Red Mat Media Apps

New England Golf Monthly 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when you playgolf? Want to win a golf experience at one of our premier NewEngland Golf Courses? Source local golf courses and access videosguaranteed to improve your golf game. See our New England GolfMonthly publications, events and news all about Golf and the GolfLifestyle. Our easily navigated GPS system helps you make the mostof every golf course play. Toss your pencils away and keep scorewith our automated scorecards. Use NEGM often and win prizes.Experience a whole new way to play by downloading the NEGM app,free to download, free to use, all for you. The New England MonthlyGolf App provides you a way to improve your game, get to know yourlocal courses, and redeem great offers in your own community. Takeus on vacation too – play courses all throughout the country andplay them well with New England Monthly Golf App.Features:
 Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks onhow to play your selected course. If your course has not yetuploaded their caddy tips in the app, encourage them to participateand get the information you need on your next round.
 Video CaddyTips – view videos by club pros with hole-by-hole instruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off –available to you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercourses around the country by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’tsee your course’s videos in the app? Talk to your course pro andencourage them to participate.
 Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes –Gimmes are free prizes awarded randomly throughout play. These areawarded by New England Monthly Golf App to reward you for yourloyalty, and are prizes you obtain from local and nationalmerchants through your app. The more you use the app during play,the more you can win!
 Find A Course – search your local area andfind your local courses. Over 18,000 courses are in New EnglandMonthly Golf App already! Don’t see your local course? We’ll getthem in – just contact us at, give us thecourse name, address and phone, and we’ll get it included for youright away.
 Course Details – get the details on your localcourses, including number of holes, type of play, and with the pushof a button be on the phone making your tee time. See what it takesto get on the course, and be there in no time.
 Course Directions –with a simple click, get driving directions directly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turn directionconnecting through your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.
 WeatherConditions – get the current conditions at your selected course.Know when the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.
 Scores FromSpecific Course – Keep score, and see your stats from prior play oneach course
 Post to Facebook – Show your friends your score andplay at your selected course. 
Per Hole GPS – use ourstate-of-the-art GPS system to measure distance to the green, markyour ball and use the distance features to avoid hazards such aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection of cluband get the right distance in your shot to enhance your play.
Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts from aroundthe world in our every-growing video library. Improve your skillsin all areas of the game – from grip, to swing, to putting, andmore. Hundreds of videos are already included, organized by subjectto make the easily searchable for you.
 Comprehensive Scorecard –record your score, including the club used, number of shots, numberof puts, and key performance during your time on the course.
Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,Putting Averages, Scoring by Par – See your performance from oneplay to the next, compare how you played the course on your lastouting, and use your history to improve play.
Wealth Generators 1.1.5
Red Mat Media
The Wealth Generators Mobile App providesWealth Generators team members with a powerful applicationproviding media-rich presentations, a training and resourceslibrary, connectivity to training, trade notifications, WealthGenerators products and services, enrollment, customer sales andtheir back office, as well as messaging from Wealth Generators tokeep them on top of company events and activities. Users can viewvideos, brochures and key marketing materials, as well as listen toaudio to help them in promotion and management of their business.They can share this content with others via e-mail and socialmedia, and they can post in social media right through their WealthGenerators Mobile App. The Wealth Generators Mobile App makes itsimple for team members to do business anytime, anywhere. We putyour business in the palm of your hand.
Brilliant Solutions 1.3.1
Red Mat Media
Use this powerful app to access amazinginformation and learn more about essential oil use, discovernatural solutions, and enjoy do-it-yourself recipes. Whether youare new to essential oils or want to find simple ways to share, theBrilliant Solutions app has all the tools, presentations, andvideos you need anytime, anywhere!
Sisel Phone 1.0.5
Red Mat Media
The Sisel International App provides SiselInternational team members with a powerful application providingmedia-rich presentations, a training and resources library,connectivity to enrollment, customer sales and their back office,as well as messaging from Sisel International to keep them on topof company events and activities. Users can view videos, brochuresand key marketing materials, as well as listen to audio to helpthem in the areas of Health, Financial and Personal Development.They can share this content with others via e-mail. And they canpost in social media right through their Sisel International App.The Sisel International App makes it simple for team members to dobusiness anytime, anywhere, and to Build A Better Life. We put yourbusiness in the palm of your hand.
