DinaApp Apps

Maigrir Rapidement et Vite 1.3
❂ ❂ Maigrir Rapidemen ❂ ❂Cette application vous aide à comprend comment maigrir vite etrapidement.Parce que nous vous offrons des conseils efficaces.Avez-vous des questions suivantes?☛ comment maigrir vite en une semaine?ou☛ comment perdre du poids en 1 semaine?ou☛ comment perdre du poids rapidement?ou☛ comment perdre 20 kilos?ou☛ quelle est la façon de réduire la graisse du ventre à la maisonpour femmes?ou☛ Cherchez-vous des conseils pour maigrir?Oui, nous allons vous donner dans notre application, un ensemble deconseils et des informations très importantes,Et non seulement pourmaigrir,Et même dans la nutrition,la beauté et les activitéssportives tout cela vous aidera a stabiliser pour maigrir vite demanière très simple et efficace et durablement .❂ ❂ Quelques conseils ❂ ❂★ nutrition: Les légumes crucifères ,Ces légumes sont riches envitamine C, soufre, iode, vitamine A, calcium et contiennent unegrande quantité de fibres ce qui font d’eux des composésphytochimiques puissants qui brûlent les graisses. cuisse★ sports: Un coach sportif peut être le bon moyen pour vous demaigrir et surtout d’avoir un programme personnalisé qui vouspermette de perdre du bas du ventre très vite.★ habitudes de vie:Dormir, c'est bon pour la ligne! Des étudesont montré qu'après un sommeil insuffisant ou de mauvaise qualité,la faim et l'appétit peuvent augmenter de 45 %. Alors, l'envie estgrande de se jeter sur des douceurs ou des snacks salés riches englucides. Les hormones qui stimulent l'appétit sontparticulièrement actives, et l'on a tendance à manger plus.Cette application et gratuis.❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ MaigrirRapidemenThis application helps you to understand how to lose weight fastand quickly.Because we offer you effective advice.Do you have the following questions?☛ how to lose weight fast in a week?or☛ how to lose weight in 1 week?or☛ how to lose weight fast?or☛ how to lose 20 kilos?or☛ what is the way to reduce belly fat at home for women?or☛ Looking for tips to lose weight? Yes, we will give you in our application, a set of tips andimportant information, and not only to lose weight, and even innutrition, beauty and sports activities all this will help tostabilize to lose weight fast in a very simple and effective andlasting.❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ Tips ★ nutrition: Cruciferous vegetables These vegetables arerich in vitamin C, sulfur, iodine, vitamin A, calcium and contain alarge amount of fiber that make them powerful phytochemicals thatburn fat. thigh ★ sports: A sports coach can be the right way for you tolose weight and especially to have a custom program that allows youto lose lower belly very quickly. ★ lifestyle: Sleep is good for the line! Studies haveshown that after inadequate sleep or poor quality, hunger andappetite may increase by 45%. So great is the urge to pounce onsweets or salty snacks rich in carbohydrates. The hormones thatstimulate appetite are particularly active, and we tend to eatmore.This application and gratuis.
Citation Du Jour 1.5
Citation Du JourVous aimez les citations ?Notre Application "Citation Du Jour" les plus célèbres, florilègede la pensée.dans notre application Vous apprendrez beaucoup designifications,vous apprendrez comment :☛ Faire infuser votre vie avec une action.☛ Ne attendez pas ça arrive.☛ Arangez-vous pour que cela arrive.☛ Faites votre propre avenir.☛ Faites votre propre espoir.☛ Faites votre propre amour.Et quels que soient vos croyanceshonorer votre créateur,non par la grâce d'attendre passivement dedescendre de dessus élevé,mais en faisant ce que vous pouvez faire grâce arriver ...vous-même,en ce moment, jusque ici sur TerrePensée Du JourDicton Du Jour"L'ambition, c'est la richesse des pauvres."Marcel Pagnol_____________"L'avenir n'est interdit à personne."Léon Gambetta____________________"Je ne crois pas beaucoup a la loi de la pesanteur, il est en effetplus facile de lever une femme que de la laisser tomber."CourtelineQuote Of The DayLike the quotes?Our Application "Quote of the Day" the most famous anthology ofthought.in our application You will learn many meanings, you will learnhow to:  ☛ Infuse your life with action.  ☛ Do not wait until it happens.  ☛ Arangez you for that to happen.  ☛ Make your own future.  ☛ Make your own hope.  ☛ Make your own love.   And whatever your beliefs  honor your creator, not by the grace of passively waiting todescend from above highbut by doing what you can get ... with yourself, right now, evenhere on EarthThought Of The DaySaying of the Day"Ambition is the wealth of the poor."Marcel Pagnol_____________"The future is not prohibited to anyone."Léon Gambetta____________________"I do not think much has the law of gravity, it is indeed easier toraise a woman to drop."Courteline
