Menew Apps

Biorhythm Plus
Beautiful Biorhythm application- Check your Biorhythm installing on your home screen.- Check your family, friends Biorhythm.- Customizing graph colors, then you have your own specialbiorhythms.- Share biorhythms to your friends.- Display notification with biorhythm graph on everyday.What is BioRhythm? - WikipediaAccording to the theory of biorhythms, a person's life isinfluenced by rhythmic biological cycles that affect his or herability in various domains, such as mental, physical and emotionalactivity. These cycles begin at birth and oscillate in a steady(sine wave) fashion throughout life, and by modeling themmathematically, it is suggested that a person's level of ability ineach of these domains can be predicted from day to day. The theoryis built on the idea that the biofeedback chemical and hormonalsecretion functions within the body could show a sinusoidalbehavior over time.Most biorhythm models use three cycles: a 23-day physical cycle, a28-day emotional cycle, and a 33-day intellectual cycle.[8]Although the 28-day cycle is the same length as the average woman'smenstrual cycle and was originally described as a "female" cycle(see below), the two are not necessarily in any particularsynchronization. Each of these cycles varies between high and lowextremes sinusoidally, with days where the cycle crosses the zeroline described as "critical days" of greater risk oruncertainty.In addition to the three popular cycles, various other cycles havebeen proposed, based on linear combination of the three, or onlonger or shorter rhythms.
My Calendar Lite 1.2.2
### English support!### hourly schedule to manage the calendar### widget support!My calendar is far away from the stereotypical style luxurydesign calendar is the calendar.Design, as well as by the time schedule can be managed byregistering on the desktop, you can install and use widgets.
My Diary 2.0.3
이전 버전처럼 나만의 비밀 다이어리를 작성하시고, 지금 나와 같은 기분을 느끼는사람들의 공감 댓글도 확인해 보세요.* 기존 My 다이어리 Lite를 사용하시는 분들은 업그레이드 후 설정 화면에서 기존 다이어리를 복구 할 수있습니다.* 공감 댓글 기능이 필요 없으신 분들은 설정 화면에서 공감 댓글 기능을 비활성화 해 주세요.* 베타 버전인 만큼 사용 후 피드백 주시면 적극 반영하도록 하겠습니다.Please create your ownsecret diary, like the previous version, check out the empathypeople feel the same feeling with me now comment.* If you are using an existing My Diary Lite, you can restorethe original settings after the upgrade screen in a diary.* If you do not have people who are sympathetic comment functionneeds, please disable the comment feature from the Settings screenempathy.* Please use the feedback as a beta version and will bereflected strongly.
My 여행일기 Lite 1.1
핸드폰에 사진과 함께 여행일기를 작성해 보세요.My 여행일기는 최대 12장의 사진을 이용하여 여행기를 작성할 수 있는 어플리케이션 입니다.My 여행일기와 함께 추억을 남겨보세요~
My Timetable (with Todo) 1.1.10
Manager Your Classes with Todo!
Check Day - Plan your days 1.0.3
Check Day helps you make plans and see how well you execute it.