Patrick Mimran Apps

The Aphorismus app is directly inspired by thePatrick Mimran billboard project which took place for almost adecade in the Chelsea art district of New York, and in otherlocations around the world.This app now allows users anywhere in the world to write theirown billboard and publish it on the app's home screen. Users mayalso send any of the billboards to friends via email, or shareusing Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, What's Up, Pinterest or othersocial media sites.For more information about the Patrick Mimran billboard projectgo to
Aphos - Express Original Ideas 1.2
Humans are but a species of expressions, ofart, of language. That’s what defines our uniqueness on the earth.Ironically, they are also a species of repression, of chaos, ofreticence at the same time.In everyday lives of social pressure, peer pressure and inbredphobias, we lose the ability to express ourselves freely. Thoseworld changing thoughts are kept as mere post-it notes on therefrigerator; a revolution never sees the daylight.About time we need a blank canvas, visible to the entire world,where every human can explore and express freely, with noboundaries, about ideas, about art, sexuality, politics; about lifeitself. We bring you Aphos - An app inspired by Patrick Mimran’sBillboard project, which took place for almost a decade in theChelsea art district of New York, and in other locations around theworld.This app allows users anywhere in the world to create their ownbillboard with life quotes, aphorisms, sarcasms, art and publish iton the app for the followers or the public to see. Users may alsosend any of the billboards to friends via email, or share usingInstagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Pinterest or other socialmedia sites.For more information about the Patrick Mimran billboard project goto Features in Motion ##— Simple text and image based on-line billboards— Showcase your billboard directly on app dashboard (homescreen)— Categorize your creations— Add friends that share your thoughts and passion— Chat your heart out with new friends— Like, Share & Save boards that you love— Share your billboard as a PNG postcard or EmailLet your life be visual poetry on the world’s biggest canvas. Sharethe app with your friends, colleagues and the world! Be a part of arevolution to wake up the world and recreate it.Your feedback and comments are welcomed!