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Life Steps 1.4.4
Everything you need to know about essential oils and otherproductsfrom Young Living, PLUS everything you want to know aboutsharingoils and building a thriving business. It literally couldn'tbeeasier. Resources at your fingertips, simple contact managementandmessaging, and tasks designed to help you care for yourteam.Consistency and connection are the key to growth! ResourcesWe'vecurated a tremendous library of resources that are easy tofind andeasy to share. Want to share a landing page with a friend?Easy!How about send an unboxing guide for a new member? No problem.Needan image to share on Instagram? It's in there, too. TasksTo-dolists can be helpful, but knowing what to put on that list canbe achallenge. So, we've taken business plans from top YoungLivingleaders and broken them down into tasks that you can do everydayto stay on top of things. You lead a full life and when youmaketime to work, you don't want to spend it figuring out what todo.Let successful YL leaders do it for you. One of the things wethinkyou'll love most is how we handle new prospects. Add a newfriendand we'll tell you exactly how to share oils with them injust afew easy steps. And when that friend becomes a member, we'lltellyou how to keep supporting them! Contacts & Messaging Weputeverything you need to know about the members you're supportingandprospects you're helping all in one place. We've made it easytoshare resources, promos, back in stock alerts, and more withthemwith just a few taps. Analytics Curious about how your businessisdoing? You'll have immediate access to data that matters andbeable to see how you're doing from month to month in key areaslikeNew Members Added This Month, Essential Rewards MembersEnrolled,and others. Download the Life Steps app today and putgrowth inyour pocket!