Santander Bank Polska S.A. Apps

Santander mobile 6.9.0
The Santander mobile application from Santander Bank PolskaS.A.offers easy and convenient access to Santander online services.Theapplication is for Polish clients and is available in PolishandEnglish. The application allows to: - check balance, detailsandhistory of accounts, cards and savings - make transfers betweenownaccounts, also foreign currency accounts - make transfers toanyaccount in PLN, also by using QR codes - make instantExpressElixir and BlueCash transfers - make ATM withdrawal withoutcardand payments in stationary or online shops using BLIK service-make contactless payments via mobile phone: --- requiresdevicerunning Android 4.4 (KitKat) or higher, NFC-enabled withHCEsupport (Tap&Pay) --- payments above 50 PLN require PIN totheordered VISA / Mastercard mobile card --- PIN must be setinSantander Internet, it is not set by default - pay to mobile -forSantander Bank Polska S.A. customers and customers of otherbanksparticipating in BLIK payments system - top-up mobile phone -useAdvisor online (Doradca online) feature - receivepushnotifications - apply for credit products (cash loan,overdraftlimit, overdraft limit increase) – for customers with acreditproducts offer prepared in advance - buy and sell currencyusingown accounts on the foreign currency exchange platform (eFX) -opendeposit - repay credit card debt - buy products and servicesusing„Mobile Shopping” service - buy travel insurance - findbranches,ATMs and PAYBACK partners nearby - change PIN and thelog-in method- check currency rates table - apply for personalaccount -maketransfer to Tax Office -make transfer to SocialInsurer - managecards: (activate, cancel, block, unblock, set up/change PIN,withdrawals abroad) - log-in by fingerprint and toperform manyother operations. In order to use all options availablein theSantander mobile application, it is required to register themobiledevice on which it is installed. NOTE: To ensure the maximumsafetyof the service, we recommend: - not to install theapplication fromunknown sources (outside Google Play) - installonly thoseapplications from Google Play which come from known andtrustedsuppliers - install and regularly update the antivirussoftware onyour device
Inwestor mobile 2.3.3
Inwestor mobile application provides an easy and convenientaccessto services of Santander Biuro Maklerskie. If you are aclient ofSantander Biuro Maklerskie with active access to Internetservices,use the application right now, without any formality.Otherwise,download the application and see the action in the DEMOversion.Application functionality is reflected in the main menu:1.Quotations: - Real-time quotes in the form of table, -Personalizedwatchlists and a single one synced with Inwestor onlinewebplatform, - Call the trade screen directly from a watchlist.2.Trades: - Placing, modifying and cancelling of orders, - Placeasimple order or with additional parameters, - Quotes, trades,chartor PAP messages directly on a new order screen, - SelectedATindicators, - Detailed view of orders and trades. 3. Portfolio:-Investment account balances, - Table view, - Call the tradescreendirectly from the portfolio. 4. Markets: - Top gainers andlosersalong with most traded instruments, - Session statistics. 5.News:- PAP & ESPI messages, - Setting up push or SMS alertssyncedwith Inwestor online web platform. 6. Settings: - Setting upadevice to receive push price alerts and for simplified log-inwithdefault login and PIN mobile or biometrics, - Changestandardpassword (for both Inwestor online and Inwestor mobile) orPINmobile code (for Inwestor mobile only). The applicationisavailable in Polish (for devices with Polish language) andEnglish(for devices with any other language). For more information,pleasevisit: Santander BiuroMaklerskie isa separate organizational unit of Santander BankPolska S.A.Santander Biuro Maklerskie informs that the investmentof funds infinancial instruments involves risks. Information aboutthe risksassociated with investing in financial instruments,products andservices provided by Santander Biuro Maklerskie, aswell asinformation about fees and commissions can be found website.
iBiznes24 mobile 1.23.0
The Santander Bank Polska S.A. iBiznes24 mobile applicationenableseasy, quick and convenient access to the iBiznes24 service.Theapplication is dedicated to business customers who usetheiBiznes24 internet service. Thanks to the mobileapplication,persons responsible for financial management ofbusinesses andcorporations can work in any place and at any time,without theneed to use the computer. Application features: • Quickview tochecking the last operation and balance on a selected,pre-definedaccount. • Option to change the context of work and towork withinone company. • Overview of balances, details and historyof currentaccounts, deposits and loans. • Customisation offavouriteaccounts. • Direct access to transaction details. • Accessto theoverview of transaction batches, quick approval and transferofbatches for execution. • Enhanced filtering ofselectedtransactions and transaction batches. • Checking currencyrates andconverting currencies. • Change of the password and loginmethod. •Direct contact with a dedicated Business Service CentreAdvisor andiBiznes24 Advisor • Access to maps with ATM/branchsearch option. •Overview of the Bank’s contact details. • The e-Fxmodule. Currencyexchange operations in SPOT, SPOT-1 mode. • Supportthe list of NIKon the login screen. • Option of generatingconfirmation oftransactions in PDF • Unified presentation of thework context •Ability to register and edit selected types oftransactions, basedon dictionary data • Possibility to accepttransactions. Theapplication is available in Polish and English.Access to alloptions available in iBiznes24 mobile is granted onlyafter theregistration of the phone on which the application isinstalled (Device Trust technology). NOTE: To maintain the highestlevel ofsecurity when using the service: • do not installapplications fromunknown sources (other than Google Play); •install onlyapplications from known and trusted providers; •install antivirussoftware on your device and update it on a regularbasis.
Santander OneApp Polska
This is a version of our mobile app.