Recettes Ice Cream 1.0
Il fait chaud… Sous cette chaleur, même lesventilateurs ne parviennent pas à vous rafraîchir. N’ayez pas lesboules (de glace !), ici vous trouverez votre bonheur…Quoi de mieux qu’une bonne glace pour vous donner de lafraîcheur et vous remontez le moral ?Avec ou sans sorbetières, à vous les glaces. Et pas n’importequelles glaces, dans notre applications Vous trouverez Recettesfaciles, divers ,des glaces maison, faites avec vos petites mainset votre cuillère à glace.Fruitées, gourmandes, festives, chocolatées, exotiques…Incontournable à chaque été, la glace fait fondre les petits et lesgrands gourmands alors à vos glaces, prêts, partez ! Ice CreamIt is hot ... In thisheat, even the fans fail to cool off. Do not have the balls (ice!),Here you will find your happiness ...What better than a good ice cream to give you freshness and youascend the moral?With or without ice cream makers, ice to you. And not just anyice cream you can find in our applications Easy Recipes, various,homemade ice cream, made with your hands and your small ice creamscoop.Fruity, tasty, festive, chocolate, exotic ... Featured in eachsummer, the ice melts the small and large greedy then your icecream, set, go! Ice Cream
Bubble Shooter Bleu 2.0
Bubble Shooter Blue is a very classic gameyoucan play it easily so i hope you like it please share it withyourfriends ^_^
Eid Mubarak SMS 2015 2.1
C'est pas difficile pour quelqu'un deconcevoirun Eid Mubarak SMS 2015 cool ou un SMS spécial poursouhaiter bonnefête de aid lfitre.Cette fête fut appelée également par les musulmans la petitefêtepar opposition ? Aid Fitr représente également une occasionderassemblement des proches entre eux préparant ainsi desrepastypiquement traditionnels.Et Avant l'arrivé de ce sacré jour "Eid Mubarak",et dansnotreapplication ,voici quelques modèles Eid Mubarak 2015It is not difficultforsomeone to design a cool Eid Mubarak SMS 2015 or SMS to wishaspecial good aid lfitre party.This feast was also called by the Muslim party in opposition?AidFitr is also a chance gathering of relatives and preparingthemtypically traditional meals.And before the arrival of this sacred day "Eid Mubarak," and inourapplication, here are some models Eid Mubarak 2015
Sudoku Solver 4.0
Sudoku solver is one of the most popularfreeword games of all time for the smart you! A type of puzzlewhosecompletion requires each of typically 9 rows and columns andeveryof as many usually square subregions to contain,withoutduplication, 1 up to 9 or the grid dimension controlled bothbyfinger and keyboard.★ 3 levels from very beginners to the expert :- Easy (100 puzzles).- Medium (100 puzzles).- Hard (100 puzzles).★ Pencil marks with auto fill / erase, as specifiedinsettings.★ 90 levels.★ Sudoku solver has clean interface and smooth controls.★ The world’s most advanced Sudoku easy learning tool.★ Portrait and Landscape Views.★ Selected digit and various other highlighting options.★ Clear notes, Auto-save.★ This Sudoku Solver very easy.Why Do you play Sudoku Solver online? because the rulesaresimple enough that you can focus on it, however, gameplay areoftenquite challenging.● It helps relieve stress.● Sudoku brings a sense of calm and order.● Sudoku may facilitate your brain keep In good health...● Sudoku provides an escape.● Sudoku fun for all ages. It is one thing you'll be able topursuelifelong since it does not have any age limit ormaterialisticrequirements.● Sudoku solver can help get rid of “ear worms.”● Keeps your brain alive and active, a useful break from yourusualroutine.● Helps in improving your patience and concentration.We hope you download sudoku and enjoyed with it !!!
Christmas WordSearch Challenge 3.3.0
Want to test your word skills? LoveplayingWordsearch games to search for words to improve yourvocabulary orspellings? Start playing the Word SearchChallenge which isa classic word search game where you searchfor words in a grid ofletters.You will find multiple sized grids of letters to searchforwords. If you love crossword or scrabble game, you willloveplaying this “Word Search Challenge” game. In this game, onlytheletters of the word are used as a part of the grid and awordappears only once in it.The “Word Search Challenge” has a beautiful interface witheasycontrols so that your gameplay is really interesting. This gameisa perfect educational game for kids to learn words andimprovetheir word power and vocabulary. You have one minute to findasmany words as you can. The World Search Challenge game issuitedfor gamers of all kinds. For a beginner, you can try easy ormediumgaming levels. If you are a pro wordmaster, you can try theharddifficulty game with interesting challenges. In each grid, youwillfind only one word. The “Word Search Challenge” game alsoincludesa word search quest where you can play 3 new word searchpuzzlesevery day.***************************GAME MODES***************************• 3x3 Word Puzzles- Improve your brainís attentionandcrossword solving abilities.• 4x4 Word Puzzles- Practice your ability to divideyourattention and find multiple words Improve your vocabularyandspelling skills.• 5x5 Word Puzzles- Test, improve and exercise yourknowledgeof word relationships.• 6x6 Word Puzzles- Practice your verbal andnonverbalworking memory to increase the span of your immediatememory.• Daily Word Quest-The game gets 3 new word puzzleseveryday.Compete with your friends, to see who can find the biggest amountofwords! You can even challenge them to see who is the fastest!Thegame is available for free. So, what are you waiting for?Downloadthis outstanding word search game now to get started andimproveyour word skills. You'll Never look at word search the samewayagain.************************SAY HELLO************************We are constantly working hard on making the “Word SearchChallenge”game better and more entertaining for you. We need yourconstantsupport to get going. Please feel free to email us foranyqueries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hello.Wewould love to hear from you. If you have enjoyed any feature ofthe“Word Search Challenge” game, do not forget to rate us onplaystore.
Stopwatch & Timer for Exercise 4.0
Stopwatch timer and chronometer isaworkout timer that helps the athlete to manage and control thetimeof his physical exercises. This timer app can be used not onlyonethink like sports workout timer but any domain you want.It comes with countdown timer and chronometer :The timer Helps the athlete to create his own 30-minutetimerworkout & save it into the database. This workout containstheworkout time, the break timing and also the number of laps.Aftereach timer period, a notification sound will be fired in thelast 3sec to inform the player to start the work or to take abreak,after finishing the training another notification sound willbeplayed to inform the player.The chronometer : Helps the athlete to monitor theworkouttime and also save laps into a list with the lap and totaltime.*****************************Features****************************★ The stopwatch app have Sound effects.★ A stopwatch and timer for exercise.★ Add, delete or edit a workout.★ A workout period has a number of laps, stopwatch with splittimer,work time and break time like Tabata timer.★ Timer has Start, Pause, and Stop Buttons.interval timer.★ A chronometer Application.★ Chronometer has Add Lap, Start, Stop and reset buttons.★ A custom list of laps.★ Beautiful interface with easy controls and graphics at allscreenresolutions.★ Animations.★ The timer app contains also multi-language languages ready************************SAY HELLO************************We are constantly working hard on making the “Stopwatchtimerand chronometer” app better for you. We need yourconstantsupport to get going. Please feel free to email us for anyqueriesor suggestions or problems or if you just want to say hello.Wewould love to hear from you. If you have enjoyed any feature ofthe“Stopwatch timer and chronometer” app, do not forget todownloadand rate us on play store.
Recettes Pour Diabetiques 👌 2.1
Recettes Pour Diabetiques 👌♥ Savoureuses recettes pour diabétiques, approuvées parunenutritionniste.Propose des recettes de cuisine adaptées pourlesrégimes pour diabétiques. Une page aide à mesurer la partdeglucides consommées.♥ Cette application une introduction simple et complete surlestypes de diabete et les principes alimentaires adaptes, Unemethodeultra simple pour savoir quelles quantites de chaque type deplatil faut consommer." et des conseils nutritionnels et recettespourdiabétiques.♥ CE THÈME RASSEMBLE DES RECETTES INSPIRANTES, MAIS SURTOUTQUIDONNENT ENVIE DE CUISINER DES PLATS SAINS, AVEC PLAISIR.UNE ALIMENTATION ÉQUILIBRÉE PEUT AVOIR UN IMPACT TRÈS POSITIFSURLE DIABÈTE.Recipes For Diabetics 👌♥ Tasty recipes for diabetics, approved byanutritionniste.Propose recipes suitable for diabetic diets. Apagehelps measure the share of carbohydrates consumed.♥ This application simple and comprehensive introduction tothetypes of diabetes and dietary principles adapted, a verysimplemethod to know what quantities of each type of food shouldbeconsumed. "And nutritional advice and recipes for diabetics.♥ BRINGS THIS THEME OF INSPIRING RECIPES, BUT ESPECIALLYTHATGIVE WANT TO COOK HEALTHY MEALS WITH PLEASURE.BALANCED FOOD IS VERY POSITIVE IMPACT HAVE DIABETES.
