Infooverflow Apps

Mypension 1.0.7
Whenever and wherever you want - with AonHewitt's App on your android phone, as costumer youcan:- Get an overview of your retirement savings- See how much you will receive at retirement- Keeping track of your insurances- Read news about pension and insurance- Make an appointment for a pension meeting with ourconsultants
Mobil Førstehjælp 1.2
Opdateret til version 1.2 d. 21 nov-10.Ved køb af denne applikation, støtter du Dansk Røde Kors.Mobil Førstehjælp er en applikation udviklet i samarbejde medDansk Røde Kors. Applikationen sikrer at du altid har førstehjælpved hånden.Mobil Førstehjælp på ikke anses som en erstatning for etførstehjælpskursus, men som et produkt, der kan bruges somrepetition til dit erhvervede førstehjælpskursus.Mobil Førstehjælp indeholder:- 27 førstehjælpsscenarier, der alle er understøttet afillustrationer.- Alarmnumre i mere end 90 lande i verden til henholdsvis brand,ambulance og politi.- Information om førstehjælpskurser.- Mulighed for at tilmelde sig som indsamler for Dansk Røde Korslandsindsamling.- Mulighed for at indtaste blodtype, allergier og andre relevanteinformationer i tilfælde af en ulykke.Hvis du har input til denne applikation, kan der retteshenvendelse til mf@infooverflow.comUpdated to version 1.2Nov. 21-10thBy purchasing this application you support the Danish RedCross.Mobile First Aid is an application developed in collaborationwith the Danish Red Cross. The application ensures that you alwayshave first aid at hand.Mobile First to be regarded as a substitute for first aidtraining, but as a product that can be used as a refresher for youracquired first aid course.Mobile First Aid includes: - 27 first aid scenarios, all of which are supported byillustrations. - Emergency numbers in more than 90 countries in the world,respectively, fire, ambulance and police. - Information about first aid courses. - Ability to register as a collector for Danish Red Crossnational collection. - Ability to input blood type, allergies, and other relevantinformation in the event of an accident.If you have input for this application can be obtained from
Mobile First Aid 1.3
Mobile First Aid is an application createdincooperation with Danish Red Cross. The Application ensures thatyoualways have first aid at your hand. Mobile FirstAidcontains:- 27 First aid scenarios, all supported by explicit illustrations-Emergency numbers for fire, medical and police-support in over90countries- The possibility to input your blood type, allergies andotherrelevant information in case of an emergency.