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Tom Nicoli's 30 Second Series 1.0
Daily Inspirational Messages from Tom Nicoli -author, teacher & motivational speaker.Tap my app daily to be inspired, motivated and uplifted in only30 seconds or less.My short yet impactful messages will help think and feel betterevery day.Plus Free Relaxation Audios!Also include are three relaxation audios to use to reduce yourstress. You probably won't need all three, but it's good to listento each for a while to determine which one helps you relax thebest.Tom Nicoli
Weight Loss Hypnosis Set 1.1
This 2 audio hypnosis set from Tom Nicoli arethe same audios that he used on Dateline NBC to help a pastry cheflose 4 pounds.People in over 40 countries have used these audios to loseweight.Audio 1: Healthy Habits for Weight LossHealthy Habits lead to weight loss but knowing it doesn't make iteasy to do... until now. Diets don't work but Healthy Habits do andnow there is a way for you to feel like wanting to choose healthierfood, feel better about yourself and lose that extra unhealthyweight.Not only will you create Healthy Habits but enjoy doing it. Removethe struggle and feel the freedom of releasing fat and excessweight. It's exactly what you've been needing and waiting for.This audio download was one of the self hypnosis audios used byMarc on the Dateline NBC Diet Challenge to lose 40 pounds.Alternate listening daily to Healthy Habits and End EmotionalEating as he did to gain that "one two" punch to a healthierlife.Audio 2: End Emotional EatingAll eating when not feeling hunger is emotional. It can bemotivated by boredom, anxiety, stress, loneliness, pleasure and alist of other emotions. This audio to end emotional eating to loseweight also motivates you to stop repeating stored eating patternsfrom the past.Listen and watch how the changes begin to let your emotions bewhat motivate you to be healthier and happier. The past has passedand your future starts now.
Job Search Tips! 1.0
This simple app will help you get your head onstraight with useful tips and techniques to make your job searchingmuch easier.Ad free. Give it a try!
Tom Nicoli Not Another Diet 1.0
The Tom Nicoli "Not Another Diet" Weight LossProgram is not a diet.It's a way to lose weight naturally by changing the way youthink and feel about food. All you have to do is sit comfortablyundisturbed for only 25 minutes a day with a pair of headphones onand drift off to a deep relaxation and do nothing.That's it! Let your subconscious do all the work and you'll seehow remarkably your behavior towards food and dieting changesautomatically. And you'll accomplish this all without self-helpmeetings to attend or taking pills or trying that new "fad" diet.Includes all 6 Audios:Healthy Habits for Weight LossEnd Emotional EatingStop Night Time SnackingReduce Sugar-SweetsExercise BoostOcean Sounds Relaxation
Stop Night Time Snacking 1.0
Tom Nicoli's Stop Night Time Snacking HypnosisAudio.One of the most common issues all my clients have about theirunhealthy eating patterns is night time snacking. It may beboredom, loneliness, anger, sadness or any of the emotions thatdirect us to eat when we're not hungry. And many of these clientseat well all day, but night time is their downfall. Soundfamiliar?Here's a tip: If you aren't hungry, emotion is the onlymotivator to eat. If you have a problem with late night snacking,Stop Late Night Snacking is for you.Think back to when you were young, wanted to play all day anddidn't even think about eating until it was time to go home fordinner. Hunger didn't matter because you were having fun. A bigproblem with the changes in our lifestyle, many due totechnological "advances' is we have become sedentary. Sad but it'strue. The more we are active and involved in doing things, the lesswe focus on food.Food is not our friend, companion, therapist or hobby. It's fuelfor the physical machine that is our body. If you eat when you arenot hungry, eat without realizing you just finished that bag ofpopcorn or use food to ignore life itself, Stop Late Night Snackingis just what you need. It's natural, effective and easy to do.
Ultimate Tip Calculator 1.0
The Ultimate Tip CalculatorThis is a simple app to help you make your life easier.How many times have you gone out with friends and thatdreadedtime comes? The bill is delivered. You decide to split it,but whois going to figure out exactly what everyone should pay?• What percentage tip do you add?• Do you tip on the tax or not?• How much is each person’s share?The only real option is to find the calculator on your phoneandliterally do the math.That was then, The Ultimate Tip Calculator is NOW!Simply open The Ultimate Tip Calculator on your iPhone, typeinthe total of the bill, the tax, percentage of tip you want toleaveand the number in your party. Hit calculate and whamo! Thepreciseamount everyone should pay is displayed.Unlike most tip calculators, you decide if you want to pay atipon the total bill or the bill minus the tax charged. Thatistotally up to you (if you want to include the tax when youtip,simple put the number zero in the tax box).We’ve also included a “Notes” section so you can keep notesaboutyour favorite restaurants or dishes, plus there is a QRscanner incase the restaurant you are visiting has a QR code toget specialsor discounts.Enjoy!
