Fadjar Hamidi F Apps

Bluetooth RC 3.0
BluetoothRC is all-in-one remote controlintended for other equipment made ​​by Microcontroller such asArduino or similar equipment via bluetooth.The main features are:1. Joypad, such as the display of PS3 joypad, so that remote viabluetooth on RC car so more comfortable.2. Orientation sensor, utilize sensor from your android to moveother equipment without having to touch the screen.3. Compass, with compass you can move to the left, right ortwisting of the android and it will send a numeric value to yourequipment.4. Terminal, you can send other commands via the keyboard and atthe same time getting a response from the device.5. Switch Button, available 8+2 button to switch ON and OFF at acertain appliances, either individually or all can be controlledwith a single button, the status of the last condition is alwaysstored and also provided backup commands.6. Numeric keypad with numbers 0-9 plus 8 output custom code thatyou can define yourself.7. Custom Key, more flexible to change and define their own outputvalue.8. Easter egg: Push Long Button.9. RC Car.Example:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152375992184237&l=3805384245778610398Download arduino sample code:http://satukarya.com/bluetoothrc/BluetoothTest.zipYoutube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJsY9Lzb6Aw&feature=youtube_gdata_playerReview and provide that build suggestions to make it better.Greetings from East Java.Papatita.
Free SMS Indonesia 2.21
Aplikasi ini untuk layanan pengiriman SMS Gratis ke Indonesia saja.Versi web: http://sms.satukarya.comHARAP BACA KETERANGAN DIBAWAH SEBELUM INSTALL:Cara Kerja:- Pesan dikirim melalui data internet.- Pesan SMS selalu menyertakan nomor HP Anda (menghindari spam),untuk ini saat registrasi wajib diisi nomor HP yang ada di androidAnda dan konfirmasi akan dikirimkan oleh server ke HP Anda.- Bisa digunakan untuk mengirim pesan ke banyak orang sekaligusdalam satu kali klik.- Aplikasi ini tidak menggantikan aplikasi message yg sudah ada,fitur utama hanyalah bisa mengirimkan sms via internet.- Tambahan fitur: Catatan Pesan dengan menyimpan catatan pesan bisadigunakan berulang-ulang atau diwaktu lain.- Tidak ada operator/staff yang mengendalikan server kami, semuaberjalan otomatis by system.Tidak menutup kemungkinan layanan ini akan dihentikan tanpapemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.Segala isi pesan yang dikirim bukan tanggung jawab developer.Salam dari Surabaya.Papatita.
Compass Indonesia 1.04
Compass Indonesia adalah aplikasi gratis untukalat navigasi Kompas buat menentukan arah berupa sebuah panahpenunjuk magnetis medan magnet bumi secara akurat.Compass Indonesia mempunyai fitur tambahan sbb:1. Penunjuk arah Kiblat.2. Prakiraan Cuaca di kota Anda.3. Peringatan Dini angin dan gelombang laut di Indonesia.4. Informasi Gempa yang terjadi di Indonesia.5. Waktu Sholat dengan kriteria mengikuti Kementrian Agama RI** Sumber: bmkg.go.id.Syarat: GPS dan Koneksi Internet.Perhatian: Tidak semua HP/Tablet Android mempunyai sensor compassmagnetic, jadi pastikan dahulu spesifikasi gadget Anda sebelummenjalankan aplikasi ini.Salam dari Surabaya.Indonesian Compass is afree application for Compass navigation tool for determining theform of an arrow pointing the direction of Earth's magnetic fieldmagnetic accurately.Compass Indonesia has the following additional features:1 The direction of Qiblah.2 Weather Forecast in your city.3 Early Warning of wind and sea waves in Indonesia.4. Information earthquake in Indonesia.5. Prayer Times with the following criteria of the Ministry ofReligious Affairs** Source: bmkg.go.id.Terms: GPS and Internet connection.Caution: Not all HP / Android Tablet has a magnetic compass sensor,so you should verify that your gadget specification before runningthis application.Greetings from Surabaya.
App Inventor Battery Info 1.0
Aplikasi ini sebagai pelengkap untukmendapatkan informasi level battery di dalam pembuatan aplikasidengan menggunakan App Inventor.Cara pemakaiannya adalah dengan memanggilnya dengan menggunakanActivity Starter di App Inventor, parameter yang dimasukkan didalamActivity Starter adalah:ActivityClass = com.papatita.batterylib.MainActivityPackage = com.papatita.batterylibExtraKey = APP_INVENTOR_STARTExtraValue = [level/all]ResultName = APP_INVENTOR_RESULTTidak ada iklan atau batasan dalam aplikasi ini, silahkan pakaidengan bebas.Salam dari SurabayaFadjar Hamidi FThis application as acomplement to obtain information on the battery level in the makingof an application by using App Inventor.How to use is to call by using the Starter Activity in AppInventor, parameters are included in the Starter Activity:ActivityClass = com.papatita.batterylib.MainActivityPackage = com.papatita.batterylibExtraKey = APP_INVENTOR_STARTExtraValue = [Level / all]ResultName = APP_INVENTOR_RESULTNo ads or limitations in this application, please usefreely.Greetings from SurabayaFadjar Hamidi F
Save My Notes 1.07
Save my notes is a simple notepad application,easy to use to write note and safely in storage because it isstored in the cloud simultaneously.So you no longer lose your notes just because it got a new phone.This application also has the ability to use multiple accountsor multiple phones in one account.If you have any problems or questions regarding thisapplications, please send report to my email.Thank you.
