Gerald Technologies, Inc. Apps

Gerald Wallet: Get an Advance! 1.0.103
Paying bills sucks. It sucks even more for about a thirdofAmericans that are living paycheck to paycheck and strugglingtopay bills on time. Streamline and automate bill pay withGeraldWallet, and kiss overdraft and late fees goodbye. Nevermanuallypay bills again! Gerald is on a mission to eliminate stressaboutpaying bills. No credit checks, no interest or hidden fees.Justthe benefits of Gerald Wallet, your overdraft advance and billpaycompanion. AUTOMATIC BILL PAY Never worry about bills being paidontime again! Sign up with Gerald Wallet, hook up your bankaccountsand connect all your household bills. We track, manage andmakebill payments on your behalf after you connect biller accounts.Youcan even fund your account automatically from a regularbankaccount by setting up automatic direct deposits. All your billsaretracked and paid in one app. DIRECT DEPOSIT BILL ADVANCE Don’thavethe money to pay your bills on time? We cover up to $215instantlyon household bills to make sure they are paid on time.Plus, set upan early direct deposit and automatically get up tohalf of yourpaycheck in advance! No interest or hidden fees. BOOSTYOUR CREDITSCORE Improve your credit score with Gerald! When yousign on forautopay, we send credit bureaus regular bill paymenthistoryreports. Start improving your credit score, and startreaping thebenefits of better credit within months. CASH BACK &REWARDSMake your bills pay you! Earn cash back and rewards by usingyourGerald FDIC-insured* checking account and your Gerald debitcard topay your bills. Setting up a Gerald FDIC checking accounthas thesame functions as other accounts. As a Gerald customer, youmaydeposit or take out money without any restrictions or fees.YOURHOUSEHOLD BILL CONCIERGE Make Gerald Wallet yourone-stop-trackerfor all your household bills, including: - Mortgage- Cable - AutoInsurance - Rent - Internet - Life Insurance -Utilities - Phone -Auto Loans - Medical Bills - & more!Download Gerald Wallet forfree, then set up your account inminutes. -- *FDIC-insured up to$250,000. US: Twitter: TERMS OFSERVICE: GeraldTechnologies is afinancial technology company, not a bank. Bankingservices providedby Piermont Bank, Member FDIC.