Who's Your Caddy 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when you playgolf? WYC has video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Would you like to win prizes (Gimmes) just by using WYC?Current version is for USA golf courses only. We will be addingadditional course in other countries ASAP.Source local golf courses and access videos guaranteed toimprove your golf game. Our easily navigated GPS system helps youmake the most of every golf course play. Toss your pencils away andkeep score with our automated scorecards. Use WYC often and winprizes. Experience a whole new way to play by downloading the WYCapp, free to download, free to use, all for you. Who’s Your Caddyprovides you a way to improve your game, get to know your localcourses, and redeem great offers in your own community. Take us onvacation too – play courses all throughout the country and playthem well with Who’s Your Caddy.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyour selected course. If your course has not yet uploaded theircaddy tips in the app, encourage them to participate and get theinformation you need on your next round.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros with hole-by-holeinstruction that will be sure to improve your game. Watch on thecourse and off – available to you 24 hours a day! See what it islike to play other courses around the country by viewing theircaddy tips too! Don’t see your course’s videos in the app? Talk toyour course pro and encourage them to participate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizes awardedrandomly throughout play. These are awarded by Who’s Your Caddy toreward you for your loyalty, and are prizes you obtain from localand national merchants through your app. The more you use the appduring play, the more you can win!Find A Course – search your local area and find your local courses.Over 19,000 courses are in Who’s Your Caddy already! Don’t see yourlocal course? We’ll get them in – just contact us, give us the course name, address and phone,and we’ll get it included for you right away.Get Course Details – get the details on your local courses,including number of holes, type of play, and with the push of abutton be on the phone making your tee time. See what it takes toget on the course, and be there in no time.Course Directions – with a simple click, get driving directionsdirectly to your selected course. Includes navigation andturn-by-turn direction connecting through your phone’s GPS andMapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at your selectedcourse. Know when the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your stats fromprior play on each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play at yourselected course.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system to measuredistance to the green, mark your ball and use the distance featuresto avoid hazards such as water and sand traps on the course.Improve your selection of club and get the right distance in yourshot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts from aroundthe world in our every-growing video library. Improve your skillsin all areas of the game – from grip, to swing, to putting, andmore. Hundreds of videos are already included, organized by subjectto make the easily searchable for you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including the clubused, number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyour time on the course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,Putting Averages, Scoring by Par – See your performance from oneplay to the next, compare how you played the course on your lastouting, and use your history to improve play.
MonaVie TouchPoint Smart 2.0.4
Red Mat Media
The MonaVie TouchPoint App provides MonaViedistributors with a powerful dashboard application providingmedia-rich flip chart presentations, training and resourceslibrary, connectivity with their enrollment and virtual office, aswell as messaging from MonaVie to keep them on top of companyevents and activities. The MonaVie TouchPoint Smart App makes itsimple for distributors to do business anytime, anywhere, and livea more meaningful life. The app connects members of MVP with accessto their life-long learning content, and provides direct access tothe MonaVie VIEW Scanner App for VIEW App subscribers.
Sisel International 1.0.5
Red Mat Media
The Sisel International App provides SiselInternational team members with a powerful application providingmedia-rich presentations, a training and resources library,connectivity to enrollment, customer sales and their back office,as well as messaging from Sisel International to keep them on topof company events and activities. Users can view videos, brochuresand key marketing materials, as well as listen to audio to helpthem in the areas of Health, Financial and Personal Development.They can share this content with others via e-mail. And they canpost in social media right through their Sisel International App.The Sisel International App makes it simple for team members to dobusiness anytime, anywhere, and to Build A Better Life. We put yourbusiness in the palm of your hand.
Rain 2.0.0
Red Mat Media
The Rain International Mobile App providesRain International team members with a powerful applicationproviding media-rich presentations, a training and resourceslibrary, connectivity to enrollment, customer sales and their backoffice, as well as messaging from Rain International to keep themon top of company events and activities. Users can view videos,brochures and key marketing materials, as well as listen to audioto help them build business and share the story of RainInternational, world leaders in seed nutrition. They can share thiscontent with others via e-mail. And they can post in social mediaright through their Rain International Mobile App. The RainInternational Mobile App makes it simple for team members to dobusiness anytime, anywhere. We put your business in the palm ofyour hand.
Limitless Tribe 1.5.3
Red Mat Media
Are you ready to discover that you are trulyLimitless? Download the Free Limitless App and join the communityof people working together to break through every barrier andmanifest miracles in their lives. The Limitless App is designedfrom the ground up to provide inspiration, education, and personaldevelopment through video series, audio programs, and livebroadcasts of powerful events. You are guaranteed to get motivatedand find solutions to the things that slow you down. Download nowand become unstoppable. Join the community and becomeLimitless.
