LTI spol. s r.o. Apps

Expense Manager 3.0
Storage and monitoring of expenses. Long-term storage andevaluation. Expenses incurred. Ability to highlight expenses forthe income statement. Daily, monthly and annual reports. Suitablefor use in different currencies. Definition of domestic currency.Switching between different currencies. All currencies are trackedseparately. Expenses export in UTF-8 for further use. ExpenseManager every year has a separate database.
Mortgage Calculator 3.0
Enter property value, down payment, principal and interest rate. Asa result you obtain mortgage payments, annual and monthly overviewwith charts and summarization.
Vehicle Logbook 3.0
Vehicle Logbook is designed for entrepreneurs who need to monitorthe operation of the fleet, as well as for private individuals.Vehicle Logbook includes creation of documents for accountingenables fuel consumption monitoring with dynamic changes inconsumption. Stores GPS coordinates and calculates distances andtimes between locations.
Money Tracker 3.0
Managing personal finances. Managing budgetsand analyses. Simple household finances. Annual family budgets,income and cost planning. Following actual Cash Flow and comparingit to the planned budget. Recording household income and expensesand analysing them.