Recruitee BV Apps

Recruitee 3.2.0
Recruitee BV
Recruitee brings you and your hiring team together.
Recruitee Beta
Recruitee BV
Recruitee brings all team members, from hiring managers toexternalrecruiters, to work on hiring together; whether you arefrom anenterprise or a startup. Avoid long hiring processes wherenobodyis aligned. Instead, have all emails, comments, and everyoneon thesame page and choose the best candidates together. Recruiteeisdesigned to be available on any device. You can always accessyourcandidates and your hiring team wherever you go. UseRecruiteemobile app to: - Review and follow each candidate, benotified oftheir status, and stay on top of their progress in yourdatabase. -Search and filter candidates for any hiring needs youhave anytime.- Communicate with your team and share notes aboutyour candidates,job openings, and talent pools. - Choose whichcandidates, jobopenings, or talent pools to follow and focus onwhat is important.- Have a seamless workflow - no matter where youare, candidatesand your hiring team are within reach. Over 5000 HRprofessionalsfrom over 2000 companies have confirmed that Recruiteemakes thehiring processes and recruitment cycles much easier tolive with,nicer to work with, and lovelier to engage with. We hopeyou willget the same experience using Recruitee. You can learn moreaboutour customers and pricing at: