Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh Apps

Surya Namaskar Yajna 4.9.0
This app is primarily designed for you andyourfamily to track your progess on surya namaskars done. All youneedis to register yourself, add family members and start addingcountsfor each of the family members."Surya Namaskar Yajna" is a 16-day event that aims tocreateawareness about Yoga and its advantages in achieving ahealthybody, mind and spirit. Surya Namaskar integrates simpleYogapostures in 10-steps that, along with easy breathing technique,canprovide immense health benefits to both the body andthemind.Each year Hindus worldwide celebrate January 14th as MakarSankranti– a day that marks the change of season as the sun entersthe signof Capricorn or Makar. Makar Sankranti ushers in longerdays; thus,the festivity symbolizes sunshine in life. To mark thisoccasion,HSS has organized the "Yoga for Health, Health forHumanity"Yogathon from January 16th to January 31st 2016.