DSLab UAM Apps

Sequential Circuits 1.0
Sequential circuits, is an educationalapplication that offers a number of problems about electronicsequential circuits (Finite State Machine). It has been designed totest the possibility of changing the usual pdf guide of problem fora mobile interactive alternative.The main objective is help the users to understand and solveproblems of FSMs with an android device.App indicates if the exercise is resolved correctly. Tips thathelp to resolve the problem are included.The user can save exercises solutions and send them by email, sothat the receiver can load them in "Combinational Circtuits" app.Also is included a Moore machines tutorial and a basic manual(help) for utilize this app.Free and offline app.Topics:- Mealy- Moore- Flip Flops- ROM memory- Logic gates- Sequence detector- Serial arithmetics- Overlapping- Motors control
MOS Circuits, is an educational applicationthat offers a number of problems about MOS integrated circuits.The main objective is that user could study and solve problemswith an android device. Also indicates if the exercise is resolvedcorrectly.The user can save exercise solutions and send them by email, sothat the receiver can load them in MOS Cicuits application. Basicmanual (Help) for utilize this application is included.Free and offline app.
Karn Map 4.0.1
Automatic simplification of logic functions using Veitch-Karnaughmap
Gym Editor 1.5
In this BETA version some of thedescriptionsand images are missing.Application designed to create and edit training routines.DataBase withAplicación para editar rutinas de entrenamiento físico enungimnasio. Menú de entrenador y usuario separados. Databasewithability to edit and store workouts by day or muscle group,settingweights, sets, number of repetitions and observations.Counterseries and countdown timer for each exercise. Finder ofexercises.Ability to add exercises. BMI Calculator.Now you can save and load your workout routines. Create yourownroutine and send it to your colleagues.
Gym Editor Gesture 1.0
Esta versión de Gym Editor permite realizarlasrutinas de entrenamiento a través de comandos de voz y gestossobrela pantalla táctil del teléfono.El menú entrenador es igual al de la versión estándar deGymEditor. Pero el menú de entrenamiento está especialmentediseñadopara aquellas personas ciegas o con baja visión. Por ello,la apputiliza comandos texto-a-voz para realizar las indicacionesalusuario. Del mismo modo, es capaz de recibir instruccionesdelusuario por voz.Para acceder al menú entrenamiento hay que realizar unapulsaciónlarga sobre algún punto por debajo del botón "Entrenador"en lapantalla principal.Una vez nos encontramos en este menú sedebenseguir estos comandos:-Deslizar el dedo hacia arriba o abajo cambiará de opción.-Deslizar a la derecha leerá la opción seleccionada.-Deslizar hacia la izquierda irá al menú anterior.-Pulsación larga accederá a la opción seleccionada.-Doble pulsación servirá para introducir comandos por voz.Por ejemplo si se encuentra en la pantalla de elegir día delasemana y se quiere ir al Lunes habrá que decir "Elegir Lunes"This version allowsEditorGym workout routines through voice commands and gestures onthetouch screen of the phone.Coach menu is the same as the standard version of Gym Editor.Butthe training menu is specially designed for people who areblind orhave low vision. Therefore, the app uses commandstext-to-speech fordirections to the user. Similarly, it is able toreceive voiceinstructions from the user.To access the training menu must perform a long press onanypoint below the "Coach" button on the screen principal.Una timeweare in this menu you must follow these commands:Swipe your finger up or down change option.Swipe to the right will read the selected option.Swipe left go to the previous menu.-Pulsación Long access the selected option.-Double Press serve to introduce voice commands.For example if you are on the screen to choose day and want togoto Monday will say "Choose Lunes"
Movilidad Articular y Espalda 1.0
Esta aplicación presenta una seriedeestiramientos y ejercicios para mejorar la movilidad articulardeespalda y cuello. Consta de dos opciones de uso: clásica ylaguiada por voz.La versión con ayudas por voz está pensada para aquellaspersonasque tienen problemas de visión. Tiene una interfaz deusuario basadaen gestos, utilizando además conceptos de LecturaFácil. Lasinstrucciones de los ejercicios pueden ser leídas porelsintetizador de voz del teléfono.La versión clásica es más visual y tiene más opciones.Tambiénincluye un temporizador de cuenta atrás.En terminales Samsung se sugiere utilizar el sintetizador devozde este fabricante, en lugar del que viene instalado pordefecto(Google). Los pasos a seguir son:Menú Ajustes --> Mi Dispositivo --> Accesibilidad-->Opciones de texto a voz --> Seleccionar: Motor de texto avoz deSamsung --> Elegir Indice de velocidad lentoThis applicationpresentsa series of stretches and exercises to improve jointmobility backand neck. It has two usage options: Classic and voiceguided.The version with voice aid is intended for people who havevisionproblems. It has a user interface based on gestures,concepts alsousing Easy Reading. The instructions for theexercises can be readby the phone voice synthesizer.The classic version is more visual and has more options. Italsoincludes a countdown timer.Samsung terminals is suggested to use the speechsynthesizermanufacturer, instead of the default (Google) isinstalled. Thesteps are:Settings Menu -> My device -> Accessibility -> TexttoSpeech Options -> Select: text to speech engine fromSamsung-> Choose Index slow speed
Combinational Circuits 1.0
Combinational Circuits, is aneducationalapplication that offers a number of problems aboutelectroniccombinational circuits.The main objective is that user could study and solve problemswithan android device. Also indicates if the exercise isresolvedcorrectly, tips that help to resolve the problemareincluded.The user can save exercises solutions and send them by email,sothat the receiver can load them in "Combinational Circuits"app.Basic manual (help) for utilize this app is included.Tutorialaboutcombinational circuits is included.Free and offline app.Topics:- ROM memory- Multiplexer- Logic gates- PALs- BCD to 7 segment- Encoder and decoder- Gray Coding- Karnaugh
Arithmetic Circuits 1.0
Arithmetic Circuits, is aneducationalapplication that offers a number of problems aboutelectroniccombinational circuits.The main objective is that user could study and solve problemswithan android device. Also indicates if the exercise isresolvedcorrectly, tips that help to resolve the problemareincluded.The user can save exercises solutions and send them by email,sothat the receiver can load them in "Arithmetic Circuits" app.Basicmanual (help) for utilize this app is included.Tutorialaboutcombinational circuits is included.
Application for the Digital Electronic Circuits laboratory.
LUTs 1.0
This free application contains a exercises collection aboutDigitalElectronics Circuits. The main purpose is that the user isable tostudy and solve problems interactively using an Androiddevice.Moreover, it indicates if the exercise is resolvedcorrectly, andit displays the answers to the problem. Finally, theuser can alsosave their exercises solved and send them by email toother users.In this case, the user who receives the exercises, canload them inthis app. Content: • Logic functions. • Combinationallogic(Encoders, Decoders). • Arithmetic functions. • ROM memory.
COMB 2 3.0
Autotest about Digital Combinational Blocks
Counters 2.1
Educative application with sequential circuits problems: counters.
Basketball Analyzer 2.0
Application-focused tactical and statistical analysis ofbasketball.
Stuck At 1.0
Tutorial of theory and problems on the detection model stuck-atfaults.