Deveryware Iberia Apps

Noteacons Beacon Simulator 0.9.0
With the technology of Noteacons app, you canhave a Bluetooth beacon in your pocket.It turns your device into a proximity beacon. It can be detectedby apps supporting the iBeacon™ specification and it scans fornearby beacons. It also allows you to receive bluetooth andgeofencing triggered notifications from the Noteacons dashboardwhenever you are in proximity of a geofence and beacon devicesconfigured with your UUID.If you do not have beacon hardware, this app can help you whenfirst testing your BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) enabled app,presenting beacon technology, or finding nearby devices.You can configure the UUIDs, Major and Minor IDs for both beaconsimulating and beacon scanning.The Noteacons app requires an Android device supportingBluetooth LE (BLE) and Android 4.1. Don't forget to enableBluetooth in your device's preferences.Follow us:Facebook: