Duke Dev Apps

HD Model Viewer 0.54
Duke Dev
View full-detail, 3D textured models and animations from over 20different formats. • View, rotate, zoom • Full-screen mode •Material support with transparency and customdiffuse/specular/ambient lighting • Register as default viewer forsupported model types • Import from local storage, or stream fromhttp/https/ftp sources • Preloaded with sample models (courtesy ofAssimp) • Supported model formats include: • FBX (ascii), 3DS,BLEND, DAE (Collada), PLY, STL, OBJ, SMD, X, LWO, LXO, LWS, XML,DXF, HMP, MD2, MD3, MD5, MDC, MDL(Quake), NFF, TER, AC3D,MS3D(Milkshape), IFC-STEP, ASE • Uses the open source Assimplibrary (http://assimp.sourceforge.net/) • Supported materialtexture formats include: • BMP, CUT, DDS, DOOM, HDR, GIF, JP2,JPEG, LBM, MDL, PAL, PBM, PCD, PCX, PGM, PIC, PNG, PPM, PSD, PSP,RAW, SGI, TGA and TIF(F) • Pro-Only Features: • Skeletal animationplayback from common formats, including BVH, .DAE, .MD5 and .X •Adjust render quality • Dark and light backgrounds • Basic modelstatistics • Wireframe rendering • Light intensity and directioncontrol • On-screen viewing controls • Load/disable textures aftermodel import • Normal (bump) mapping support • Coming Soon: •Screen-space ambient occlusion • Faster anti-aliasing
HD Model Viewer Pro 0.54
Duke Dev
View full-detail, 3D textured models and animations from over20different formats. • View, rotate, zoom • Full-screen mode•Material support with transparency andcustomdiffuse/specular/ambient lighting • Register as defaultviewer forsupported model types • Import from local storage, orstream fromhttp/https/ftp sources • Preloaded with sample models(courtesy ofAssimp) • Supported model formats include: • FBX(ascii), 3DS,BLEND, DAE (Collada), PLY, STL, OBJ, SMD, X, LWO, LXO,LWS, XML,DXF, HMP, MD2, MD3, MD5, MDC, MDL(Quake), NFF, TER,AC3D,MS3D(Milkshape), IFC-STEP, ASE • Uses the open sourceAssimplibrary (http://assimp.sourceforge.net/) • Supportedmaterialtexture formats include: • BMP, CUT, DDS, DOOM, HDR, GIF,JP2,JPEG, LBM, MDL, PAL, PBM, PCD, PCX, PGM, PIC, PNG, PPM, PSD,PSP,RAW, SGI, TGA and TIF(F) • Pro-Only Features: • Skeletalanimationplayback from common formats, including BVH, .DAE, .MD5and .X •Adjust render quality • Dark and light backgrounds • Basicmodelstatistics • Wireframe rendering • Light intensity anddirectioncontrol • On-screen viewing controls • Load/disabletextures aftermodel import • Normal (bump) mapping support • ComingSoon: •Screen-space ambient occlusion • Faster anti-aliasing