Black and Mobile Apps

Black and Mobile 5.2.7
Black and Mo­bile is the country’s first Black-Owned Foodde­liv­ery ser­vice that exclusively partners with Black-OwnedRestaurants so they can increase their customer base and get moreexposure. How it Works: 1. Down­load our app 'Black and Mo­bile' 2.Browse through a se­lec­tion of Black-Owned Busi­ness­es in yourarea 3. Se­lect a busi­ness and choose which food you would like toeat 4. Place your or­der 5. A mes­sen­ger will pick up from therestau­rant and drop it off at your door *Black and Mo­bile onlyde­liv­ers with­in a six mile ra­dius from the restau­rant! Thismeans that if you are 6.1 miles from the restau­rant, we have theright to re­fund you for your or­der. *In some cas­es, we may takeor­ders over the six-mile thresh­old. *There is a $10 min­i­mum toplace an order. When se­lect­ing food, items may have op­tions tose­lect from like sides, top­pings or more. Please se­lect theamount stat­ed that are avail­able to choose from. All sup­port­erswill re­ceive a live track­ing link so they can watch their or­dersin real-time from the time of the pick up to your front door. Useour track­ing sys­tem to know ex­act­ly when the dri­ver willar­rive to your door! With text mes­sage no­ti­fi­ca­tions, theabil­i­ty to call and text the dri­ver, and with our team watch­ingover the route in real-time, we en­sure that your food will get toyour door safe­ly and in a time­ly man­ner. You will be able to tipand rate your dri­ver af­ter­ward so we can know how yourex­pe­ri­ence was and to keep our best driv­ers on the road! Ourplat­form will al­low any­one to sup­port Black-Owned busi­ness­esin a mat­ter of min­utes. When you down­load our app and sup­portone of the fea­tured busi­ness­es, you are sup­port­ing mul­ti­pleBlack-Owned Busi­ness­es. Please leave a re­view of yourex­pe­ri­ence so we can im­prove our ser­vice!