SoftMava Apps

Jumping Frog 1
Very nice game try it out.
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Download audio, video, pdf, zip-archives, apkfiles and many others... in two ways:1. Using HTTP url (Download link)Download any file using HTTP URL2. Directly from web browserThis is the most useful and the most important feature of thisapplication.Application automatically detects download link from webbrowser.Just Three easy steps to download:1. For example you are browsing a website and you click onvideo.2. Web browser will show list of the applications. Select thisapplication from the list of the applications.3. Press download button. And it’s doneNot only video but all type of files can be downloaded by thisway.Even if you are not a regular user of this application, Youshould keep this application installed because this application canbe helpful to download any time while you are browsing anywebsite.This application works best with Google Chrome and MozillaFirefox web browsers.Some websites do not allow downloading. So this applicationcannot download from all the websites but this application candownload from most of the websites.This application does not download Videos from Youtube andDailymotion.