San Diego Golf powered by WYC 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Do you play golf in San Diego, CA? This apphas complete info for the top 20 courses in San Diego andsurrounding area.Would you like your own Caddy when you play golf? SDGR has videoand written Caddy Tips on playing each hole. Would you like to winprizes (Gimmes) just by using SDGR?Source local golf courses and access videos guaranteed toimprove your golf game. Our easily navigated GPS system helps youmake the most of every golf course play. Toss your pencils away andkeep score with our automated scorecards. Use SDGR often and winprizes. Experience a whole new way to play by downloading the SDGRapp, free to download, free to use, all for you. San Diego GolfReservation App provides you a way to improve your game, get toknow your local courses, and redeem great offers in your owncommunity. Take us on vacation too – play courses all throughoutthe country and play them well with San Diego Golf ReservationApp.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyour selected course. If your course has not yet uploaded theircaddy tips in the app, encourage them to participate and get theinformation you need on your next round.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros with hole-by-holeinstruction that will be sure to improve your game. Watch on thecourse and off – available to you 24 hours a day! See what it islike to play other courses around the country by viewing theircaddy tips too! Don’t see your course’s videos in the app? Talk toyour course pro and encourage them to participate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizes awardedrandomly throughout play. These are awarded by San Diego GolfReservation App to reward you for your loyalty, and are prizes youobtain from local and national merchants through your app. The moreyou use the app during play, the more you can win!Get Course Details – get the details on your local courses,including number of holes, type of play, and with the push of abutton be on the phone making your tee time. See what it takes toget on the course, and be there in no time.Course Directions – with a simple click, get driving directionsdirectly to your selected course. Includes navigation andturn-by-turn direction connecting through your phone’s GPS andMapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at your selectedcourse. Know when the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your stats fromprior play on each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play at yourselected course.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system to measuredistance to the green, mark your ball and use the distance featuresto avoid hazards such as water and sand traps on the course.Improve your selection of club and get the right distance in yourshot to enhance your play.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including the clubused, number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyour time on the course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,Putting Averages, Scoring by Par – See your performance from oneplay to the next, compare how you played the course on your lastouting, and use your history to improve play.San Diego Golf Reservation App provides you a way to improveyour game, get to know your local courses, and redeem great offersin your own community.
Upper Montclair Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when youplaygolf? Upper Montclair Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyourselectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips intheapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you needonyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros withhole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off–availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercoursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see yourcourse’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage themtoparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizesawardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the moreyoucanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your localcourses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on thephonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there innotime.Course Directions – with a simple click, get drivingdirectionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turndirectionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at yourselectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your statsfromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play atyourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system tomeasuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazardssuch aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection ofcluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts fromaroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inallareas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundredsofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchablefor you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including theclubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,PuttingAverages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to thenext,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use yourhistorytoimprove play.
Bent Tree Tennessee Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when youplaygolf? Misty Creek Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyourselectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips intheapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you needonyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros withhole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off–availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercoursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see yourcourse’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage themtoparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizesawardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the moreyoucanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your localcourses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on thephonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there innotime.Course Directions – with a simple click, get drivingdirectionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turndirectionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at yourselectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your statsfromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play atyourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system tomeasuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazardssuch aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection ofcluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts fromaroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inallareas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundredsofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchablefor you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including theclubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,PuttingAverages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to thenext,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use yourhistorytoimprove play.
River Wilderness Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when youplaygolf? River Wilderness Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyourselectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips intheapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you needonyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros withhole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off–availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercoursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see yourcourse’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage themtoparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizesawardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the moreyoucanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your localcourses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on thephonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there innotime.Course Directions – with a simple click, get drivingdirectionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turndirectionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at yourselectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your statsfromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play atyourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system tomeasuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazardssuch aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection ofcluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts fromaroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inallareas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundredsofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchablefor you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including theclubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,PuttingAverages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to thenext,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use yourhistorytoimprove play.
Asheville Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when you playgolf? Asheville Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyour selectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips in theapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you need onyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros with hole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off –availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play other coursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see your course’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage them toparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizes awardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the more youcanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your local courses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on the phonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there inno time.Course Directions – with a simple click, get driving directionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turn directionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at your selectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your stats fromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play at yourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system to measuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazards such aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection of cluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts from aroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inall areas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundreds ofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchable for you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including the clubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance during yourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,Putting Averages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to the next,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use your historytoimprove play.
Manatee Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when youplaygolf? Manatee Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyourselectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips intheapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you needonyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros withhole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off–availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercoursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see yourcourse’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage themtoparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizesawardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the moreyoucanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your localcourses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on thephonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there innotime.Course Directions – with a simple click, get drivingdirectionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turndirectionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at yourselectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your statsfromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play atyourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system tomeasuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazardssuch aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection ofcluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts fromaroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inallareas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundredsofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchablefor you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including theclubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,PuttingAverages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to thenext,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use yourhistorytoimprove play.