Secret Word Search 3
Some pastimes work both in they're atraditional format and on modern technology, Word search havealways been a prevalent redirection and advanced variants make itclean, quicker and unlimited, lets you set the difficulty and thenumber of words to seek and search for.Play ten fresh categoriesevery day. There are hundreds of words. Totally Free! Search forthe words from the grid of letters highlights as quick aspossible.• A large assemblage of Free word game and challenging interactiveexperience.• Achieve objectives and level up by finishing your set testinteractive.• Puzzles for all for every Categories Age: A lot of Word Searchpuzzle sizes.• simply play on small and large screens.It doesn't take any more than five seconds to set up and afterthat, for me at least, takes hours and hours to discover the words,seek and find games free. The Word find are displayed at the bottomof the screen and when you find one on the board, simply press anddrag over that word. It will be highlighted for all time afterward.Words can go in any direction as long as they're in a straight lineand keep an eye out for the words that are spelled backward.Time use paper and pen ended. You'll never run out of with thisgame! the quest for the hidden Word Search puzzle game; Can youdiscover all the words without looking at the list? the listcontains a lot of categories .The games are timed if you do want tochallenge yourself, Ready to Engage? everyone knows how to playWord search and long after all the great games of today have gone,the world will still play word search, Even if they can't spot thewords for the letters.
Diet Plan for Weight Loss 1.0
Diet Plan for Weight Loss :This application shows Best advice to help weight loss withhealthydiet meal plan, healthy diet Full menu recipes. On thisAndroiddiet apps , you will eat 3 healthy meals and 2 snacks everyday.For easy use, the App down into five parts based on yourcomfortlevels – 1200 Calories, 1400 Calories, 1600 Calories,1800Calories& 2000 Calories.Doesn’t need plenty of preparation – you may be intakeeatingregular Healthy foods & meat. If you want to know how todietor lose weight fast, this application will assist you. Get aresultwhen to begin losing weight today with this easy healthy dietplan! This diet plan model can follow for lifelong WeightLosscontrol.• Incredibly Easy To Use.• Easy To Install.• You're Eating Healthy Foods That Burn Calories.• Healthy diet plan Recipes.• Weekly setup per setup Meal Plans(1200,1400,1600,1800,2000Calorie).• You Have Select Day By Day diet plan Menu Also.• You Have Also Select Recipe Per Day.• The Calorific Intake From Foods Is Very Less When ComparedToRegular Intake.• Gives You Results In Just 7 Days.• 7 Day Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan.• Share Menu Of Day Via Message.• You Get Menu Of Breakfast,MorningSnack,Lunch,AfternoonSnack,Dinner.• Get Recipe With Image,Ingredients & Preparation.• You Can Also Share Recipe Of Day.• Share On Social.A Lot Of Healthy Recipes weight loss Information By Categoryeg.Beef, Chicken, Fish, Pork & Lamb, Shrimp, Burgers,Salads,Sandwiches, Soups, Vegetable, Breakfast, Lunch, DinnerAndSnack.
Recette Musculation ✌ 2.1
Recette Musculation ✌Cette application considéré comme une guidepratique,vousprésentez Les Meilleurs Recettes de Repas deMusculation,vousaideront à:-✪ Augmenter la quantité de protéines que vous consommez parjourpour vous aider à accroître votre masse musculaire.✪ Aidera aussi à nourrir votre corps pour atteindre les butsquevous vous êtes fixés✪ Vous aidera à Acquérir du muscle rapidement et Avoirplusd'énergie.✪ Accélérer naturellement votre Métabolisme pour acquérir plusdemuscle.✪ Améliorer votre système digestif.Recipe Muscle ✌This application considered as a practical guide, you presenttheBest Bodybuilding Meal recipes, will help you: -✪ Increase the amount of protein you consume a day to helpyouincrease your muscle mass.✪ as Will help nourish your body to achieve the goals that yousetyourself✪ You help Gaining muscle quickly and Have more energy.✪ naturally accelerate your metabolism to gain more muscle.✪ Improve your digestive system.
