LUISS 2.28
Use the Luiss app to receive news and access personalized services
Sicurezza Internazionale 1.6
Il primo quotidiano in Italia dedicato alla politicainternazionale,con particolare riferimento al tema dellasicurezza.
Luiss@Expo 1.0.1
On the occasion of Expo 2020 in Dubai, the Luiss Universityhascreated an App that-in addition to presenting the programsofferedby its Departments and its Graduate Schools-offers theopportunityto register to interact with the orchestral simulator“Leading anOrchestra”. In collaboration with the Accademia di SantaCecilia,theengaging experience will allow the user to take on therole ofan orchestra conductor. Among the sections in the App, youwillfind those relating to the programs offered by Luiss: ·Bachelor’sDegree Programs: Through lectures with world-renownedprofessorsand hands-on training with corporate leaders andprofessionals, theinternationally recognized Luiss Bachelor’sdegree lays thefoundation for a rewarding career inentrepreneurship, business,finance and international organizations.· Master of SciencePrograms: A Luiss Master’s degree providesgraduates with theacademic and professional training necessary tobegin careers inbusiness, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing,internationalorganizations, sustainability, law, digitalinnovation, and datascience management. · Master’s Degree Programs,MBA and ExecutivePrograms.