
MuthoBoi (মুঠোবই) 7.0
MuthoBoi is a popular E-Book reading app in Bangladesh. Theappdirectly collaborates with writers and publishers. Theusersinstantly get the books they love right on their androiddeviceenabling them to read anytime, anywhere and any book, attheirconvenience. On MuthoBoi, the users can browse their favoritebooksto purchase and then download them to read on the device.Features:>> FrontList: It has a well-organized FrontList onthe homepage of the app. The users can see a list of the books ofdifferentcategories like - New released, Editors’ Pick, Bestsellingbooksetc. on the home page. >> Book details: Users can seeall thedetailed information related to the particular by asingleclick/tap on the book. The detail constitutes of informationlike;Author name, price, user rating, review and etc. Furthermore,userscan give their review & rate the book on this page aswell.>> My Bookshelf: After purchasing each booksuccessfully, thebook will be automatically added to user’sbookshelf. This shelfallows the user to view and read books offlinewithout any sort ofinternet connectivity. >> Search: Userscan search for theirdesired book and check its availability in theapp’s database.>> Authors: In the ‘Authors’ section, userscan have a lookat all the authors and view the list of the bookswritten by themalong with their detailed information. >>Publishers: In the‘Publishers’ section, users can have a look atall the publishersand view the list of the books written by themalong with theirdetailed information. >> Search by authorsand publishers: Inthe authors and publishers page, users can searchby author andpublisher name respectively and check search resultlist, whethertheir desired authors or publishers are included ornot in the app.>> Forgot password: If a user forgets his/herpassword, itcan be reset by via their phone number (using OTP codereceived onrequest for forgetting password). >> Readers’section: When auser opens a book from the in-app bookshelf, the appsimulates togive the user the feel of a real book. The pages willbe displayedin card view. Furthermore, this view will also displaythe pagenumber, a progress bar for the reader to track how farhe/she readthe book and an integrated go-to function with the barto go to anypage in the book. A user’s reading progress of eachindividual bookwill be saved each time he/she leaves the readers’section so thathe/she can continue from where he/she left off thelast time. Userscan set different reading configuration for eachbook. Like he/shecan set the font style, size and background colorfor each book.>> My favorites: Users can mark books as theirfavorite fromthe book details page. Then in the “My favorites”section from theleft drawer, they can check for their favoritebooks.
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