Bent Tree Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when youplaygolf? Bent Tree Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyourselectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips intheapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you needonyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros withhole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off–availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercoursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see yourcourse’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage themtoparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizesawardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the moreyoucanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your localcourses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on thephonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there innotime.Course Directions – with a simple click, get drivingdirectionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turndirectionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at yourselectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your statsfromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play atyourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system tomeasuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazardssuch aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection ofcluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts fromaroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inallareas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundredsofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchablefor you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including theclubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,PuttingAverages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to thenext,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use yourhistorytoimprove play.
SOZO Global Mobile 1.0.8
Red Mat Media
The Sozo Mobile App provides Sozo Globalteammembers with a powerful application providingmedia-richpresentations, a training and resources library,connectivity toenrollment, customer sales and their back office, aswell asmessaging from Sozo Global to keep them on top of companyeventsand activities. Users can view videos, brochures and keymarketingmaterials, as well as listen to audio to help them buildbusiness.They can share this content with others via e-mail. Andthey canpost in social media right through their Sozo Mobile App.The SozoMobile App makes it simple for team members to do businessanytime,anywhere. We put your business in the palm of your hand.It's yourlife empowered.
Misty Creek Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when youplaygolf? Misty Creek Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyourselectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips intheapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you needonyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros withhole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off–availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercoursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see yourcourse’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage themtoparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizesawardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the moreyoucanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your localcourses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on thephonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there innotime.Course Directions – with a simple click, get drivingdirectionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turndirectionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at yourselectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your statsfromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play atyourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system tomeasuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazardssuch aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection ofcluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts fromaroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inallareas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundredsofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchablefor you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including theclubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,PuttingAverages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to thenext,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use yourhistorytoimprove play.
Buffalo Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when youplaygolf? Buffalo Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyourselectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips intheapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you needonyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros withhole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off–availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercoursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see yourcourse’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage themtoparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizesawardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the moreyoucanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your localcourses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on thephonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there innotime.Course Directions – with a simple click, get drivingdirectionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turndirectionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at yourselectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your statsfromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play atyourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system tomeasuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazardssuch aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection ofcluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts fromaroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inallareas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundredsofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchablefor you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including theclubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,PuttingAverages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to thenext,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use yourhistorytoimprove play.
SOZO Global 1.0.8
Red Mat Media
The Sozo Mobile App provides Sozo Globalteammembers with a powerful application providingmedia-richpresentations, a training and resources library,connectivity toenrollment, customer sales and their back office, aswell asmessaging from Sozo Global to keep them on top of companyeventsand activities. Users can view videos, brochures and keymarketingmaterials, as well as listen to audio to help them buildbusiness.They can share this content with others via e-mail. Andthey canpost in social media right through their Sozo Mobile App.The SozoMobile App makes it simple for team members to do businessanytime,anywhere. We put your business in the palm of your hand.It's yourlife empowered.
Pope Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when youplaygolf? Pope Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyourselectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips intheapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you needonyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros withhole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off–availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercoursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see yourcourse’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage themtoparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizesawardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the moreyoucanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your localcourses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on thephonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there innotime.Course Directions – with a simple click, get drivingdirectionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turndirectionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at yourselectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your statsfromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play atyourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system tomeasuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazardssuch aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection ofcluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts fromaroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inallareas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundredsofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchablefor you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including theclubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,PuttingAverages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to thenext,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use yourhistorytoimprove play.
Deer Island Golf GPS 1.1.3
Red Mat Media
Would you like your own Caddy when youplaygolf? Deer Island Golf GPShas video and written Caddy Tips on playing each hole.Features:Written Caddy Tips – see written tips and tricks on how to playyourselectedcourse. If your course has not yet uploaded their caddy tips intheapp,encourage them to participate and get the information you needonyour nextround.Video Caddy Tips – view videos by club pros withhole-by-holeinstruction thatwill be sure to improve your game. Watch on the course and off–availableto you 24 hours a day! See what it is like to play othercoursesaround thecountry by viewing their caddy tips too! Don’t see yourcourse’svideos in theapp? Talk to your course pro and encourage themtoparticipate.Gimmes: Register to Win Prizes – Gimmes are free prizesawardedrandomlythroughout play. The more you use the app during play, the moreyoucanwin!Get Course Details – get the details on your localcourses,including number ofholes, type of play, and with the push of a button be on thephonemaking yourtee time. See what it takes to get on the course, and be there innotime.Course Directions – with a simple click, get drivingdirectionsdirectly to yourselected course. Includes navigation and turn-by-turndirectionconnectingthrough your phone’s GPS and Mapping functions.Weather Conditions – get the current conditions at yourselectedcourse. Knowwhen the rain comes, and play in the sunshine.Scores From Specific Course – Keep score, and see your statsfromprior playon each coursePost to Facebook – Show your friends your score and play atyourselectedcourse.Per Hole GPS – use our state-of-the-art GPS system tomeasuredistance to thegreen, mark your ball and use the distance features to avoidhazardssuch aswater and sand traps on the course. Improve your selection ofcluband get theright distance in your shot to enhance your play.Video Library – View videos from golf pros and experts fromaroundtheworld in our every-growing video library. Improve your skills inallareas ofthe game – from grip, to swing, to putting, and more. Hundredsofvideos arealready included, organized by subject to make the easilysearchablefor you.Comprehensive Scorecard – record your score, including theclubused,number of shots, number of puts, and key performance duringyourtime onthe course.Statistics including Driving Accuracy, Greens in Regulation,PuttingAverages,Scoring by Par – See your performance from one play to thenext,comparehow you played the course on your last outing, and use yourhistorytoimprove play.