Stop Self Sabotage 1.0
"I can't believe I was doing so well andwentback to my old ways!" If this sounds familiar, know that youarenot alone. It is not uncommon for most of us to do well whenmakinga positive change in our lives and then go back to thenegativebehavior. This is Self-Sabotage but it happens at asubconsciouslevel.My audio system delivers positive reinforcement suggestions tothesubconscious where all behaviors are initiated in order toremoveself-sabotage. You will receive suggestions while deeplyrelaxedto:• Stay on track with positive behaviorsIncrease confidence levels for personal success• Increase self value and worth to deserve positive change• Reduce stress and tension to be more comfortable as you succeedStay focused and on track with positive change. When theoldhabit begins to creep back in, get back on track and STOPselfsabotage.
Girls Date Site Profile Tips 1.0
Hey Girls!Having trouble with online dating?Not sure exactly what to say in your online profile?Here it is! All you need to know to land those dates youwantfrom the online datingservices.In this add free app, you will learn:• Tips to spruce up your profile.• One killer MILLION DOLLAR tip that will guarantee to getyourprofile to stand out.• How to write a successful profile.• Why you need a great profile picture.• Power tips to make your profile a dating magnet.• And much more!!!Stop fumbling around. You can set yourself apart from allthoseother girls online.You deserve it!!
Newport RI Restaurant Locator 1.0
Planning a Newport Rhode Island vacation?Have every Newport restaurant, pizza parlor, coffee show,cafe,seafood restaurant... and every other Newport eatingestablishmentin the palm of your hand.The Newport RI Restaurant Locator has them all!Simply search for the type of restaurant you are looking for,howfar away you are willing to travel, and hit locate. The locatorwillshow you your location and all the targeted restaurants inyourimmediate vicinity.We've also included a gallery of some of the bestNewportattractions.
Guys Date Site Profile Tips 1.1
Guys!Having trouble with online dating?Not sure exactly what to say in your online profile?Here it is! All you need to know to land those dates youwantfrom the online datingservices.In this app, you will learn:• Tips to spruce up your profile.• One killer MILLION DOLLAR tip that will guarantee to getyourprofile to stand out.• How to write a successful profile.• Why you need a great profile picture.• Power tips to make your profile a dating magnet.• And much more!!!Stop fumbling around. You can set yourself apart from allthoseother guys online.You deserve it!!
Reduce Alcohol Cravings 1.0
There are many reasons why it's importanttoreduce alcohol consumption. Almost anything is fine inmoderationbut too much of some things, like alcohol, can createlots ofproblems. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, reducetheamount of liquid fat and calories that alcohol delivers.Maybe it's the expense of it or more importantly gets in the wayofbehavior and healthy thinking.Cravings are thoughts that persist until we do what wearecraving. Once we eat, drink or do that thing we “crave” itgoesaway. But when we change the internal habitual thoughts relatedtosomething we may crave, the craving goes away. And the waytoChange those old thoughts patterns is easy when you know therightapproach… and it’s not using the force and struggle ofwillpower.Whatever your reason for wanting or needing to reducealcoholconsumption this audio will help you create the thoughtsandfeelings shift to change those old habits and createhealthierhabits without needing alcohol. And it may be easier thanyou everimagined.Let me show you how to live smarter, not harder and livehappierand healthier.
Reduce Sugar And Sweets 1.0
Tom NIcoli's Reduce Sugar and Sweetshypnosisaudio.Research and studies have proven sugar can weaken theimmunesystem, contribute to the aging process, raise stresslevels,contribute to Type II diabetes, and create more fat in yourbody(sugar is a carbohydrate). Sugar and sweets are fine insmallinfrequent doses, but that's not the case.We are bombarded with sugars and sweets and are victims ofsugarbeing added to much of the fattening foods we eat such as"fastfoods." Little did we know the "special treat" or "reward" wegotfor eating all our healthy food at dinner was a setupfordisaster.Stop the madness, the struggle and the futile consciousapproachthat never works. Start today and take the step to thecomfortable,natural and simple approach to creating healthythoughts, behaviorsand body.