Restart Financial Inc. Apps

ReStart — mobile banking | bank account online 1.4.55
Restart — финансовое приложение для русскоязычныхклиентовамериканского банка. ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ — Настройка языкаинтерфейса итехподдержки. Доступные языки: русский, английский. Вавгусте 2021года добавятся украинский, армянский, белорусский. —Бесплатноеоткрытие и обслуживание счета. — Активация карты прямовприложении. — Бесплатное получение банковской карты Visa по почтевтечение 5–7 дней после открытия счета. — Зачисление ЗП на 2дняраньше срока при настройке прямого депозита Early Pay D.—Мгновенная блокировка/разблокировка карты Visa вмобильномприложении. — Внесение средств на счет черезфотографированиечеков. — Снятие/внесение наличных без комиссийдоступно в 30000банкоматов. — Перевод средств на другие счета внесколько кликов.Restart is a financial mobile banking app withaccess to all bankoptions and localized in the native language ofthe client of theAmerican bank. Immediately accessible languagesare English andRussian. Additional languages will be available inAugust 2021including Ukrainian, Armenian, and Belarusian. INTERFACEANDSUPPORT ON THE SELECTED LANGUAGE The interface of themobilebanking app is absolutely localized: Russian, English. Selectaconvenient or native language for you and the app interfacewilladjust to this. In case of contacting 24/7 bank support serviceabank manager will communicate with you in the selectedlanguage.FINANCE UNDER CONTROL — Convenient tracking of a cashbalance withdetailed insights in charges and incomes within adefined period.Each paid account is displayed in the transactionhistory.Overdraft budget is impossible. — Real-time lock and unlockof adebit and credit card Visa directly in the mobile app. Youdon’thave to attend a bank or call a bank manager additionally.VISACARDS Free open and account service online with anautomaticchecking account. It is possible to obtain a Visa cardthat isglobally accepted. The card will be issued and mailed to youwithin5 to 7 days. You can immediately gain a debit card forteenagersand adults. The list of all tied to the account cards isaccessiblein the app. OPPORTUNITIES — Early crediting of funds(money). Getyour salary 2 days before a payday by setting up adirect depositEarly Pay D. — Checker – a real-time check depositusing the camerafeature on your mobile phone. Forget about settingfoot in a bank.Run financial transactions online. — Funds transfersto otheraccounts with just a few clicks. Manage your financesinstantly.CONVENIENT WITHDRAWAL OF CASH ATMs without commissions.Possibilityto withdraw and deposit money from more than 30000 freeATMs whichlocations are marked in the map of the app Restart. Getcash now!SECURITY — All your money is insured for the sum of$250000 by theNational Credit Union Administration (NCUA). —Two-factorauthentication, access to the app through a fingerprintor Face ID.Restart is a convenient digital banking that is suitablefor bothteenagers and adults residing mainly in the USA, helpingmanagemoney transactions with checks by phone (check deposit),transfer,gain prepaid (instant funds), control budget (of chargesandincomes) and etc. in the bank of America. Banking onlineservicesand cards on a phone that are always accessible. Advanceinto a newera of money management! Чтобы открыть счет, нужно бытьстарше 18лет, иметь удостоверение личности государственного образца(паспортили водительские права), знать свой SSN или ITIN, иметьномермобильного телефона, зарегистрированный в США, проживать в СШАдляполучения банковской карты через почту (абонентские почтовыеящикиP.O. boxes недействительны). To open an account, you will needtomeet the following conditions: — You must be 18 years of age,orolder. — Unexpired driver license or unexpired passport. — SSNorITIN number. — A US mobile phone number. — A US address whereyoucan receive your Restart card (P.O. boxes are not valid).
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