ChitChat Communications, Inc. Apps

Sonica Walkie-Talkie
Sonica is a group walkie-talkie for teams. Setup your whole team right from the app, then just push a button tobroadcast your voice live to one, several, or your entire group asfast as lightning. With Sonica, your team moves faster than withtext, email, or calls. Let information fly at the speed ofvoice.Create a place for your fast transactional teamwork: “We’re in theback,” “start it now,” “where’s the hammer,” “which box did yousay?” For quick conversations like these at work, school, or home,Sonica accelerates teamwork by avoiding typing, ringing, voicemail,conference calls, shouting, or any other “system” you usetoday.We designed Sonica for modern collaboration in the real-time groupenvironment. That means being discrete at times, lively in others,and ensuring the conversation ebbs and flows at your own tempo. Forthis, unlike a regular walkie-talkie, Sonica’s innovative “pauseand stay quiet” feature lets you mute on app exit but replayeverything you missed later. Stay connected and receive live voicewhen anyone speaks, or remain undisturbed and just listen later.It’s up to you.Sonica is engineered to take the hits day after day and not just bea toy. Enjoy crystal clear voice even under poor network conditionsdue to adaptive echo cancellation, background noise suppression,and other advanced features working intelligently behind the scenesto keep your communications broadcasting across your team reliably.Get your whole team started quickly and without fanfare via the appor the web. Sonica awaits you.-------------------------BENEFITS-------------------------- Unlimited range- Use with one person or in groups of up to 500 people atonce- Any network, any carrier- Uses data, not voice minutes- Automatic configuration- It's live voice, not 'store and forward' voice notes like withother apps- Easy on your battery and uses very little data-------------------------BUSINESS COMMUNICATION-------------------------- Made for fast-paced group collaboration- Private teamwork network only for your teammates- Not an open social network- Set up your whole team right from the app (or website)- Office and business communication with mobile workforce- Create a place for your team to exchange information all daylong--------------------------TEAMWORK AT HOME OR SCHOOL--------------------------- A walkie-talkie for around the home- Join your tablets and shared devices into a private walkie-talkienetwork- Use voice broadcast instead of shouting around!- Like a home intercom, but in your pocket- Sonica keeps you persistently connected with family or classmatesfor the fastest possible communications