FA Media, LLC Apps

FantasyAlarm Fantasy Football 2.7
FA Media, LLC
Get the Fantasy Sports Trade Associations 2013Award for "Best Fantasy Football App" and win your fantasy footballleague this year! Now it links right up to all major league hostingservices!  Best of all you can now sync your roster right tothe app from all major league management providers including CBS,Yahoo, ESPN, NFL, RTFS, MFL, Fleaflicker and more (currentlyrequires one-time login at FantasyAlarm.com to complete). OK, so you are going to spend all this time, energy and moneyresearching and drafting your fantasy football team, now what? Whatservice will help you actually WIN THIS YEAR? You need the FANTASYFOOTBALL SECRET WEAPON!2013 FantasyAlarm Football, from the revolutionary developers ofFantasyAlarm.com, gives you direct access to the information thepress uses to report fantasy sports news and information! That'sright, we exclusively get it directly from the league office andsend it straight to your PDA within seconds! Get PUSH NOTIFICATIONSright on your iPhone! Is your player not starting? Don worry,you'll now be the first to know, and most importantly, you willhave this critical information well before game time. Make thetimely changes that take your team to a championship! Never START aBENCHED player again!FEATURES:You Will Receive Real-Time Alarms When A Player On YourRoster:- Appears on the active/inactive list released to FA straightfrom the league office approximately 1 hour before each game- Is added to league injury list, listed as questionable orlisted as probable- Has rumors, trades, or is moved up or down on the depthchart.- Removed from or added to the active roster (injured,suspended, etc.)- Breaking information, news, trends or favorable match-ups foryour tracked players- Game time decisions tracking last minute news from mediaoutlets. Protecting you in the event something changes after theinactive report is released (including monitoring pre-gamebroadcasts)- Bye week notificationsFantasyAlarm.com was recently voted the industries #1 in-seasonproduct!
Fantasy Alarm Fantasy Baseball 2.7
FA Media, LLC
Get the Fantasy Sports Trade Associations 2014Award for "Best Mobile App" and win your fantasy baseball leaguethis year!Are you playing fantasy baseball at ESPN, Yahoo, CBS or otherleague manager that requires you to make daily lineup changes? Thenif you are serious about winning you HAVE to have this app. Nothingis worse than finding out your player did not start on any givenday and you did not know it. Inevitably your reserve always goes3-4 with a HR! Problem is nobody has the time to live in front oftheir computer waiting to see who is in and who is out and in thebig leagues, everyone gets days off (catchers especially). Worry nomore, we have solved that problem for you! Everyone spends a ton oftime, energy and money preparing for their draft but this servicewill help you actually WIN THIS YEAR! Fantasy Alarm is THE FANTASYBASEBALL SECRET WEAPON!FantasyAlarm Fantasy Baseball Lineup Optimizer, from therevolutionary developers of FantasyAlarm.com, gives you directaccess to the information the press uses to report fantasy sportsnews and information! That's right, we exclusively get it directlyfrom the league office and send it straight to your iPhone or iPadwithin seconds! Is your player not starting? Don't worry, you'llnow be the first to know, and most importantly, you will have thiscritical information well before game time. Make the timely changesthat take your team to a championship! Never START a BENCHED playeragain!FEATURES:You Will Receive Real-Time Alarms When A Player On YourRoster:• Player does not appear in the daily line-up (approximately 2to 4 hours before game time) - Tracked by using MLB officiallineups.• Breaking information and news tracking all major media outletsand social media.• Player has been moved to the DL, sent to minors, or placed onthe inactive list (or removed from the 25-man roster for anyreason).• Player is removed from the DL for any reason. (i.e., addedfrom the 25 man roster).• Player involved in a game that is rained out or postponed• Probable pitcher notification (24 hours prior to start)• Game time decisions tracking various media outlets (includingpre-game broadcasts) on whether a player will play in a game or not(and other game-time decisions).• Breaking information, news, trends or favorable match-ups foryour tracked players.• Team closer changes.----Disclaimer - FantasyAlarm.com, LLC is not affiliated with Yahoo,CBS, ESPN.