Nick Schwab Apps

Sky Watch Face
Nick Schwab
Digital time on a background whichautomatically changes to match the approximate view of the skyabove you based on the current time:- Dawn (sunrise)- Day (sunny/cloudy)- Dusk (sunset)- Night (starry)Sky Watch Face preserves battery life by using high-resolutionstill images (no animations).
Simple Watch Face Collection
Nick Schwab
Perimeter: A new take on the analog style with watchbattery remaining and a subtle hint of material design.Combo Breaker: Combining the best of both analog anddigital interfaces - a large hour digit in the center with an outeredge minute ticker.Outer Analog: A minimalistic analog face featuring anempty center with analog dials along the outer minute/hourtickers.Jelly Time: A digital face (with customizable digitscolor) powered by the Roboto font introduced in Android JellyBean.* requires Android Wear 5.0+ *