodeled terminal. Also, normal operation isnot guaranteed in the case of permission alteration. [ How to use ]① from the widget " - Ninja folder " is selected, and add it to thehome screen . ※ By the specifications of the android , there is acase where the widget list is not updated , In that case, You cancope with such as the restart of the body . ② After starting app ,and adds a shortcut for the app . ③ If you hide a folder , pressthe button to hide , and exit . ④ Even if hidden , when you tap thelocation where you have added an app , the app is launched . ※Insome terminal , after the installation , but it will be displayedtemporarily icon , Even touch the icon will not be able to launchthe app . 【Function】 ① Add a shortcut of the app , sort , or delete. - Add: Press the app add button , when you select the app fromthe list , it will be added to the top . - Sort : Sort Pressing andholding the application you want to place , you will be able tomove . - Delete : Press the app delete button , you can delete andtap the app you want to delete . ② Folder , you can choose todisplay and non- display . [NEW] In switching of the tab , it willbe divided into the app and bookmark . ③ Add a shortcut of thebookmark , sort , or delete . - Add: Press the app add button ,when you select the bookmark, it will be added to the top .*However, if additional functions can not be used, a dialog will bedisplayed, so please enter the title and URL. At that time, you cancopy the URL by pressing share of your browser and selecting theninja folder. - Sort : Sort Pressing and holding the bookmark youwant to place , you will be able to move . - Delete : Press thebookmark delete button , you can delete and tap the bookmark youwant to delete . 【Button Description】 • In the vertical state , itdescribes the button below from left to right . ① Icon ( hidden ) :Change to hide the app icon . ①' Icon : Change to display the appicon . ② Add: Select the shortcut from the list , and add it to thegrid . ③ Delete : After you press the delete button of , and pressthe icon in the grid , you can delete . ③' Delete ( Back ) :Deletion becomes cancellation , and press the shortcut, you canlaunch. ④ Close: To exit the app . 【Caution】 Of the apps shortcutsaved , because it is performed automatically , when you want todelete , please note . ( Deleted , only turn off the shortcuts ,not a uninstall of the body.) • If the folder no longer know whereto put , ① with the addition of widgets , " - Ninja folder " isselected, and add the widget . ② not visible display of the icon ,but if you tap the location where you placed , the app starts. ③Press the display of the app , please looking for a widget that isdisplayed . [About Uninstall] Data will be deleted at the same timewhen uninstalling. In addition, I use the following material Uponproduction. ・high-resolution icon design : Ms. WATANUKI ・ICOOONMONO 【twitter】 @_bebeit ( )
主婦のための扶養範囲計算メモ - 賢い主婦の働き方 1.7.2
Are you wasting unnecessary time and money beyond your dependents?Record your monthly income and Automates the calculation of averagemonthly income for the remaining months to keep it within thedependent range.
EasyAssetManagementSimulator 1.1.0
1 year ( 365 days calculation) , that to grow by 0.1 percent onadaily basis , you can the original assets to 1.4 times . Recordthedaily data , you can simulate the future of the assets .【Caution】By the language of the beginning of the start-up , savingmethod isdetermined . ・ If the language is Japanese , and thestorage andcomputation in yen . ・In the case of other languages ​​,and thestorage and computation in dollars . If you decide once ,even ifyou switch the language in the middle , preservation methoddoesnot change . If you want to change the save currency , Onceyouuninstall , you will wish for your installation again . * We donotguarantee the operation on custom ROM, rooted terminal orremodeledterminal. Also, normal operation is not guaranteed in thecase ofpermission alteration. 【Function】 ①Record Set a targetgrowth rateof the day , by recording the data on a daily basis , tocalculatethe current income and growth rate . ・For Items Totalassets[Initial] : View the latest of total assets data . Early ,itdisplays the total assets , which was first registered .Targetgrowth rate : display a target growth rate of 1 day .Today'starget amount : Total assets of the late time × targetgrowth rate. P/L Total [Avg.] : profit and loss total = current oftotalassets - initial of total assets , average = profit and losstotal÷ number of data . Growth rate [Avg.] : growth rate = profitandloss total ÷ initial total assets × 100, average = growth rate÷number of data . ・For Table Date: view the saved date .Assets:Total assets as of the date that you saved . Comparison :Thecurrent total assets - one before of total assets . ※Thecurrenttotal assets , please input in the range of 0 to 10million.※Target growth rate of 1 day, please input in the range of0.1% to10% . ②Simulator By setting the total assets and growth rate, tosimulate the future of assets for each number of days . ・ForItemsTotal assets : Displays the total assets you have set .Targetgrowth rate : display a target growth rate of 1 day .Today'starget amount:Total assets × Target growth rate . ・For TableDays:Displays the number of days elapsed . Expected Assets:Displays thetotal assets of the case continued to achieve thetarget growthrate . Growth rate : Display the growth rate of thecase continuedto achieve the target growth rate . ※The currenttotal assets ,please input in the range of 0 to 10 million. ※Targetgrowth rateof 1 day, please input in the range of 0.1% to 10% .※Number ofdays, please input in the range of 1 to 999. 【ButtonDescription】①Record Tab ・In the vertical of state, I'll explain thebuttons onthe top from left to right. Advertising: It will displaythe ad . •In the vertical state , it describes the button belowfrom left toright . Edit: ① the current total assets ② and togetherenter thetarget growth rate of 1 day , you can update the data . ※areautomatically saved when the display of the " Now Update ... " ,inthe case of "error" , will not be saved . ※ If you edit the dataonthe same day , data is stored in overwritten. Close: To exittheapp . ②Simulator Tab ・In the vertical of state, I'll explainthebuttons on the top from left to right. Advertising: It willdisplaythe ad . • In the vertical state , it describes the buttonbelowfrom left to right . Edit: ①The total assets , ②the targetgrowthrate of 1 day, and ③The number of days to simulate When alltheinput , you can update the data . ※ are automatically savedwhenthe display of the " Now Update ... " , in the case of "error",will not be saved . Close: To exit the app . [About Uninstall]Datawill be deleted at the same time when uninstalling. Inaddition, Iuse the following material Upon production. ・Iconrainbow
主婦のための計算機 - 賢い主婦の節約術
The price or discount before the original price after thediscountat the time of the little shopping It is an auxiliarycomputer whenyou want to know some.
主婦のための買う物メモ 1.1.2
Why do not you forget to buy stress? If you register items tobuy,just add a button to the list and press the button.
最小限の売上管理メモ - 見える化で売上アップ! 1.2.1
A minimum of sales management memo of startups and retailbusinessowners. Enter day-to-day sales, the number of customers,graphed.Aiming goal, a good shop!