Christmas Games : Jigsaw 3.1.0
❂ Christmas Games 2017 ❂Christmas games: Jigsaw is the most favorite stuffforchildren and elders both who like Santa games . Puzzle gamesareone of the most popular among them. When people are free theyusedto play puzzle games. We are always trying to make the bestapps toour fans. So, we are introducing a new app named“PhotoPuzzle”.Picture Puzzle is a puzzle game to play Jigsaw puzzle withpicturesthat you add of your likings in the project like Birds,Animals,Buildings,Travels, Natures, Travels, Heights, horror or anyset ofpictures and publish your app.● Attractive and Great User Interface and easy to playChristmaspuzzle● Very easy to use● Select difficulty level – Easy, Medium, Hard or Very Hard● Works without internet connection● Support for all resolutions☛ ☻ SAY HELLO ☻ ☚We are constantly working hard on making the “Christmas game”:Jigsaw game better and more entertaining for you ☻. We needyourconstant support to get going. Please feel free to email us foranyqueries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hello.Wewould love to hear from you. If you have enjoyed any feature ofthe“Word Search Challenge” game, do not forget to rate us onplaystore.
Memo: Emoji Memory Game 😀 2.0
Free puzzle games "Memo: EmojiMemoryGame" find the same Emoji. As soon as possible. (Nodifferencesfound) ⌛✫ Emoji Memory Game is the classic board game, which helpsdevelopmemory skills.✫ Playing this emoji matching game will help themimprovetheir recognition while having fun.✫ Memo Memory game is an intellectual match, supportstheformation of visual memory of children.✫ Kids memory game contains very cute images of Emoji assmiles,objects, foods emoji, etc., which are on memory cards.✫ Playing funny games to find the same emoji willhelpimprove their recognition while having fun.✫ It has been recently scientifically proven that regular mentalandconcentration exercise can significantly improve thememory.✫ Emoji Memory Game of all ages, father, mother,babies,preschoolers, girls, men, school children and teens.Especiallyboys will love this game.How to play Emoji Memory Game ✵ ✌:For each level, a player is required to tap the square buttonsandneed to memorize what is behind it to match its couple. Findthesame animal As soon as possible. Players are required tocomplete alevel in minimum finger taps to match all animals.Features of Memo: Emoji Memory Game: ☃✔️ Three different levels of game play: easy (2 x 3 puzzles),medium(3 x 4 puzzles) & hard (4 x 5 puzzles) &difficulty(4 x 7puzzles) & Extreme (4 x 8 puzzles)& Master (5 x10puzzles).✔️ Memory game develops identification, focusing andmotorskills.✔️ Matching games have cute sounds.✔️ Colourful HD graphic designed for diminutives.✔️ Sound settings adjustable or even on/off play soundsandmusic.✔️ Visual memory training.✔️ The assorted game has a high score.✔️ It helps children to figure out and teach different emoji.✔️ Matching game is designed and structured accordingtomentality.✔️ Application may contain advertisements to keep it free.✪ Simple and instinctive interface which is easy to use andeasyplaying.✪ Memo: Emoji Memory Game is also optimized for tablets (provideHDpictures).✪ This free Memo: Emoji Memory Game will keep your quiet andamusedin the car, in a restaurant or everywhere.Have fun to play with our matching game! Recent changes:Performanceimprovement of - Memo: Emoji Memory Game
Memo: Juego De Memoria 1.9
Juego de puzzle gratuito "Memo: JuegoDeMemoria" encontrar el mismo animal. Tan pronto como seaposible.(No se encontraron diferencias) ⌛★ Juego De Memoria es el clásico juego de mesa, que ayudaadesarrollar habilidades de memoria de los niños.★ Jugar este juego de animales con tus hijos les ayudará amejorarsu reconocimiento mientras se divierten.★ Juego de memoria para niños es un juego intelectual, apoyalaformación de la memoria visual de los niños.★ Juego de memoria para niños contiene imágenes muy lindasdeanimales como león, gato, perro, elefante, etc., que están enlastarjetas de memoria.★ Jugar a niños aprendiendo juegos para encontrar el mismoanimalayudará a sus hijos a mejorar su reconocimiento mientrassedivierten.★ Se ha demostrado recientemente científicamente que elejerciciomental y de concentración regular puede mejorarsignificativamentela memoria de los niños.★ Juegos de cerebro para niños de todas las edades, padre,madre,bebés, preescolares, animales, niñas, hombres, escolaresyadolescentes. Especialmente los muchachos amarán este juego.Cómo jugar Memo: Juego De Memoria ✌:Para cada nivel, se requiere que un jugador toque losbotonescuadrados y necesite memorizar lo que hay detrás de él paraquecoincida con su pareja. Encuentra el mismo animal Lo antesposible.Se requiere que los jugadores completen un nivel en grifosmínimospara que coincidan con todos los animales.Características de animales Memo: Juego De Memoria: ☃✔ Tres niveles diferentes de juego: fácil (2 x 3 puzzles), medio(3x 4 rompecabezas) y duro (4 x 5 rompecabezas) y dificultad (4 x7rompecabezas) y Extreme (4 x 8 rompecabezas) y Master (5 X10puzzles).✔ Juego de memoria desarrolla identificación, enfoque yhabilidadesmotoras del niño.✔ Los juegos de coincidencia tienen sonidos lindos para los niños√Gráfico HD colorido diseñado para diminutivos.✔ Ajustes de sonido ajustable o incluso on / off reproducirsonidosy música.✔ Entrenamiento de la memoria visual.✔ juego surtido tiene una puntuación alta.✔ Imágenes vibrantes, hermosas y coloridas reconocibles deanimalescomo lobo, tigre, león, caimán, zorro, perro, gato, etc...✔ Ayuda a los niños a descubrir y enseñar adiferentesanimales.✔ juego de juego está diseñado y estructurado de acuerdo alamentalidad del niño.✔ La aplicación puede contener publicidad paramantenerlalibre.✯ Interfaz simple e instintiva que es fácil de usar y fácildejugar, especialmente diseñado para niños.✯ Memo Juego De Memoria también está optimizado paratabletas(proporcione imágenes en alta definición).✯ Este libre Memo: Juego De Memoria mantendrá a sus hijostranquiloy divertido en el coche, en un restaurante o en todaspartes. ¡Diviértase jugar con nuestro juego que empareja!Cambiosrecientes: Mejora del rendimiento de - juego de memoria deanimalespara niñosFree puzzle game"Memo:Memory Game" find the same animal. As soon as possible.(Nodifferences were found) ⌛★ Memory Game is the classic board game that helps developmemoryskills of children.★ Playing this game animals with your children will helpthemimprove their recognition while having fun.★ Memory game for children is an intellectual game, it supportstheformation of the visual memory of children.★ Memory game for kids contains very cute images of animals aslion,cat, dog, elephant, etc., which are on memory cards.★ Playing children learning games to find the same animal helpyourchildren improve their recognition while having fun.★ has recently been shown scientifically that mentalconcentrationand regular exercise can significantly improve thememory ofchildren.★ Brain Games for children of all ages, father, mother,babies,preschoolers, children, girls, men, children andadolescents.Especially boys will love this game.How to play Memo: Memory Game ✌:For each level, it requires a player to touch the square buttonsandneed to memorize what is behind it to match your partner. Findthesame animal as possible. Players are required to complete aminimumlevel taps to match all animals.Features Animal Memo: Memory Game: ☃✔ Three different levels of play: means (3 x 4 puzzles) andhardeasy (2 x 3 puzzles), (4 x 5 puzzle) and difficulty (4 x 7puzzles)and Extreme (4 x 8 puzzles) and Master (5 x 10puzzles).✔ Memory game develops identification, focus and motor skills ofthechild.✔ matching games have cute sounds for kids √ colorful HDgraphicdesigned for diminutives.✔ Adjustable sound settings or even on / off play soundsandmusic.✔ visual memory training.✔ assortment game has a high score.✔ recognizable vibrant, beautiful and colorful images ofanimalssuch as wolf, tiger, lion, alligator, fox, dog, cat, etc...✔ Helps children discover and teach different animals.✔ gambling game is designed and structured according tothementality of the child.✔ The application can contain advertising to keep it free.✯ simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easytoplay, specially designed for children.✯ Memo Memory Game is also optimized for tablets (provideHDimages).✯ This free Memo: Memory Game will keep your children quiet andfunin the car, in a restaurant or anywhere.Have fun playing with our matching game! Recent changes:Improvedperformance - memory game animals for children