Shorten Links 1.03
Simple and fast to shorten URL.QR Code Generator.
DOF Calculator Plus 1.07
Depth of Field Calculator for Photographers.DOF Calculator Plus to find the near, far and hyperfocaldistance for a specific lens, enter the focal length (mm), aperture(f/number) and the object distance.Plus the value of this application than others is:1. Can store data up to 5 lenses.2. Calculating exposure, speed, luminance and illuminance.3. Long Exposure Calculator.4. Calculates Civil, Astronomical and Nautical Sunrise Sunset times(Require GPS permission).Support for installing apps to the SD Card.This application is FREE and No Ads.
App Inventor Tools 1.05
This application is intended for developersusing App Inventor ActivityStarter.Functions that have been provided:- Date Picker- Register- Login- MD5- Change PasswordRegister and login using WebDB Service of http://webdb.satukarya.com/You can download sample demo here:http://satukarya.com/apptools/Apptools_demo.ziphttp://satukarya.com/apptools/Apptools_demo.apk
Learning Alphabet 1.02
Thank you for downloading and using theprogram "Learning Alphabet", this is my first program for androidand hopefully beneficial to our children.I have a child 2 years son and really like this program andhopefully so did your kids.There is a desire for "Learning Alphabet" that can be developedin many languages. if there anyone of you would help me to developeit in your languange (alphabetical sounds), I would begrateful.**in english based on peter voice http://lm4.us/26wRegards,Papatita
LM Browser 1.06
LMBrowser is an application made​​specificallyfor the site http://lensamanual.net.Lensamanual.Net is a comunication forum from Indonesia forthoseinterested in digital and analog photography who usemanuallenses.LM'ers,Ada 3 fitur utama dalam aplikasi ini yaitu:1. Forum Browser, digunakan untuk berinteraksi didalamforum,baik sekedar melihat topik yang ada maupun membalas/replytopiktersebut.2. Gallery Browser, melihat dan berkomentar dalam setiapfotoyang sudah diupload di LM3. SMS@LM, layanan ini menggunakan SMS Server, dimanasetiaptulisan pesan yang dikirim (via jalur internet) akanditeruskankepada member di group ataupun ke nomor kontak yangdisediakan,layanan ini gratis khusus member LM dan tidak dikenakanbiaya SMSsama sekali.Selamat menggunakannya.Salam.
Scan e-Faktur (Scanefa) 1.03
SCANEFA memberikan solusi dalam scane-Fakturdimana saja dengan cepat, dapatkan data faktur yangvalid,fasilitas export data yg mudah, adanya sistem internal cekterhadapnilai dan sekaligus menampilkan laporan buat perusahaanAnda.Aplikasi ini bisa dipakai sebagai pengganti alat untukscanbarcode/qr-code e-Faktur dengan menggunakan kamera yang adadismartphone Android.TIDAK PERLU REGISTRASI buat sekedar mengetahui data e-fakturdantidak ada data apapun yg akan disimpan diserver ditambah koneksiygaman dengan HTTPS (SSL) sehingga keamanan data sensitifAndaterjamin.Fitur buat Register User:1. Uniq data berdasarkan ID dan Nomor Faktur.2. Re-view data yang sudah pernah di scan.3. Sistem internal cek terhadap nilai.4. Export ke CSV sebagian atau semua data berdasarkanfiltertertentu.5. Tersedia fasilitas Laporan.Kunjungi fitur lengkap dalam versi web di http://scanefa.comAplikasi ini dibuat secara pribadi, tidak terkaitdenganperusahaan apapun dan diberikan ke Anda secaracuma-cuma.Penghargaan anda dalam pemberian rating adalah hadiahyang besarbuat kami.Jika ada saran atau menemukan kesalahan/bug harapsampaikandahulu melalui email ke papatita@gmail.comSalamFadjar Hamidi FSCANEFA providesolutionsin the e-Invoice scan anywhere quickly, get a validinvoice data,export data cinch facilities, a system of internalchecks to thevalue and simultaneously display reports for yourcompany.This application can be used as a substitute for a tool toscanthe barcode / qr-code e-Invoicing by using the camera inAndroidsmartphones.NO NEED TO REGISTER for simply knowing the data ofe-invoicingand there is no any data that will be stored in serverplus asecure connection with HTTPS (SSL) so that the security ofyoursensitive data secure.Register for User Features:1. Uniq data based on ID and Invoice Number.2. Re-view of data that has been scanned.3. The system of internal checks to the value.4. Export to CSV part or all of the data based onspecificfilters.5. Reports facilities.Visit the full feature in the web versioninhttp://scanefa.comThis application is made in person, not associated withanycompany and given to you for free. Your appreciation ingrantingrating is a great gift for us.If there are any suggestions or find any errors / bugs pleaseletus know in advance via email to papatita@gmail.comRegardsFadjar Hamidi F
ID Translate 1.7
Berkomunikasi antar negara dan bahasa menjadi lebih mudahmelaluiaplikasi penterjemah otomatis, tinggal ucap dan aplikasiakanmenerjemahkan sekaligus mengucapkan dalam bahasa lain.