Daniel Teodoroiu PFA Apps

Numerology Energies Calculator
Learn more about yourself, your friends,family, your lover or your boss ;)You deserve to know yourself and know your capabilities. This isthe most complete numerology calculator on the market. Calculateall your numbers and also the psycho-energetic-informational matrix(matrix known also as Pythagoras Matrix). Also you receive someexplanations about the significance of numbers right in theapp.All numerology numbers calculated:*Birth Vibration*Expression Number*Cosmic Number*Interior Vibration*Exterior Vibration*Active Number*Hereditary Number*Dominant Number*Karmic NumberPsycho-energetic-informational matrix contains:*Character*Energy*Memory*Body Health*Intuition*Practicability*Talent*Sense of duty*Mental StateYou really deserve to know yourself from numbersperspective!
Gematria Kabbalah Calculator 0.0.1
Learn about world around, yourself, yourfriends, your lover or your boss :)Gematria number calculation and analysis offers informationsabout the energies behind a word and its associated number.Researching the composing energies by mathematical operations youcan understand everything related to that.Simply the only gematria calculator that offers the tools neededto deep dive the analysis of words composing your number. Clean andsimple to use interface.
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