Exam Fever Apps

Life Sciences 12 MCQs 1.3
Exam Fever
Biological MCQs applicable to Grade 12, based on the CAPS Document.
Mathematics 7 Geometry 1.2
Exam Fever
The app covers much of the Geometry aspects of the South AfricanMathematics Grade 7 syllabus as laid out in the CAPS Document. Theconcepts have the following associated with it: > diagrams, >definition of a mathematical term or concept where applicable, >an elaboration/further explanation of a concept where necessary,> relevant formulae when required. All concepts are based on thepopular Maths 7 Pocket Reference Book. You will be able to scrollthrough an alphabetical list of concepts and simply click on theterm/definition/concept you want to see. The app will work on mostAndroid phones. Subsequent versions will have additionalinformation relevant to the Maths 7 syllabus.
Life Sciences 11 Glossary 1.1
Exam Fever
About 200 biological terms applicable to Grade 11, based on theCAPS document.
Life Sciences 10 Glossary 1.5
Exam Fever
About 200 biological terms applicable to Grade 10, based on theCAPS document.
Life Sciences 12 Glossary 1.2
Exam Fever
About 200 biological terms applicable to Grade 12, based on theCAPS document.
Mathematics 8 Geometry 1.1
Exam Fever
The app covers much of the Geometry aspects of SouthAfricanMathematics Grade 8 “syllabus” as laid out in the CAPSDocument.The concepts have the following associated with it: >diagrams,> definition of a mathematical term or concept whereapplicable,> an elaboration/further explanation of a conceptwherenecessary, > relevant formulae when required. All conceptsarebased on the popular Maths 8 Reference Book. You will be abletoscroll through an alphabetical list of concepts and simply clickonthe concept you want to see. The app will work on most fullscreenAndroid phones.
Mathematics 9 Geometry 1.1
Exam Fever
Geometry aspects of the South African Mathematics Grade 9 syllabus.
Lewenswetenskap 12 Woordelys 1.0
Exam Fever
Die toepassing bevat ongeveer 250 biologiese terme wat op graad12van toepassing is en op die huidige NKV(NasionaleKurrikulumverklaring of huidige Suid Afrikaanse leerplan)gebaseeris. Elke term het die volgende wat daarmee verbind is: - 'nkortdefinisie (soortgelyk aan die 'biologiese terme' wat in toetseeneksamenvraestelle voorkom) - 'n uitbreiding /verdereverduideliking van die term - skakels na verwante woorde enhuldefinisies. Jy sal deur die alfabetiese lys kan rol / blaai endanmoet jy slegs klik op 'n term waarvan jy die definisie wilsien.Die toepassing sal op meeste Android selfone werk.
Lewenswetenskap 10 Woordelys 1.0
Exam Fever
About 200 biological terms that apply to grade 10.