MonaVie FlipChart 1.0.2
Red Mat Media
The MonaVie FlipChart App providesMonaViedistributors with an easy-to-use media-rich flip chartpresentationto share the MonaVie story anytime, anywhere.Distributors utilizethe free app to drink it, feel it, share it,with connectivity totheir enrollment and virtual office, as well asmessaging fromMonaVie to keep them on top of company events andactivities. TheMonaVie FlipChart App makes it simple fordistributors to dobusiness anytime, anywhere, and live a moremeaningful life.Especially useful for distributors who have not yetenrolled inLifeLong Learning with MonaVie.
myntbiz mobile 1.0.8
Red Mat Media
mynt is a fresh start up backed by acompanythat has done billions in sales. A community focused onfitness,helping others make money, having fun and giving; myntbizis livingyour life on purpose! The myntbiz app will give you accessto dobusiness anytime, anywhere. Be part of the mynt opportunitywith#myntfit, #myntlife, #myntmind and #myntmoments. Be part ofthe#excitemynt with the powerful myntbiz mobilebusinessplatform!
Rain Mobile 1.1.5
Red Mat Media
The Rain International Mobile App providesRainInternational team members with a powerful applicationprovidingmedia-rich presentations, a training and resourceslibrary,connectivity to enrollment, customer sales and their backoffice, aswell as messaging from Rain International to keep themon top ofcompany events and activities. Users can view videos,brochures andkey marketing materials, as well as listen to audioto help thembuild business and share the story of RainInternational, worldleaders in seed nutrition. They can share thiscontent with othersvia e-mail. And they can post in social mediaright through theirRain International Mobile App. The RainInternational Mobile Appmakes it simple for team members to dobusiness anytime, anywhere.We put your business in the palm ofyour hand.
Babe Winkelman 1.0.4
Red Mat Media
Babe Winkelman and Babe Winkelman Productions,creators, producers and host of “Good Fishing” and “OutdoorSecrets,” and leaders in the outdoors industry, are pleased toannounce the launch of the Babe Winkelman Productions Mobile App.Free users have a variety of great content including on-locationvideos, hunting and fishing tips, great recipes andbehind-the-scenes clips only available through the app. The BabeApp is a showcase of custom content such as “Meet The Winkelmans”,a fun reality-based show unique to the Babe App. It also contains apreview of Babe The Music Man, a side to Babe that you have neverseen before. The Babe App includes insider content from Babe, Krisand Karlee, and even the Winkelman’s dog Fritz.There is a lot of great content in the free version, andsubscribers who become “Babe Insiders” will have daily videonotifications, and even more behind the scenes content and uniqueprogramming only available through the Babe App. Babe InsiderSubscribers receive a daily video message, additional fishing andhunting tips and trophies, and gives users the chance to “Ask Babe”their questions and have Babe give a video answer to be featured inthe app. At just $4.99 a month, it is well worth the price to havethe chance at valuable and unique content and messaging from Babeand his team. Babe Insiders receive new content daily!And for women who love camping, hunting or fishing, the perspectivethat Kris and Karlee give to women in the Babe App is exceptional.This isn’t just for the guys, the Babe App has amazing things forgirls too! Can’t get outdoors today? Open up your Babe App andescape through the on-location hunting and fishing videos at yourfingertips.This fun and unique app is a great on-the-go resource for huntersand fishers of all ages, providing access to great tips andinformation which is available through streaming video, or whichcan be downloaded to watch even at the very most remote locations.It’s like having Babe, Kris and Karlee at camp with you.