Dotan Dekel Apps

Safe Distance 1.0
Dotan Dekel
Unpleasant to mention -Statistics sad and published each year / month / week / day bytheCentral Bureau of Statistics talking about the amount of deadandmany wounded, without a thing as minor accidents. Besides thelossof life and injuries unnecessary, consider the economic aspecthasinvolved the loss of a considerable fortune from the statebudgetdesigned to treat and compensate accident victims, evacuatethewounded, run hauling as well as fire engines and police carsandwork to repair certain damages not to mention the loss ofworkinghours, wasted fuel and air pollution in standing traffic(the listis long and endless). The total amount of costs is over 12billiona year!this method does not provide an estimate of the distance betweentheactual vehicles or how far should maintain, in addition toandimportant to know that this method distracting the driver fromtheroad which means that the method of counting may cause moreharmthan good. Currently there are no research data regardingthebenefit / harm caused system.So what is the source of the real problem?Today presented data on the fastest driver that does notactuallysay anything to him. The concept mph is an abstract ideafrom theaverage driver and provides comparative data speed limitonly, thisfigure does not provide information on the impact ofspeed or adssignificance of speed. Tools available today aretechnologicalsystems these and other expensive ones in thedevelopment andongoing maintenance but still insufficient the rightinformationthat will enhance significantly the ads. In theory I cansay howfar will the vehicle for an hour at a constant speed inunits ofmiles. In practice I do not remember when I could not evergo foran hour at a constant speed, and if I still do not haveanyconcrete and relevant information on what is happening in termsofspeed and distances in short terms and sellers where we havetheinformation - for example Distance comment.By using these measurement units distances can understandthepassing vehicle response time and at any other time - andtostimulate awareness of driver safety.The real distance method raises the level of awareness ofdriversafety by illustration and understanding and not by threatsandthus greatly reduces the chances of involvement in acaraccident.The real distance method, what is it?The method offers over the use of measurement units meter/second.When using the measurement units of meters / second is obtainedatany given time a detailed presentation of the distance thevehiclepasses every second units and sell real well.Initially, the new units will be added and will appear nearthesustainability (mph), and then replace the existing brand.It is important to note that the change, the system offers,isperformed in the perception on the part effortlessly driver -justfigure appears on the scale familiar to him before.Understanding the distance - the transition to display new dataisreceived at any time information about the vehicle speedgoestangible measurement units and sell. That is, the degreeofdistance that the vehicle will pass every second and whichresultsin understanding how far will the vehicle until the start ofthereaction.Most accidents are caused at a certain level due to lackofknowledge and understanding about what is happening.Thecombination of speed and understanding the concept ofrealdistancing, automatically lead to the driver to stop andthinkbefore making distracting activities such as lighting acigarettein the car, because the radio, etc ... Practice onMobile