Stem4 Apps

Calm Harm 1.0.1
stem4 - CALM HARMWhy try it?Calm Harm provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge toself-harm. You can add your own tasks too and it’s completelyprivate and password protected.What does it do?The four categories of tasks target the main reasons for why peopleself-harm. Distract helps to combat the urge by learningself-control; Comfort helps to care rather than harm; Express getsthose feelings out in a different way and Release provides safealternatives to self-injury.Will it work?The app is developed for stem4 by Dr Krause, Consultant ClinicalPsychologist using ideas from an evidence based therapy called DBT.The focus is to help learn to identify and manage your ‘emotionalmind’ with positive impact. The app enables you to track yourprogress. Please note that the app is an aid in treatment but doesnot replace it.