Chan Wai Kit Apps

Pilcrow - Polls Anywhere 1.03
Chan Wai Kit
Have you ever found it hard to trackyourfriends' responses to your questions in a group chat?Do you want a quick way to create and share polls via anychatapp, social media or even email?Pilcrow is the answer!• Easy to use – create simple multiple choice polls and shareinany app where you can paste from the clipboard.• Easy to vote – respondents simply tap/click the links inthepoll to vote.*** Anybody with a Google account can respond by tappingthevoting links that you send ***• Easily view responses – View responses for all your pollsinone place.*** Instantly share poll results as text or as an image viaanychat app, social media or email ***• Quick poll creation – Use the Notification shortcut to createapoll at any time, even when the app is not open!• Privacy – Pilcrow uses Google Forms to manage your polls.Thismeans your poll data is never in the hands of any 3rdparty.Creating a poll1) Open the poll creator window by tapping thenotificationshortcut or within the app2) Fill in your question and options - you may also addandremove option fields3) On submitting, the poll creator window isautomaticallydismissed and your poll links will be copied to theclipboardPoll creation takes about 3 seconds in the background. Youmayuse other apps during this time.If for some reason the network connection breaks duringpollcreation, your poll may have been created but the poll linksmaynot have been generated. Simply go into the app and regeneratethepoll links by tapping on the Links button.Permissions:• Contacts: To link to your Google account.• Draw over other apps: For the poll creator floatingwindow,which allows you to generate a poll at any time even whenthe appis not open.• Access to storage: Required if you want to save pollresultimages to your image gallery.